How to set segment summary email?

What is segment summary?

Segment summary email can be useful to get daily or weekly updates of the segments that you’re following. It contains a summary of segments (grouped to a website) with number of sessions and percentage change in a daily or weekly period (depending on the your configuration).

Segments notifications email - preview

How it works?

Everyday and every Monday (for a weekly notifications) at 5AM UTC we calculate the number of sessions in segments and send you an email with the summary. Depending on your settings, the number of sessions represent:

  • last day from 00:00 UTC to 23:59 UTC (for a daily notifications)
  • last Monday from 00:00 UTC to Sunday 23:59 UTC (for a weekly notifications)

How to add or remove segment?

You can add or remove segments in two different way:

  1. By clicking on the “Add to summary” button on sessions list:

    Add to summary - button

    Current selected segment will be added for a to segments summary email.

  2. By adding or removing a segment from a list of following segments in “Settings > Notifications”:

LiveSession App - Select segments

How to change frequency or turn off notifications?

To turn off notifications switch the button in “Settings > Notifications”:

LiveSession App - turn off segments summary

To change the frequency, select “daily” or “weekly” notifications.

Confirm the change by clicking “Save changes” button.

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