{"version":3,"sources":["webpack:///./src/img/blog/customer-service.jpg","webpack:///./src/pages/blog/the-importance-of-customer-service.js"],"names":["module","exports","Container","styled","div","Wrapped","BlogArticle","href","rel","target","frontmatter","title","url","description","author","img","cover","date","category","imgStyle","borderBottom","group","imgSocial","process","descriptionSocial"],"mappings":"kFAAAA,EAAOC,QAAU,IAA0B,gE,kCCA3C,qIASMC,EATN,UASkBC,EAAOC,IAAV,mGAAGD,CAAH,iIAuNTE,EAAUC,aAvMA,WACd,OACE,kBAACJ,EAAD,KACE,0WAMA,6BACA,mDACA,kkBASA,6BAEA,sDACA,qwCAgBA,6BAEA,oFACA,o7BAaA,6BAEA,kFACA,qDAEA,oFACA,4BACE,kMAIA,oJAIA,uHAGA,uJAIA,sGACA,yKAIA,yKAEkD,IAChD,uBACEK,KAAK,sDACLC,IAAI,+BACJC,OAAO,UAHT,2BAMK,IATP,oEAaF,6BACA,4CACA,qSAKA,6BACA,0CACA,8gBAMoD,IAClD,kBAAC,IAAD,CAAMD,IAAI,+BAA+BC,OAAO,SAASF,KAAK,wBAA9D,gBAEQ,IATV,qPAcA,6BACA,0DACA,oeAMY,IACV,kBAAC,IAAD,CACEC,IAAI,WACJC,OAAO,SACPF,KAAK,2EAHP,eAMQ,IAbV,mRAmBA,6BACA,0CACA,oVAI2C,KAE3C,2BACE,kBAAC,IAAD,CAAMC,IAAI,oBAAoBC,OAAO,SAASF,KAAK,2BAAnD,eAEQ,IAHV,sUASA,6BACA,0EACA,wMAEyF,IACvF,kBAAC,IAAD,CAAMC,IAAI,oBAAoBC,OAAO,SAASF,KAAK,0BAAnD,cAEQ,IALV,uIAO8C,IAC5C,kBAAC,IAAD,CAAMC,IAAI,oBAAoBC,OAAO,SAASF,KAAK,wBAAnD,aAEQ,IAVV,gRAgBA,gDACA,4BACE,yHAGA,oJAIA,mIAKF,8aAaOG,EAAc,CACzBC,MAAO,qCACPC,IAAK,2CACLC,YAAY,qHAEZC,WACAC,IAAKC,IACLC,KAAM,aACNC,SAAU,SACVC,SAAU,CAAEC,aAAc,+BAC1BC,MAAO,YAGM,4BACb,kBAAChB,EAAD,CACEM,MAAOD,EAAYC,MACnBO,SAAUR,EAAYQ,SACtBL,YAAaH,EAAYG,YACzBI,KAAMP,EAAYO,KAClBH,OAAQJ,EAAYI,OACpBF,IAAKF,EAAYE,IACjBS,MAAOX,EAAYW,MACnBC,UAAWC,wBAA0Bb,EAAYK,IACjDS,kBAAkB,+UAClBT,IAAKL,EAAYK","file":"component---src-pages-blog-the-importance-of-customer-service-js-97340d613526cde94c65.js","sourcesContent":["module.exports = __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/customer-service-be294b847f60c0ea43c528b1de483e27.jpg\";","import React from 'react';\n\nimport BlogArticle from 'components/blog/blogArticle';\nimport { authorKamil as author } from 'data/authors';\nimport Link from 'components/ui/link';\n\nimport cover from 'img/blog/customer-service.jpg';\nimport styled from 'styled-components';\n\nconst Container = styled.div`\n h3,\n h2 {\n font-weight: 700;\n letter-spacing: 0.01em;\n margin: 2em 0 0.8em;\n line-height: 2rem;\n }\n h3 {\n font-size: 1.1rem;\n }\n h2 {\n font-size: 1.5rem;\n }\n`;\n\nconst Content = () => {\n return (\n \n

\n The number of ideas and possibilities to boost e-commerce sales might be overwhelming.\n Sometimes it’s hard to choose the best solution to stand out because you never know if your\n strategy will work. There are many factors that should be taken into consideration, but\n customer service is one that everyone should never forget about.\n


Look at the numbers


\n More than half of consumers claim they have higher expectations for customer service than\n they had last year – Microsoft data says (The Microsoft 2017 State of Global Customer\n Service). The survey shows that 96% of respondents see customer service as something that\n has an impact on their choices. 76% of respondents wish they could see their full history of\n shopping, data, and the level of overall satisfaction. What is the conclusion so far?\n Customer service is highly important these days. A brand should realise that fact as soon as\n possible.\n


What’s most important?


\n It may seem that customer service is the main goal now, not only for the e-commerce market.\n However, there are some challenges that need to be faced while mastering your CS like a lack\n of physical interaction with clients and difficulty in building relations. What really\n matters is the offer, assortment, the team, the decor, and the atmosphere in the place. Take\n care of your customer experience, user interface, and content – they are your key to\n success. Everyone has the greatest offer, but only a few provide excellent customer service\n that stands out and stays in the customers’ minds for a long time. If you want to build\n trust, you need to remember that it won’t happen in a heartbeat! Customer service can make\n your satisfied clients come back to your shop. But if your client service doesn’t work, they\n will never come back. What’s more, they won’t leave you any feedback and spread the word\n about it to their family and friends. Sounds tough, doesn’t it? Recommendations and social\n proof are crucial when it comes to boosting sales in e-commerce. Again, it takes time to get\n satisfying feedback, but it’s worth it. Try with personalised messages to make it happen\n much faster. Discounts offered in return for a recommendation might work, too!\n


Customer service is what you keep in mind for years


\n While a few years ago buying something online was caused only by seeing products offline\n with a higher price, the game has changed now. These days, online shopping is more like a\n solution to many problems people face every day. It’s simple – you get inspired scrolling\n social media, or you see something on a website you’re on, then you buy it a few seconds\n after that. It’s called a „shopping impulse”. Time is not the only aspect that has changed\n lately. So has free delivery or return. It was something new, and it had a „wow” factor a\n few years ago. Now it’s just another service we take for granted. If it’s not available,\n people will likely give up and close a tab with your shop. Right moves, quick responses, and\n flexible availability are what you should focus on if you want to take your customer service\n on the next level. One mistake and other shop’s customer service will satisfy your\n ex-potential client.\n


Six steps to the best possible customer experience


How to make it better?


Check the list down below and improve your efforts:

\n \n

Tips & tools


\n You may have the best customer service crew, but it’s more than likely that you’ll face some\n challenges when working with people – your clients. The most crucial thing for you is to\n know how to deal with them, and that is why we have some dos and don’ts for you:\n


Keep calm…


\n …and make sure your clients are calm as well. To do that you need to have access to a\n complex database of information about them and their interactions with your business. Not\n only will you save your time and efforts, but also you’ll make your clients satisfied as\n they won’t have to repeat themselves again,] and again. It’s truly important, especially\n when emotions run really high. You may think you can do it on your own, but it’s even better\n to use some tools that can optimise your efforts.{' '}\n \n CloudTalk.io\n {' '}\n is one of the best tools for call centers. It provides personalisation what ensures an\n individual approach. What’s more, CloudTalk supports external e-commerce systems and social\n platforms, so that you can get a full overview of needed data.\n


Follow your clients’ steps


\n Your goal is to make relations with your clients. How could you do that if you wouldn’t be\n where your customers are? It may costs you a lot of time and effort, but it’s truly\n important. If someone wants to make a complaint on Instagram, they want to talk to you on\n Instagram, not Facebook or LinkedIn. Once you want to redirect them between platforms, you\n may never see them at your shop again. If you’re curious how people act on your website,\n check out{' '}\n \n LiveSession\n {' '}\n tool as it analyses customers’ behavior and helps you to understand their digital\n experience. Have you ever wondered what makes your clients frustrated? Now it’s possible to\n get to know about it! Big picture insights will show you a summary of specific segments of\n users.\n


Be helpful


\n As we’ve said it before – recommendations are something you could die for in e-commerce.\n Many salespeople think that it’s too expensive and see no potential in covering their sites\n in content that actually could help customers find the answers to their questions. To be\n honest, it’s not that scary, not at all!{' '}\n


\n \n UseResponse\n {' '}\n helps in building a help center, customer feedback platform, and provides a knowledge base\n for self-service support. Your potential customers will thank you for publishing that native\n content. However, this kind of tool should never replace customer support completely. It\n just minimises requests, tickets, and complaints.\n


Do not forget about internal communication


\n If you want to maintain and develop a successful customer service team, you need to\n implement a well-organised internal communication system.That’s why the tools are for!{' '}\n \n Stackfield\n {' '}\n will help you to manage files, exchange messages, and delegate tasks. Think about CRM as\n it’s not an option, it’s a must. Here comes{' '}\n \n Livespace\n {' '}\n – a tool that makes sales management more effective and predicts better forecasts. It helps\n you measure your results and view statistics of your operations. Their inbuilt sales process\n increases the probability of winning deals and getting sales. Totally worth trying!\n


Important facts:

\n \n

\n In the past, the only thing that mattered was the price. Now it’s all about the emotions. A\n reasonable price and „buy now” button are not the only things that people need now. How will\n you know your customer service is good enough? Look at your brand and see undeniable\n benefits such as higher sales, higher client retention, a high-level of loyalty, and trust,\n better recognition and many more…\n

\n );\n};\n\nconst Wrapped = BlogArticle(Content);\n\nexport const frontmatter = {\n title: 'The importance of customer service',\n url: '/blog/the-importance-of-customer-service',\n description: `Sometimes it’s hard to choose the best solution to\n stand out because you never know if your strategy will work.`,\n author,\n img: cover,\n date: '2019-06-03',\n category: 'growth',\n imgStyle: { borderBottom: '1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.125)' },\n group: 'Articles',\n};\n\nexport default () => (\n \n);\n"],"sourceRoot":""}