{"version":3,"sources":["webpack:///./src/pages/help/does-livesession-works-on-internal-servers.js"],"names":["related","link","title","description","frontmatter","metaTitle","metaDescription","canonical","Wrapped","HelpArticle","inline","section"],"mappings":"6FAAA,oGAkCMA,EAAU,CACd,CACEC,KAAM,kDACNC,MAAO,4CACPC,YAAa,uDAEf,CACEF,KAAM,sCACNC,MAAO,gCACPC,YAAa,8CAIJC,EAAc,CACzBC,UAAW,8DACXC,gBAAiB,8CACjBC,UAAW,qDAGPC,EAAUC,aAjDA,WACd,OACE,6BACE,iFACqD,wCADrD,mEAIA,kEACsC,iDADtC,6LAGiF,KAEjF,sUAIwB,wCAJxB,MAMA,mHACwF,IACtF,kBAAC,IAAD,CAAMC,QAAM,GAAZ,UAFF,yBAIA,6HAEU,SA2BD,4BACb,kBAACF,EAAD,eAASR,QAASA,EAASW,QAAQ,YAAYT,MAAOE,EAAYC,WAAeD","file":"component---src-pages-help-does-livesession-works-on-internal-servers-js-cf1ab5482e165164339f.js","sourcesContent":["import React from 'react';\nimport { HelpArticle } from 'components/help/helpArticle';\nimport Code from 'components/help/codeSnippet';\n\nconst Content = () => {\n return (\n

\n You can record sessions on a local server, such as localhost. There are, however,\n certain limitations you need to consider.\n


\n To work properly, LiveSession needs public access to the website’s\n resources, such as CSS, fonts, and images. The app uses these elements to create a backup\n and display the recording correctly, even when the original files are deleted.{' '}\n


\n Lack of access to these resources causes fallback. The LiveSession player will be trying to\n load the elements from the original source. The recording will be displayed correctly if\n you’re watching the session on a device with access to these resources (such as the computer\n you’ve used to record localhost).\n


\n What’s more, some minor functions won’t be displayed from a local server, such as the{' '}\n :hover state of the cursor.\n


\n To sum up, we suggest using LiveSession on a local server only for testing the tracking\n script.{' '}\n

\n );\n};\n\nconst related = [\n {\n link: '/help/how-to-check-if-my-tracking-script-works/',\n title: 'How to check if my tracking script works?',\n description: 'Check if your tracking code is installed correctly.',\n },\n {\n link: '/help/how-livesession-script-works/',\n title: 'How LiveSession script works?',\n description: 'Undarstand what our tracking code tracks.',\n },\n];\n\nexport const frontmatter = {\n metaTitle: 'Does LiveSession works on internal servers (eg. localhost)?',\n metaDescription: 'Learn how you can test your script locally.',\n canonical: '/help/does-livesession-works-on-internal-servers/',\n};\n\nconst Wrapped = HelpArticle(Content);\n\nexport default () => (\n \n);\n"],"sourceRoot":""}