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\n Every part of marketing is tightly dependent upon how engaged the target audience is. In\n every marketing avenue, there is no such thing as “user depreciation”. More so in digital\n marketing. Digital Marketing may seem like a completely different beast when it comes to\n comparing it to usual market practices since most of the methods of digital marketing can\n not be respectively applied to other marketing departments and vice versa.\n


Digital Marketing and Why It Is So Important


\n The most marked element of digital marketing is engagement and user facilitation. It is more\n important for marketers that find themselves in digital entourage to consistently and\n constantly overhaul and revamp their strategy to properly tune it to a never-ending change\n of pace and setting of a digital image. Therefore, many digital marketers find themselves in\n a hamster wheel of perpetual need to cater to their whimsical “digital audience”.\n


\n Although, all in all, it’s not a bad thing. Since making revisions and amendments, fiddling\n with different strategies, and honing already established approaches is what defines a\n healthy marketing strategy from the stale and crusty rind of an unsuccessful marketing\n breadwinning.\n


Now, let’s take a deeper dive into what digital marketing is bringing to the table.

\n \n

\n Today we can see with our own eyes how marketing starts to rapidly mold into only digital\n output. Many companies become increasingly reluctant to do any unnecessary marketing move\n and, instead, recourse most of their “power” into digital marketing.{' '}\n


UX As A Way To A Successful Business Conduct


\n {' '}\n We have examined the most apparent reasons why digital marketing is poised in a domineering\n state today. From this, we can also extract the briefly mentioned earlier fact of digital\n marketing strategies having a quite different approach than your standard schemes and\n strategies.{' '}\n


\n In order to succeed in digital marketing, there is no other way but to ensure the most\n eye-catching UX design experience. In digital marketing, the value of cleverly put together\n UX is even more so important than in standard marketing practices. Why so?{' '}\n


\n First, let’s take a brief overview of{' '}\n \n what UX is\n \n . In simple terms, UX is the experience that users get out of the actual or anticipated use\n of the product, service, or system. It’s the feeling the user is subjected to when the given\n product is presented before his or her eyes.\n


\n Let’s consider a Starbucks app here. The company has implemented smart personalization based\n on users’ order history. Users do not have to scroll through the whole menu every time to\n order a regular cappuccino with skimmed milk. Such a feature is handy, user-oriented, and\n makes a great addition to a good user experience.{' '}\n


\n There is a tendency to mix up two similar but different terms:{' '}\n \n usability\n {' '}\n and{' '}\n \n user experience\n \n . The usability is strictly focused on the functional capacity of a given item or its\n practical use. UX encompasses a far broader spectrum of user’s impressions of the product or\n service.\n


What Makes UX So Crucial In The Eyes Of Digital Marketers?

\n \n

So, why should UX be the top priority for digital marketers to consider?

\n \n

\n On the internet, people are far more likely to click on the ad that has checked all of the\n boxes of clever and appropriate UX design. Thanks to Peter Morville, we know exactly what\n factors influence UX design.\n

\n \n

\n These 4 points of proper UX have been widely adhered to because they represent the\n essentials of how users perceive and interact with the service or product. It shows what UX\n designers should be aiming at creating an easily digestible and free-flowing experience for\n their user base. The crux of UX is to facilitate the most understandable, intuitive, and\n simple navigation and interaction. This of course applies to the product itself, but also to\n any administration areas like\n \n {' '}\n user management and signup flows\n {' '}\n or settings where the importance of UX can sometimes be overlooked.\n


UX Is Very Unlikely To Falter Any Time Soon


\n {' '}\n More and more companies have been keeping UX at a much closer distance than ever before.\n They realized the importance of user experience and the overall impact qualitative UX design\n has on the end success of the product or service. It does mean, however, that users are\n becoming increasingly fastidious and picky when it comes to practicality and ease of use.\n Which, in turn, puts a considerable strain on everyone involved in UX designing.{' '}\n


\n With digital marketing seeing such an upsurge in the last decade, it doesn’t seem plausible\n that UX is disappearing any time soon from the radar. “It is reasonable to assume UX to be\n an alternative to physical and tad bit obsolete CX (customer experience). Unlike CX, UX\n requires immediate attention and reaction from the user. In UX it is mostly about the first\n impression that strikes home. And it is certainly harder to adapt to the caprices of\n incessantly changing trends and demands,” mentioned Ben Grant, Head of Data Research and\n Content Marketing at{' '}\n \n LinksManagement\n \n .\n


\n The UX is, no matter what, a great professional career to pursue as a digital marketer. It\n can be an invariably important complementary tool that deepens a marketer’s understanding of\n his/her user base. Especially today, picking up the{' '}\n \n basics\n {' '}\n of UX and UX design should not pose much of a problem as the abundance of resources is\n exuberant. So, don’t hesitate to dive into UX and expand your marketing horizons because UX\n is bathing in the spotlight right now!\n

\n );\n};\n\nconst Wrapped = BlogArticle(Content);\n\nexport const frontmatter = {\n title: '8 Reasons Why UX Should Be a Priority for Digital Marketers',\n url: '/blog/reasons-why-ux-should-be-a-priority-for-digital-marketers/',\n description: `The experience that your brand creates is crucial for building long-term relationships with customers. We found 8 reasons to back this hypothesis up.`,\n author,\n img,\n imgSocial: img,\n date: '2020-10-30',\n category: '',\n group: 'Analytics',\n timeToRead: 10,\n};\n\nexport default () => (\n \n);\n","module.exports = \"\"","module.exports = \"\"","module.exports = __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/uxanddigitalexperience-a26b4a6b272a3c82db75ec17ac619f0c.png\";","import styled from 'styled-components';\nimport { media } from 'theme/breakpoints';\nimport quote from 'img/ui/quote.svg';\nimport arrowIcon from 'img/ui/arrow_black.svg';\n\nexport const Post = styled.div`\n h3,\n h2 {\n font-weight: 700;\n letter-spacing: 0.01em;\n margin: 2em 0 0.8em;\n }\n h3 {\n font-size: 1.1rem;\n line-height: 1.8rem;\n }\n h2 {\n font-size: 1.5rem;\n line-height: 2rem;\n }\n h4 {\n color: rgb(119, 119, 119);\n font-weight: 700;\n font-size: 1rem;\n }\n a {\n display: inline;\n font-size: 20px;\n }\n p {\n margin-bottom: 1.25rem;\n line-height: 1.8;\n font-size: 20px;\n }\n img {\n max-width: 100%;\n 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