




\n This Personal Data Processing Agreement (hereinafter referred to: the „\n \n Agreement\n \n \n ”) is concluded in order to supplement the SaaS Agreement as defined in the SaaS Agreement\n between LiveSession and Client (hereinafter referred to as: the „\n \n \n SaaS Agreement\n \n ”).\n


This Agreement is made and entered into by and between:


\n LiveSession \n as defined in the Terms and Conditions, (hereinafter referred to as: the{' '}\n „Processor”)\n




\n Client, as defined in the Terms and Conditions and in the Subscription Form\n (hereinafter referred to as: the „Controller”\n ),\n


\n The Controller and the Processor are hereinafter jointly referred to as the\n Parties and solely and the Party.{' '}\n





  1. \n The Parties are bound by a legal relationship resulting from the conclusion of the SaaS\n Agreement, and as part of its performance, the Controller entrusted the Processor with the\n processing of personal data to the extend specified in the herby Agreement;\n
  2. \n
  3. \n Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on\n the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on\n the free movement of such data, and repealing the Directive 95/46/EC (Official Journal of\n the European Union L 119, p. 1, hereinafter referred to as the “\n Regulation” or the “GDPR”) introduced new principles and\n obligations regarding the processing of personal data;\n
  4. \n
  5. \n for the purpose of this Agreement, the Parties agree to determine the conditions and\n principles under which the Processor performs personal data processing operations on\n behalf of the Controller while exercising the utmost diligence and at the same time\n striving to ensure that the agreed conditions and principles fully meet the requirements\n of the Regulation and the law generally applicable on the territory of the Republic of\n Poland;\n
  6. \n
  7. \n the Parties to this Agreement shall take all measures to ensure the high standard of\n security of the processing of personal data and undertake to cooperate fully with the\n supervisory authority within the performance of tasks by this authority;\n
  8. \n
  9. \n the Processor has implemented appropriate legal, technical and organizational measures to\n ensure that the processing of personal data meets the requirements of the Regulation and\n protects the rights of the persons whose data are processed;\n
  10. \n

the Parties agree to conclude this Agreement and determine the following:


\n §1\n

  1. \n In accordance with the conditions and principles arising from this Agreement and the SaaS\n Agreement, the Controller entrusts the Processor the processing of personal data\n (hereinafter referred to as: "\n data" or "personal data\n ").\n
  2. \n
  3. \n By the processing of personal data, the Parties understand in particular any operation or\n set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether\n or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring,\n storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by\n transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination,\n restriction, erasure or destruction.\n
  4. \n
  5. \n The purpose of this Agreement is to define the conditions and principles for the\n processing of personal data. At the same time, to the extend not specified in this\n Agreement, the Parties shall accept the conditions and principles for the processing of\n personal data resulting from the Regulation and other generally applicable legal acts.\n
  6. \n
  7. \n The Processor, taking into account the nature of the processing and the available\n information, assists the Controller to meet the obligations set out in articles 32-36 of\n the Regulation, guaranteeing at the same time the high level of security of processing of\n personal data. The Processor assists the Controller to meet the obligation to respond to\n the requests of the data subject in exercise of rights set out in Chapter III of the\n Regulation.\n
  8. \n

\n §2

  1. \n The nature and purpose of personal data processing results from the SaaS Agreement and the\n provisions of this Agreement. Having regard to the scope and content of the SaaS Agreement\n the Parties mutually agree:\n
    • \n the nature of the data processing results from the role of the Processor as Party\n providing non-exclusive SaaS (software as a service) license (right to use) according\n to the SaaS Agreement, therefore it is necessary for the Processor to have permanent\n access to all data necessary for the correct implementation of its tasks, or to data\n indicated by the Controller of personal data;\n
    • \n
    • \n the purpose of data processing is to ensure that providing non-exclusive SaaS\n (software as a service) license (right to use) by Processor complies with the\n Regulation.\n
    • \n
  2. \n
  3. \n The processing of personal data shall include, in particular, the following types of\n personal data:\n
    1. \n Ordinary data: kind of device used, IP address, ID number if any, email address, name,\n last name, contact details, geo-location, used language, online behavior and\n activities on a given website, including: clicks, mouse point moves, usage of\n particular sections of the website, searches, time spend on any activity, keystrokes,\n any visible text typed in forms (gaps) available at the website, information gathered\n throughout cookies being part of LiveSession SaaS tracking code\n
    2. \n
    \n and other data that turn out to be necessary due to the purpose and nature of the\n implementation of the SaaS Agreement.\n
  4. \n
  5. \n The processing of personal data concerns the following categories of persons: visitors and\n users of Processor’s websites to which LiveSession SaaS is applied.{' '}\n
  6. \n
  7. \n The processing of personal data shall take place in the manner necessary and proportionate\n to the purpose and nature of the processing of personal data resulting from the SaaS\n Agreement and specified in §2 sec. 1.\n
  8. \n

\n §3

  1. \n The Controller grants the general consent to the Processor to entrust specific data\n processing activities to other processors.\n \n (hereinafter referred to as: the\n Sub-Processor\n ”).{' '}\n
  2. \n
  3. \n Entrusting the processing of personal data by the Processor to the Sub-Processors\n requires, for its validity, the conclusion of a written (including electronic) agreement\n on the sub-entrusting the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as: the\n "Sub-entrusting agreement\n ").\n
  4. \n
  5. \n In accordance with Sub-entrusting agreement, the Processor obliges the Sub-Processor to\n act in accordance with the principles and conditions resulting from this Agreement. In\n particular, the Sub-Processor is obliged to process personal data taking into account the\n principles and obligations resulting from the Regulation, the generally applicable\n provisions of law and this Agreement having regard to the nature and purpose of the\n processing of personal data resulting from the SaaS Agreement.{' '}\n
  6. \n
  7. \n The Processor shall promptly, yet not later than within 30 business days, inform the\n Controller about any instances of sub-entrusting, changing, adding or replacing any\n Sub-Processor. The obligation to inform may be performed by an update of the list of\n Sub-Processors made available on the LiveSession’s website\n https://livesession.io/subprocessors to what the Controller explicitly consents. The\n Controller may, for justified reasons, file an observation to sub-processing, changing,\n adding or replacing any of the Sub-Processors. For an avoidance of any doubt, by\n consenting to this Agreement the Controller agrees to the following, but not limited to,\n Sub-Processors: Google Ireland Limited.\n
  8. \n
  9. \n In the case when the observation has been filed by the Controller, the Processor is not\n entitled to entrust data to the Sub-Processor covered by the observation, and if the\n observation concerns the current Sub-Processor, entrusting the processing of personal data\n to this Sub-Processor shall immediately be terminated.{' '}\n
  10. \n
  11. \n In the event of concluding further Sub-entrusting agreements, the Controller retains the\n right to be informed of every case of sub-entrusting and retains the right to file the\n observation.\n
  12. \n
  13. \n Providing information and filing observations shall be made by means of electronic\n communication to the e-mail addresses indicated in § 13 sec. 5.\n
  14. \n
  15. \n The Processor declares to know and adheres to the conditions and principles of using the\n services of another Processor (Sub-Processor).\n
  16. \n
  17. \n The Processor is responsible for the actions and omissions of the Sub-Processor as for his\n own actions and omissions. For the avoidance of doubt, full responsibility for ensuring\n compliance of the processing of personal data by the Sub-Processor with the SaaS\n Agreement, this Agreement, Regulation and other provisions of generally applicable law\n rests with the Processor.\n
  18. \n
  19. \n The Processor is not allowed to entrust the Sub-Processor with the processing of personal\n data to the full extent specified in this Agreement without the prior written consent of\n the Controller.\n
  20. \n

\n §4

  1. \n The Parties jointly agree that the personal data may be transferred to a country or\n international organization from outside of the European Economic Area, with the\n reservation of § 4 sec. 3.{' '}\n
  2. \n
  3. \n The Processor informs that it uses subcontractors, in particular Sub-Processors, who\n transfer data to natural or legal persons from countries or organizations from outside of\n the European Economic Area, with the reservation of § 4 sec. 3.{' '}\n
  4. \n
  5. \n The Processors may transfer the personal data, or may allow a Sub-Processor to transfer\n the personal data outside of the EEA, provided that requirements prescribed by the Article\n 45 or 46 or 49 of GDPR are fulfilled.\n
  6. \n
  7. \n If the obligation to transfer data outside of the European Economic Area is imposed on the\n Processor by the European Union law or the law of a Member State, in such a case before\n the processing begins, the Processor informs the Controller about this legal obligation,\n unless this law prohibits revealing such information due to important public interest.\n
  8. \n

\n §5

  1. \n The Processor processes personal data only in accordance with the documented orders and\n instructions of the Controller.\n
  2. \n
  3. \n The Processor shall obtain, from persons who have been authorized to process personal\n data, written declarations to keep confidentiality of all information and data about which\n they have learned directly or indirectly in conjunction with the processing of personal\n data.\n
  4. \n
  5. \n The Processor ensures the protection and security of personal data and takes the necessary\n measures to protect personal data referred to in art. 32 of the Regulation.\n
  6. \n
  7. \n The Processor undertakes to cooperate and assist the Controller in the implementation of\n the rights of the individual set out in Chapter III of the Regulation, in particular\n through the use of appropriate technical and organizational measures to comply with a\n request of the data subject in the exercise of rights set out in Chapter III of the\n Regulation.\n
  8. \n
  9. \n The Processor undertakes to cooperate and assist the Controller in the implementation of\n obligations arising out from the area of personal data protection, referred to in art. 32\n - 36 of the Regulation. The abovementioned area of personal data protection covers, in\n particular, protection of personal data, reporting violations to the supervisory\n authority, notifying people affected by data breach, assessment of consequences for the\n protection of personal data and prior consultation with the supervisory authority.\n
  10. \n
  11. \n The Processor undertakes to provide the Controller, upon every reasonable request, all\n pieces of information necessary to ensure the lawfulness of personal data processing,\n demonstrating the Controller"s compliance with the provisions of the Regulation and\n enables the Controller or the auditor authorized by the Controller to carry out audits and\n inspections of personal data processing.\n
  12. \n
  13. \n The Processor shall promptly inform the Controller if, in his opinion, orders or\n instructions issued to him violate the provisions of the Regulation, other provisions of\n the law of the European Union or law of the Member State regarding personal data\n protection. The Processor shall promptly inform the Controller about any doubts raised,\n under the pain of losing the right to assert claims against the Controller in this\n respect.\n
  14. \n
  15. \n The Processor cooperates with the appropriate authority for the protection of personal\n data in the scope of performing its tasks, as well as with other European Union bodies,\n national and local government authorities as the extent this cooperation is related to the\n protection and security of personal data.\n
  16. \n
  17. \n The processor undertakes to comply with the requirement to use the default privacy\n protection settings referred to in Article 25 sec. 1 of the Regulation and immediately\n informs about plans to change the way of the processing of personal data. Changes in the\n way of the processing of personal data shall not lower down the agreed level of security\n of the processing of personal data.\n
  18. \n
  19. \n The Processor agrees that access to personal data shall be limited only to one that is\n necessary for the proper performance of the Agreement and shall be available only to\n persons authorized and trained in the scope of provisions on the protection of personal\n data.\n
  20. \n
  21. \n The Processor undertakes to maintain a registry of activities related to the processing of\n personal data. At every request of the Controller, the Processor shall provide the\n registry of personal data processing activities, excluding information constituting\n business secrets of the Processor’s other clients.\n
  22. \n

\n §6


\n The Controller undertakes to cooperate and assist the Processor in order to correctly\n implement the provisions of this Agreement and the SaaS Agreement aiming at guaranteeing the\n high level of personal data security and full compliance of the actions taken in accordance\n with the Regulation and other generally applicable laws. The Controller cooperates and\n assists the Processor, in particular for the purpose of implementing the rights of the\n individual set out in Chapter III of the Regulation, and in order to fulfill the obligations\n arising from the area of personal data protection, referred to in art. 32 - 36 of the\n Regulation.\n


\n §7

  1. \n The Processor declares that he ensured the high level of security of personal data in view\n of the nature, scope, context and purposes of the processing of personal data.\n
  2. \n
  3. \n The Processor has carried out an analysis of the risk of the processing of personal data\n that has been entrusted to him (hereinafter referred to as the "\n Report\n "). The Processor implemented the appropriate technical and organizational measures\n corresponding to the risk resulting from the Report, taking into account the state of\n technical knowledge and reasonable costs of implementing safeguards.\n
  4. \n
  5. \n The Processor shall conduct analyzes of the processing of personal data at least once in\n the calendar year. Based on the Report and the resulting level of risk, the Processor\n shall take actions to ensure the high level of data security, taking into account the\n state of technical knowledge and reasonable costs of implementing safeguards.\n
  6. \n
  7. \n The Processor declares to:\n
    1. \n have analyzed the suitability of pseudonymization and encryption and applied these\n techniques insofar as they are needed to ensure the high level of protection of\n personal data;\n
    2. \n
    3. \n possess the ability to continually ensure the confidentiality, integrity, availability\n and resilience of data processing systems and services;\n
    4. \n
    5. \n possess the ability to quickly restore the availability of personal data and access to\n them in the event of a physical or technical incident;\n
    6. \n
    7. \n test regularly, measures and evaluates the effectiveness of technical and\n organizational measures to ensure the security of data processing.\n
    8. \n
  8. \n
  9. \n The Processor declares that he has taken steps to ensure that every natural person acting\n as the entity authorized by the Controller or Processor, who has access to personal data,\n processes them only at the Controller"s request through such organization of the\n system of operation that access to the data being processed is limited only for persons\n authorized and trained in the scope of provisions on the protection of personal data.\n
  10. \n
  11. \n On demand, the Processor provides the Controller with certificates, declarations as well\n as other documents confirming the high level of security of processing personal data and\n implementation of appropriate technical and organizational measures.\n
  12. \n

\n §8

  1. \n The Processor, after finding the breach of personal data protection, without unnecessary\n delay, yet not later than within 24 hours from finding the breach, notifies the Controller\n about the fact of the breach.\n
  2. \n
  3. \n The Processor is obliged to cooperate with the Controller, in particular to enable the\n Controller to participate in the explanatory activities and informs the Controller of\n their result. If the explanatory actions confirm the breach of personal data protection,\n the Processor immediately notifies the Controller about it, sending all necessary\n documentation. This documentation should at least:\n
    1. \n describe the nature of the personal data breach, including, where possible, the\n categories and approximate number of data subjects, and the categories and approximate\n number of entries of personal data affected by the breach,\n
    2. \n
    3. \n describe the nature of the personal data breach, including, where possible, the\n categories and approximate number of data subjects, and the categories and approximate\n number of entries of personal data affected by the breach;\n
    4. \n
    5. \n include the name and contact details of the data protection officer or the designation\n of another contact point from which more information shall be obtained;\n
    6. \n
    7. describe the possible consequences of the breach of personal data protection;
    8. \n
    9. \n describe measures taken or proposed by the processor to remedy an infringement of\n personal data protection, including, where appropriate, measures to minimize its\n potential adverse effects.\n
    10. \n
  4. \n
  5. \n The processor is obliged to act without undue delay, seeking for the Controller to report\n a breach of personal data protection authority to the supervisory body no later than\n within 72 hours after finding the breach.\n
  6. \n
  7. \n The Processor shall document any breaches on the protection of personal data, including\n the circumstances of personal data breach, its consequences and the remedial actions\n taken.\n
  8. \n

\n §9

  1. \n The Controller declares that he is authorized to process data to the extent that he\n entrusted processing to the Processor.\n
  2. \n
  3. \n The Controller declares that he has the knowledge, capabilities, resources and experience\n to correctly perform his obligations under this Agreement.\n
  4. \n
  5. \n The Processor declares that as part of his business activity he professionally deals with\n the processing of personal data covered by the Agreement and the SaaS Agreement,\n possessing the necessary knowledge, capabilities, resources and experience. In particular,\n the processor possesses the appropriate technical and organizational measures necessary\n for lawful processing of data, thus giving a guarantee of due performance of this\n Agreement.\n
  6. \n

\n §10

  1. \n The Processor is liable for damages caused by the processing of personal data when he has\n not fulfilled his obligations which the Regulation imposes directly on the Processor, or\n when he acted outside the lawful Controller"s instructions or contrary to these\n instructions.\n
  2. \n
  3. \n The Processor is responsible in particular for actions or omissions that violate the\n guarantee of the high level of data security.\n
  4. \n

\n §11

  1. \n The Parties mutually agree that the processing of personal data shall be carried out\n during the period of the SaaS Agreement and special period (hereinafter referred to as:\n the "Withdrawal period\n ").\n
  2. \n
  3. \n This Agreement has been concluded for the duration of the SaaS Agreement, with the\n reservation of the Withdrawal period.\n
  4. \n
  5. \n The Withdrawal period lasts for 30 days and is counted from the date of termination or\n expiration of the SaaS Agreement. The Parties may agree to change the Withdrawal period.\n
  6. \n
  7. \n At the moment of termination or expiration of the SaaS Agreement, the Processor is obliged\n to:\n
    1. refrain from further data processing, unless it is necessary to delete data;
    2. \n
    3. \n delete data and prepare and submit to the Controller a written report of deletion of\n data specifying the date and method of deletion of data;\n
    4. \n
    5. \n delete of all existing copies of personal data, unless the European Union law or\n generally applicable law requires storage of personal data;\n
    6. \n
  8. \n

\n §12


\n If the provisions of this Agreement are either invalid or ineffective, or the Agreement\n contains a loophole, it shall not affect the validity and effectiveness of the remaining\n provisions of the Agreement. Instead of invalid or ineffective provisions, or to fill the\n loophole, the appropriate regulation will be binding, which – as long as is legally\n admissible – would be as close as possible to what the Parties have agreed upon or what the\n Parties agreed upon if they would conclude such a provision, under the condition that, the\n entire Agreement without invalid or ineffective provisions preserves reasonable content.\n


\n §13

  1. \n In matters not covered by this Agreement provisions of the Regulation and SaaS Agreement\n shall apply as well as the provisions of generally applicable law on the territory of the\n Republic of Poland.\n
  2. \n
  3. \n In the event of a crash between the provisions of this Agreement and the provisions of the\n SaaS Agreement, the provisions of this Agreement shall prevail to the extent to which they\n regulate the relationship of entrusting the processing of personal data between the\n Controller and the Processor.{' '}\n
  4. \n
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