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\n Usability testing is a form of examining how users interact with a product. Users act as\n test subjects when they interact with it and complete tasks. Testing can be done on your\n website’s navigation, on an app’s user interface, and even on physical products.\n
\nDepending on the design, users will interact differently with various products.
\n\n When we say “usability” this also refers to the methods that can be used to improve\n ease-of-use in the design process.\n
\n\n After all, you want it to be as simple and easy as possible for users to interact and use\n your product.\n
\n\n Testing, from early in the product development to product release and beyond, can provide\n valuable insights and data to improve your current product, when possible, or to inspire\n future product iterations.\n
\n\n If you want to drill down the usability definition even further, these five quality\n components by{' '}\n \n Jakob Nielsen\n {' '}\n of Nielsen Norman Group can help:\n
\n\n Now that you know what usability testing is and how usability works, it’s time to learn why\n usability is so important in design.\n
\n\n There are a lot of usability tests that you can perform, including remote usability testing,\n explorative testing, assessment testing, and comparative testing.\n
\nBut what is usability testing good for and what benefits does it offer you?
\n\n User experience can enhance satisfaction, reduce customer service issues, and increase the\n longevity of product usage.\n
\nAnd if you’re thinking big businesses don’t test usability, you’re wrong.
\n\n Apple tweaked their Mac’s UI to improve user experience, and the result was{' '}\n \n 90% fewer support calls\n \n . Impressive, isn’t it?\n
\n\n Conversions are actions that you want users to take. Perhaps you want the user to purchase a\n pro version of your app – proper usability testing can increase the number of such actions\n
\n\n If you own a website, you may use conversions with your email marketing to improve the\n number of subscribers to your list.\n
\n\n Revenue keeps businesses afloat. Single usability issues can lead to massive revenue loss.{' '}\n \n A bank in Australia\n {' '}\n found one key issue in their app’s design that, when fixed, led to a potential 600% increase\n in revenue generation for mobile loan applications.\n
\n\n Source:{' '}\n \n NextApp\n \n
\n\n Happy users lead to referrals, long-term income, and success. Brands that continue usability\n testing show that they’re committed to their user experience. A company can gain\n the trust of their users by showing their dedication to their customer’s experience.\n
\n\n Big data is everywhere (your smartphone is likely collecting your data right now), and you\n can collect data during testing. When you conduct any type of usability testing, you’re\n gathering data on the user’s behavior and preferences.\n
\n\n We’ve talked a lot about{' '}\n \n usability testing\n \n , but it’s time to find out what the right testing for your business may be. The key types\n of testing are:\n
\n\n In-person and remote usability testing allow the creation of products that are robust,\n user-friendly and ready for market. Your product type and what you’re testing will dictate\n which form is best suited to your product.\n
\nYou wouldn’t evaluate an app’s interface the same way you would test a vacuum – right?
\nThat’s why a mix of testing methods are chosen when refining your product.
\n\n Remote usability alleviates the stress and anxiety users face when tests are conducted\n in-person. A lot of remote methods can be used to gather data, but the most common forms\n are:\n
\n\n Source: LiveSession\n
\n\n Explorative and comparative testing methods provide insights into how users utilize your\n product naturally and how it compares to the competition.\n
\nLet's take a deeper look into these forms of usability testing methods:
\n\n Exploratory testing removes influence on the evaluator, allowing for an on-the-fly\n evaluation to see how users interact with your product. Users may be asked to write down\n notes before the test, but the main goal is to explore your product freely.\n
\n\n Agile models rely heavily on explorative testing because each individual tester is given the\n freedom and responsibility of testing your product or interface naturally.\n
\n\n Comparative tests are used to compare your product against two or more products. When\n performed properly, the test allows you to better understand your product strengths and\n weaknesses versus your competitors.\n
\n\n You can further use comparative testing to generate new ideas, features, and functions for\n your product.\n
\n\n When you want to conduct a general usability test for your product,{' '}\n \n an assessment test\n {' '}\n is what you’ll want to perform. These tests often come after exploratory testing to\n determine how certain aspects of design impact usability.\n
\n\n During an assessment, the user is asked to complete specific tasks and may even speak aloud\n when performing them to give insights into their actions.\n
\n\n You’ll want to run an assessment test in the early and midway phase of product development.\n Tweak your product after testing to improve your design to cater to your audience.\n
\n\n Now that you know what usability testing is, how remote usability testing, in-person,\n comparative, and assessment testing work, it’s time to collect the data your company needs\n to improve your product! By collecting user data, you’ll be able to modify the user\n experience, enhance results, and improve your end-users’ satisfaction. This, in turn, will\n allow you to create a successful product that adds value and is enjoyable to its users.All\n that’s left to say? Good luck on your usability testing endeavours!\n
\nChapter 2
\n24 Usability Testing Questions You Need To Ask Your Audience