\n It’s not enough to have a website that gets ample traffic. Ultimately, you want your\n visitors to buy your products and keep coming back.\n
\n\nSo what can you do to get visitors to convert?
\n\n\n Getting more traffic might be your first thought. But if your website is poorly optimized or\n there are too many barriers to conversion, more traffic won’t do you any good.{' '}\n
\n\n\n This article will cover the top marketing strategies that you can implement to increase your\n conversions. Get these strategies right, and you can generate more sales with the same\n amount of traffic you already have.{' '}\n
\n\nLet’s get into it.
\n\n\n Even a short minute-long video can better explain a product and break down its features than\n a page with large blocks of text.\n
\n\n\n \n 69%\n {' '}\n of consumers indicated that they’d prefer to watch a short video to learn more about a\n product or service. 84% were convinced to purchase after watching a video.\n
\nHere are some types of videos you can add to pages:
\n\n The use of videos when setting up{' '}\n \n workflow automation\n {' '}\n will prove to be better for conversion rates. Videos can help to optimize your workflows to\n convert more leads by explaining your product or service in an engaging and understandable\n way.{' '}\n
\n\n Source:{' '}\n \n frevvo\n \n
\n\n\n Visitors on this page can watch the video to learn more about digitizing their forms and\n automating workflows. They can also see exactly how the software works.\n
\n\n\n Similarly, using videos on your pages can help visitors make a purchasing decision. Be sure\n to keep videos short and cover your value proposition.{' '}\n
\n\n\n Live chat offers a convenient option for visitors to get in touch with your business as they\n browse the site. Instead of having to pick up the phone or wait for a response via email,\n visitors can chat in real-time with a customer service rep.\n
\n\n\n One study found that{' '}\n \n 46%\n {' '}\n of consumers prefer live chat over other communication channels like email and social media.\n
\n\n Source:{' '}\n \n SuperOffice\n \n
\n\n\n Visitors are less likely to convert if they have questions that go unanswered. Adding live\n chat to your site can help you avoid losing potential sales. Sales agents can then interact\n with visitors and remove any objections they might have on the spot.\n
\n\n\n Another benefit of live chat is that it allows your sales agents to manage multiple\n conversations simultaneously — something they can’t do on the phone.\n
\n\n\n Live chat is a valuable tool that can drive more sales. But keep response times to a\n minimum, as visitors who are left waiting will simply give up and move on.{' '}\n
\n\n\n If you’re handling many requests, take a proactive approach and use a welcome message to let\n visitors know when they can expect to connect with someone.\n
\n\n Another way to drive more traffic to your site and increase conversions is through content\n curation — collecting useful content and sharing it with your audience.{' '}\n
\n\n\n Moz offers one of the best{' '}\n \n content curation examples\n {' '}\n with its Moz Top 10 — a newsletter that contains a list of the 10 most valuable articles on\n SEO and online marketing.{' '}\n
\nHere are a few ways you can incorporate content curation into your marketing:
\n\n The key here is that you’re not just aggregating random pieces of content. To incorporate\n this marketing strategy, you’ll need to find resources that are useful to your audience.\n
\n\nHere are some tips to getting started:
\n\n When done correctly, you can provide a valuable resource to readers and generate more\n conversations from the traffic you drive. But, of course, you shouldn’t rely only on content\n curation, as you also need to create and publish your own unique content.\n
\n“Friction” refers to anything that stops visitors from completing an action.
\n\n\n Have you ever abandoned a shopping cart because it didn’t offer a guest checkout option? Or\n closed a website because it wasn’t optimized for your device?\n
\n\n\n Those are examples of friction, and they’re conversion killers. They stop visitors from\n filling out your lead forms or buying products.\n
\n\n\n This is why you should remove as many distractions as possible on your landing pages. If\n your pages are difficult to navigate or filled with unnecessary gimmicks, visitors are\n likely to bounce.\n
\n\n\n Similarly, if you work with partners in your industry, make it as easy as possible for\n visitors to transfer over. For example, visitors that click on any of the listed{' '}\n \n credit repair companies\n {' '}\n on this website are automatically redirected to the registration page.\n
\n\n Source:{' '}\n \n SimplyMoneyLyfe\n \n
\n\n Connecting visitors to the right page eliminates the risk of losing conversions to\n navigation issues within the partner pages.\n
\n\n A goal for one of your landing pages might be to collect leads. That means you’ll need to\n design a form that asks visitors to fill out and submit their personal information.\n
\n\n\n But if your forms require too many fields, you’ll likely scare away your visitors and hurt\n your conversions. The reason is simple — online users don’t like to share more personal\n information than they need to. Most will bounce and check out a competing option instead.\n
\n\n\n Keep the number of form fields to a minimum and only ask for the information you need. To\n avoid overwhelming your visitors, you can also break up your forms into multiple sections.\n
\n\n\n For example, this page for finding{' '}\n \n PEO companies\n {' '}\n (Professional Employer Organizations) starts by asking visitors to enter just one piece of\n information before moving onto the next section.\n
\n\n The form also displays a progress bar, so visitors can see how far along they are. The\n company can collect lead data for customer profiling and build its email subscription list.{' '}\n
\n\n\n It also provides customers with recommendations for PEO companies based on their specific\n needs and location, making the user more likely to convert.{' '}\n
\n\n Ask anyone what they think of pop-ups, and you’ll likely get a negative response. But, even\n if you find them personally annoying, pop-ups remain an effective way to increase\n conversions.\n
\n\n\n Pop-ups typically include offers designed to get visitors to act right away. Perhaps the\n most common are those that feature discounts, like this one from Converse.\n
\n\n Source:{' '}\n \n Converse\n \n
\n\n\n Visitors can get 15% off their order and receive free shipping when they subscribe to\n Converse’s mailing list.{' '}\n
\nYou can also use pop-ups to promote:
\nHere are some tips to get started with pop-ups:
\n\n Finally, you’ll want to run A/B tests to understand what works and what doesn’t. This\n entails showing different variations of a pop-up to your visitors and comparing the results.{' '}\n
\n\n Just building a website and getting traffic isn’t enough. The hard part is turning visitors\n into customers — not an easy feat, especially in more competitive markets.\n
\n\n\n Implement the strategies outlined above to improve your conversion rates. These include\n adding videos to landing pages, setting up live chat on your website, and removing friction\n from the conversion process.\n