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We’re not as rational as we think.


\n The human brain is designed to make quick and effective decisions rather than stick to facts\n at all times.\n


\n Instead of acting rationally, we prefer to act fast. This may lead to better outcomes\n indeed, but it might also lead you astray. Cognitive biases can be both a\n blessing and a curse.\n


With this article, you’re going to learn

\n \n

Ready to find out how our brains work? Let’s dive in!

\n \n

What is a cognitive bias


\n Although cognitive biases are not an entirely new phenomenon, the term was{' '}\n \n first defined\n {' '}\n by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky in the 1970s. The two widely acclaimed scientists were\n researching people’s innumeracy. They found out that most subjects make decisions that are\n far from rational, especially when it comes to large numbers.\n


\n Instead of sticking to facts, people tend to use mental shortcuts to estimate the outcome.\n These shortcuts are known as heuristics, which help us solve problems\n quicker, but may also lead to errors in thinking, called cognitive biases.\n


\n According to{' '}\n \n Interaction Design Foundation\n \n , a cognitive biasis a systematic (non-random) way in which the context\n affects judgment and decision-making. In other words, it’s all about the{' '}\n framing of information. We focus on different aspects depending on the\n surroundings. Because of that, our reasoning is not fully rational. Tversky and Kahneman\n found out that if we frame the same information differently, it may lead to different\n outcomes.\n


\n Here’s a classic example of the framing bias in action:\n


\n \"Pricing\n


\n $290 may appear like a high price, yet it seems like a bargain when you know that the same\n product would normally cost $400. A \\$110 saving changes the perspective, doesn’t it?\n


\n \n See how the users interact with your website. Try LiveSession for free today.\n \n


\n This popular case is just the tip of the iceberg. It’s a proven and tested marketing trick\n to generate more sales, but there’s much more to cognitive biases that could matter to UX\n designers. Here’s why this kind of knowledge is sure to come in handy:\n


Why cognitive biases matter for UX designers


\n Before we dig deeper, it’s important to note that both the designers and the users are prone\n to cognitive biases. None of us are fully immune to heuristics and prejudices – and this is\n exactly why we should be aware of it. The same rules that affect how the users make\n decisions apply to UX designers.\n


\n As we’ve already mentioned above, we’re all prone to framing. The context,\n as well as our previous experiences, all affect design decisions. All these external factors\n make us focus on specific aspects of the issue – or ignore the other ones.\n


\n Kathryn Whitenton of the{' '}\n \n Nielsen Norman Group\n {' '}\n used a brilliant example to describe how this works for UX designers. Imagine that you’ve\n conducted a usability test with 20 users. The outcomes can be described in two different\n ways\n

\n \n

\n See the difference? The researchers from Nielsen Norman Group decided to test both versions\n in an online quiz. Here’s what happened: 39% of UX designers who saw the success rated voted\n for a redesign. In the case of respondents who saw the failure rate, 51% of them thought\n that the feature needs to be redesigned.\n


\n This shows how framing research results and statistics in a different manner may lead to\n significantly different design decisions. On the other hand, the{' '}\n framing bias can affect the users too. It’s mostly visible in the\n perception of the pricing, what is expensive, and what can be considered a bargain.\n


\n Below we’re going to describe how the most common cognitive biases apply to both the users\n and the UX designers.\n


Ready to learn more?


Common cognitive biases in UX design


\n We’ve used one of the most popular biases, the framing bias, as the main\n example. Here’s a couple of other cases that are worth keeping in mind:\n


Anchoring bias


\n \"Anchoring\n


\n The anchoring bias(also known as the anchoring principle)\n is about relying on a single aspect and ignoring the other ones involved. Because people use\n it to make decisions, it’s also a judgment heuristic, exactly like framing.\\ \\\n How it works for the user: Anchoring bias can be hugely helpful in\n understanding user interfaces. It’s the bright side of this phenomenon – the user can stick\n to one clue, and therefore, learn to use the application faster. This goes in line with the{' '}\n principle of least effort and Jakob’s law. We’re\n describing these two in our in-depth article about{' '}\n \n psychological principles in UX\n \n .\n


\n Suggested values are also a good example here. Most non-profit websites,\n such as{' '}\n \n GoFundMe\n \n , don’t charge a set fee for their services. Instead, they provide a suggestion:\n


\n \n


\n How it works for the UX researcher: Because of the{' '}\n \n primacy effect\n \n , the first piece of information we receive usually becomes the anchor. It’s good to keep\n that in mind for user testing. The respondents may prefer the first version\n they were introduced to simply because it was the first one, not because it was actually\n better. One of the ways to avoid this is through{' '}\n \n A/B testing\n \n – you can show different version to your users in a different order.\n


\n \"Try\n


Wording bias


\n \"wording\n


\n \n What is the best{' '}\n \n qualitative research method\n {' '}\n and why it’s session recording?\n \n


\n This is a classic (a little exaggerated, yes) example of the wording bias,\n which is also known as response bias. It occurs when the question itself\n influences the answer. How it works for the user: Imagine taking a survey,\n where the first question is: How difficult was it for you to use this feature? The\n question alone implies that using this particular feature is difficult, at least to\n some extent.\n


\n How it works for the UX researcher: The wording bias largely affects the\n validity of surveys. Here’s how different types of biased questions can affect research\n results:\n

\n \n

Sunk cost fallacy


\n \"Sun\n


\n Again, this is an example of how past decisions influence current choices.\n Sunk cost fallacy means that if we already invested a lot of resources in\n something, we’re going to keep investing more. It happens because we don’t want our efforts\n to go to waste. This is what makes us finish bad movies – we’re not likely to drop it if\n we’re already halfway through, right?\n


\n The sunk cost fallacy goes in line with another phenomenon called{' '}\n loss aversion, which states that our brains consider all losses as more\n severe than gains. What’s more,{' '}\n \n some studies suggest\n {' '}\n that losses are perceived as psychologically twice more important than gains! For instance,\n losing $100 hurts more than gaining 100$ satisfies.\n


Same rules apply to user experience design.


\n How it works for the user: The sunk cost bias is often a part of the user\n flow, especially when it comes to signing up for a service, or making a purchase. This\n mechanism can be triggered by different design tricks, such as:\n

\n \n

\n To use the service, you need to add money to your account first. But here’s the trick: you\n can’t add less than a certain amount (in this case, 20 PLN). This often means that you’re\n obliged to have more money in your account than you first needed. Because of that, you’re\n likely to use Revolut more often. What’s more, suggested top-up amounts right above the\n keyboard fulfil the same function. See the pattern?\n


\n How it works for the UX designer: You’ve probably already guessed it: we\n tend to stick to bad design because of the sunk cost fallacy. If you spent long hours\n working on a feature, you would want to stick to it even if it turns out to be a bad idea.\n One of the ways to avoid this is through{' '}\n \n agile development\n \n . Short sprints and iterations make it easier to apply changes along the way and avoid\n wasting resources.\n


Social desirability bias


\n \n


\n This one’s about our tendency to seem likeable and be accepted.{' '}\n Social desirability bias(also known as the{' '}\n friendliness bias) encourages the user to answer in a way they think is\n expected by the researcher.\n


\n How it works for the user: What’s interesting, the social desirability bias\n typically appears unconsciously. Most of the time, the respondents don’t realize that they\n respond in a kinder, more favorable manner. For instance, if you ask “How do you like the\n new dashboard?”, the user is likely to select a higher rating, just to make you feel better\n about it.\n


\n How it works for the UX researcher: Now that you know how social\n desirability bias works, you might be wondering how to prevent it from happening. This bias\n can be avoided through indirect questions. Instead of asking how the user\n feels about a feature, you can ask “How do you think an average user would interact with\n this feature?”. This way, they won’t feel the urge to appear as nice and friendly.\n


Key takeaways and cognitive biases reading list


\n The most important finding? We’re all prone to cognitive biases and the best we can do is to{' '}\n stay aware. Educating yourself about psychological principles that affect\n our minds is sure to pay off in the long run. It will help you understand user behavior, and\n it’s going to improve the quality of your work as a UX professional as well.\n


Here’s our suggested reading list, if you’d like to dig deeper:


\n \n Thinking, Fast and Slow\n {' '}\n by Daniel Kahneman\n


\n \n Biases and Heuristics\n {' '}\n by Henry Priest\n


\n \n Everyday Bias\n {' '}\n by Howard J. Ross\n


\n \n The Art of Thinking Clearly\n {' '}\n by Rolf Dobelli\n


We hope you found this inspiring. Happy learning!

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