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Looking for SaaS optimization solutions that actually bring results?


\n Session recording tools bring a lot to the table. They provide an excellent\n opportunity to:\n

\n \n

\n We know that session replays may seem overwhelming at first. You’ve got plenty of{' '}\n \n qualitative data\n {' '}\n to process. If you were to watch all the recordings, one after the other, you’d probably\n need some extra hours in the day.\n


Luckily, analyzing session recordings can be more effective than that!


\n In this article, we’re going to show you how to use session recordings to grow your SaaS\n business. We’ll go through some of the tools, tips, and tricks you’re sure to find useful.\n Last but not least, we’re also featuring a real-life SaaS success story!\n


Ready to get the most out of your SaaS with the help of session replays? Let’s dive in!

\n\n \n Try a new session recording tool and see what's in it for your Saas! Test LiveSession\n for free.\n \n\n \n\n

Find bugs quicker


\n We’ve already mentioned this advantage in the introduction. There’s a couple of different\n ways session replays can help you find bugs on your website and in your SaaS product:\n


Qualitative insights


\n As soon as you start watching session recordings, you’ll soon realize they’re a goldmine of\n information. Even when we watch recordings of our website, we’re often surprised by user\n behavior we couldn’t predict.\n


\n Session replays can help you find the mismatch between your{' '}\n \n mental models\n {' '}\n and the mental models of your users. You and the users might have very different ideas about\n how things work. For example, we often find out that visitors consider some features to be\n clickable while they’re not.\n


\n Automatic detection – rage clicks and error clicks\n

\n \"LiveSession\n

\n Aside from observations only, LiveSession detects two types of potential issues\n automatically. They’re called{' '}\n \n rage clicks and error clicks\n \n :\n

\n \n

\n Thanks to dedicated filters, these errors are really easy to browse. See\n how it works:\n


Use session recording filters and custom segments


\n You can apply a wide variety of session recording filters to narrow down\n your search results and find the most interesting session recordings faster.\n


\n Different combinations of filters can be saved as custom segments to\n analyze later. You can also share these segments with your teammates and discuss your\n findings with them.\n



\n\n \"Filters\"\n\n

\n LiveSession offers an extensive choice of session recording filters. You can filter\n recordings based on location, duration, system properties, and much, much more! If you’d\n like to dig deeper, we recommend our{' '}\n \n article about user segmentation\n \n .\n


\n In this post, we’re going to focus on the ones that can be particularly useful for SaaS\n businesses:\n

\n \n\n \n Test the filters yourself! Try LiveSession for free, no credit card required.\n \n\n

\n Now that you know the most important filters, it’s time to move on to the next step:\n combining these into custom segments.\n


Custom segments for SaaS analytics


\n Need inspiration for your SaaS optimization strategy? Here are some of the custom segments\n we’re using ourselves:\n

\n \n

\n Now that we’ve mentioned A/B testing, it’s high time we moved on to the next step:\n LiveSession integrations.\n


Integrate with other SaaS tools

\n \n

\n LiveSession offers a wide array of integrations with other SaaS tools. You can browse all of\n them in our{' '}\n \n integrations marketplace\n {' '}\n – and we’re constantly adding new ones, too!\n


Here are some of the highlights when it comes to SaaS optimization and growth:

  • \n Google Optimize – You can easily set up an A/B test with the Google\n Optimize tool and analyze session recordings for different variants. Test variants appear\n as custom filters in LiveSession.\n
  • \n\n
  • \n Google Analytics, Heap, Segment, and Mixpanel – LiveSession recordings\n can appear as events in Google Analytics, Heap, Mixpanel and Segment. This way, you can\n analyze different kinds of data in one place.\n
  • \n\n
  • \n Sentry, Bugsnag, and Errorception – To top it all off, you can integrate\n LiveSession with the most popular bug tracking tools. This makes the workflow of your\n software developers much smoother! This way, it’s much easier to research the bug and find\n an optimal solution.{' '}\n
  • \n\n
  • \n Intercom, LiveChat, and other customer support tools – As you’re already\n aware, satisfying customer support is crucial for retention and, ultimately, growth. Your\n customer support agents can access LiveSession recordings straight from the conversation\n in LiveChat or Intercom. This way, they can provide relevant help faster.\n
  • \n

\n SaaS and session recordings success story: RocketLink\n


\n Working with session recordings can result in visible, quantifiable growth. You don’t have\n to take our word for it – have a look at these numbers and results from RocketLink:\n

  • \n Among other things, fixing discount code issues with LiveSession helped the company\n achieve a 110% increase in signups. Session recordings helped RocketLink\n find issues they wouldn’t spot otherwise.{' '}\n
  • \n\n
  • \n Reduced churn thanks to improved onboarding and discovered issues. These\n included users pasting an invalid format of the pixel ID and other bugs that couldn’t be\n reproduced otherwise. What’s more, they wouldn’t even discover many of the issues if not\n for LiveSession.{' '}\n
  • \n\n
  • \n Last but not least, RocketLink claims they’ve reached{' '}\n 40% more paid subscriptions thanks to improvements they’ve implemented\n with LiveSession.\n
  • \n

\n Sounds promising? Read more in our{' '}\n \n RocketLink case study\n {' '}\n and see how a SaaS company can succeed with the help of the right session recording tool.\n


\n We hope this article has been a source of inspiration for you! Now that you know how to grow\n your SaaS business with session recordings, why not try them yourself?\n

\n \n Sign up free\n \n
\n );\n};\n\nconst Wrapped = BlogArticle(Content);\n\nexport const frontmatter = {\n title: 'How to use Session Recordings to Grow Your SaaS',\n url: '/blog/how-to-use-session-recordings-to-grow-your-saas/',\n description: `Looking for an effective optimization platform for your SaaS? Read our guide to session recordings. `,\n author,\n img,\n imgSocial: img,\n date: '2020-07-29',\n category: '',\n group: 'Analytics',\n timeToRead: 7,\n};\n\nexport default () => (\n \n);\n","module.exports = __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/lsAppFilters-a7865fdd9cda997fab405bd98e72f18d.png\";","module.exports = \"\"","module.exports = \"\"","module.exports = __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/defaultCoverIntegrations-4ba919f937ae0f0a2755467e6df92172.png\";","import styled from 'styled-components';\nimport { media } from 'theme/breakpoints';\nimport quote from 'img/ui/quote.svg';\nimport arrowIcon from 'img/ui/arrow_black.svg';\n\nexport const Post = styled.div`\n h3,\n h2 {\n font-weight: 700;\n letter-spacing: 0.01em;\n margin: 2em 0 0.8em;\n }\n h3 {\n font-size: 1.1rem;\n line-height: 1.8rem;\n }\n h2 {\n font-size: 1.5rem;\n line-height: 2rem;\n }\n h4 {\n color: rgb(119, 119, 119);\n font-weight: 700;\n font-size: 1rem;\n }\n a {\n display: inline;\n font-size: 20px;\n }\n p 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