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MtB,EAAUC,aAnCA,WACd,OACE,6BACE,4EACgD,gDADhD,KAGA,uBAAGM,UAAU,QAAb,wPAKA,uBAAGA,UAAU,aACX,kBAAC,IAAD,CAAYF,IAAK,CAAE2E,KAAMC,QAE3B,sGACA,4BACE,4BACE,gDADF,iLAG+B,KAE/B,4BACE,wCADF,sJAEiF,MAGnF,uBAAG1E,UAAU,QAAb,gKAEsE,IACpE,uBAAGL,KAAK,+BAAR,6BAQKW,EAAc,CACzBH,MAAO,eACPI,IAAK,sBACLC,YACE,yFACFC,WACAC,QACAE,KAAM,aACNC,SAAU,kBACVC,MAAO,WAGM,4BACb,kBAACrB,EAAD,CACEU,MAAOG,EAAYH,MACnBU,SAAUP,EAAYO,SACtBL,YAAaF,EAAYE,YACzBI,KAAMN,EAAYM,KAClBH,OAAQH,EAAYG,OACpBF,IAAKD,EAAYC,IACjBG,IAAKJ,EAAYI,IACjBI,MAAOR,EAAYQ,MACnBH,UAAWK,wBAA0BV,EAAYI,IACjDmC,kBAAmBvC,EAAYuC,mBAAqBvC,EAAYE,gB,qBCrEpES,EAAOC,QAAU,IAA0B,qD,qBCA3CD,EAAOC,QAAU,IAA0B,2D,qBCA3CD,EAAOC,QAAU,IAA0B,wD,qBCA3CD,EAAOC,QAAU,IAA0B,wD,qBCA3CD,EAAOC,QAAU,IAA0B,uD,qBCA3CD,EAAOC,QAAU,IAA0B,gE,qBCA3CD,EAAOC,QAAU,IAA0B,6E,qBCA3CD,EAAOC,QAAU,IAA0B,iE,qBCA3CD,EAAOC,QAAU,IAA0B,mD,qBCA3CD,EAAOC,QAAU,IAA0B,4D,qBCA3CD,EAAOC,QAAU,IAA0B,6D,qBCA3CD,EAAOC,QAAU,IAA0B,oE,qBCA3CD,EAAOC,QAAU,IAA0B,0D,kCCA3C,qIA0BMzB,EAAUC,aAlBA,WACd,OACE,6BACE,8OAKA,kBAAC,IAAD,CACEI,IAAKY,IACLT,IAAI,kBACJE,MAAM,+CAER,uBAAGH,UAAU,aAONM,EAAc,CACzBH,MAAO,kBACPI,IAAK,yBACLC,YAAa,gCACbC,WACAC,QACAE,KAAM,aACNC,SAAU,kBACVC,MAAO,WAGM,4BACb,kBAACrB,EAAD,CACEU,MAAOG,EAAYH,MACnBU,SAAUP,EAAYO,SACtBL,YAAaF,EAAYE,YACzBI,KAAMN,EAAYM,KAClBH,OAAQH,EAAYG,OACpBF,IAAKD,EAAYC,IACjBO,MAAOR,EAAYQ,U,kCC/CvB,gNAiSMrB,EAAUC,aAtRA,WACd,IAAMqJ,EAAarF,YAAgB,UACnC,OACE,kBAAC,IAAD,KACE,sNAIA,+RAKA,kbAOA,yWAMA,6DACA,4BACE,4BACE,+CADF,sWAQA,4BACE,uDADF,0OAIK,IACH,uBACE/D,KAAK,+CACLC,OAAO,SACPC,IAAI,gCAHN,mBALF,2IAawD,IACtD,uBAAGF,KAAK,2BAA2BC,OAAO,SAASC,IAAI,gCAAvD,eAdF,KAoBA,4BACE,8DADF,maAMkB,KAGlB,4BACE,oEADF,iSAOF,oEACA,oGACA,4BACE,4BACE,2BACE,+CADF,KACiC,IAC/B,uBACEF,KAAK,0CACLC,OAAO,SACPC,IAAI,uBAHN,uBAMK,IARP,qXAa6B,KAE7B,yBAAKC,IAAKC,IAAME,IAAI,wBAAwBE,MAAM,mCAGpD,4BACE,2BACE,gDADF,uXAOA,yBAAKL,IAAKM,IAAMH,IAAI,qBAAqBE,MAAM,QAC/C,qCACU,IACR,uBACER,KAAK,sDACLC,OAAO,SACPC,IAAI,gCAHN,mBAUN,4VAMA,+WAMA,mEACA,0PAKA,oDACA,ubAOA,8CACA,kRAG6D,iDAH7D,iIAKqC,mEALrC,4CAM8B,0CAN9B,MAQA,yBAAKC,IAAKO,IAAMJ,IAAI,wBAAwBE,MAAM,kBAClD,yCACA,+ZAOA,yFAC8D,IAC5D,uBACER,KAAK,mDACLC,OAAO,SACPC,IAAI,uBAHN,2BAFF,KAWA,yDACA,2XAMA,4CACA,yVAMA,uCACU,6DAEV,2BACE,sCAEF,oVAMA,yDACA,iGACsE,IACpE,uBACEF,KAAK,oDACLC,OAAO,SACPC,IAAI,uBAHN,sBAMK,IARP,yJAYA,2BACE,sEAAoD,IACpD,uBAAGF,KAAK,mBAAmBC,OAAO,SAASC,IAAI,gCAA/C,SAIF,uDACA,gOAKA,2BACE,oEACA,uBAAGF,KAAK,IAAIC,OAAO,SAASC,IAAI,uBAAhC,gBAIF,uBAAGG,UAAU,gBAAgBL,KAAMoJ,EAAWpF,KAAM/D,OAAO,SAASC,IAAI,uBAAxE,iEAGA,kDACA,uWAMA,2BACE,8EAA4D,IAC5D,uBACEF,KAAK,4CACLC,OAAO,SACPC,IAAI,gCAHN,aAQF,iDACA,2DACgC,IAC9B,uBACEF,KAAK,4CACLC,OAAO,SACPC,IAAI,gCAHN,mBAMK,IARP,mLAYA,2BACE,4CAA0B,IAC1B,uBAAGF,KAAK,8BAA8BC,OAAO,SAASC,IAAI,gCAA1D,eAIF,+DACA,+dAaOS,EAAc,CACzBH,MAAO,6CACPI,IAAK,oDACLC,YAAY,yNACZC,WACAC,QACAC,UAAWD,IACXE,KAAM,aACNC,SAAU,GACVC,MAAO,WACPC,WAAY,GAGC,4BACb,kBAACtB,EAAD,CACEU,MAAOG,EAAYH,MACnBU,SAAUP,EAAYO,SACtBL,YAAaF,EAAYE,YACzBI,KAAMN,EAAYM,KAClBH,OAAQH,EAAYG,OACpBF,IAAKD,EAAYC,IACjBG,IAAKJ,EAAYI,IACjBC,UAAWK,wBAA0BV,EAAYI,IACjDI,MAAOR,EAAYQ,MACnBC,WAAYT,EAAYS,e,qBC3T5BE,EAAOC,QAAU,IAA0B,qD,kCCA3C,8OAaMM,EAAYC,IAAOC,IAAV,iFAAGD,CAAH,+KAgVThC,EAAUC,aA3TA,WACd,OACE,kBAAC8B,EAAD,KACE,8OAGqC,IACnC,uBACE7B,KAAK,gEACLC,OAAO,SACPC,IAAI,uBAHN,kBAJF,uKAYiF,IAC/E,uBACEF,KAAK,wHACLC,OAAO,SACPC,IAAI,uBAHN,gBAMK,IAnBP,0IAuBA,iHACA,0FACA,4BACE,kFACA,gFACA,6EACA,kFAEF,2GACA,6BACA,4DACA,sCACA,yBACEC,IAAKO,IACLJ,IAAI,SACJD,UAAU,6CACVG,MAAM,mBACND,QAAQ,SAEV,mEACwC,IACtC,uBACEP,KAAK,8EACLC,OAAO,SACPC,IAAI,uBAHN,UAFF,KASI,4CATJ,0MAaA,0YAMA,qDACA,yBACEC,IAAKM,IACLH,IAAI,wBACJD,UAAU,6CACVG,MAAM,SACND,QAAQ,SAEV,+DAEA,uJAEuC,IACrC,uBACEP,KAAK,iEACLC,OAAO,SACPC,IAAI,uBAHN,kBAMK,IATP,0FAU0F,KAG1F,gWAI2D,iDAJ3D,wDAK6C,KAE7C,0HAC+F,IAC7F,uBACEF,KAAK,mEACLC,OAAO,SACPC,IAAI,uBAHN,8BAMK,IARP,wEAWA,yEAC8C,IAC5C,uBAAGF,KAAK,yCAAyCC,OAAO,SAASC,IAAI,uBAArE,aAFF,wDAKuD,mDALvD,oRAQwF,IACtF,+CATF,yIAYA,0CACA,yBACEC,IAAKC,IACLE,IAAI,aACJD,UAAU,6CACVG,MAAM,aACND,QAAQ,SAEV,2IAIA,2BACE,uBACEP,KAAK,4FACLC,OAAO,SACPC,IAAI,uBAHN,gBAMK,IAPP,iLASqF,IACnF,uBACEF,KAAK,iJACLC,OAAO,SACPC,IAAI,uBAHN,UAMK,IAhBP,yGAoBA,4HAIA,gEACoC,iDADpC,KAGA,kNAE2F,IACzF,uBACEF,KAAK,2EACLC,OAAO,SACPC,IAAI,uBAHN,gBAMK,IATP,gIAaA,wDACA,yBACEC,IAAK8D,IACL3D,IAAI,2BACJD,UAAU,6CACVG,MAAM,gBACND,QAAQ,SAEV,uIAIA,gdAOA,2KAEwD,IACtD,uBAAGP,KAAK,uCAAuCC,OAAO,SAASC,IAAI,uBAAnE,uBAHF,wCAQA,2DACA,yBACEC,IAAK4Q,IACLzQ,IAAI,aACJD,UAAU,6CACVG,MAAM,6BACND,QAAQ,SAEV,8CACA,wJAEwC,IACtC,uBAAGP,KAAK,0BAA0BC,OAAO,SAASC,IAAI,uBAAtD,eAEK,IALP,6JAOwE,2CAAoB,IAP5F,OAQM,0CARN,KAUA,4CACA,yIAEkB,0CAFlB,8MAMA,2CACA,2BACE,0CADF,ySAMA,6FACkE,IAChE,uBACEF,KAAK,iDACLC,OAAO,SACPC,IAAI,uBAHN,oDAFF,KAWA,4CACA,keAOA,yDACA,4DACA,8DACmC,IACjC,uBACEF,KAAK,mEACLC,OAAO,SACPC,IAAI,uBAHN,mBAMK,IARP,+CAYA,yKAEiD,IAC/C,uBACEF,KAAK,sDACLC,OAAO,SACPC,IAAI,uBAHN,YAMK,IATP,QAUQ,IACN,uBACEF,KAAK,6CACLC,OAAO,SACPC,IAAI,uBAHN,iBAMK,IAjBP,8JAqBA,4ZAOA,8EACA,oLAE6D,IAC3D,uBACEF,KAAK,4DACLC,OAAO,SACPC,IAAI,uBAHN,oBAHF,yHAaA,uCACA,mGACwE,IACtE,+DAFF,6MAI2D,SAQpDS,EAAc,CACzBH,MAAO,iCACPI,IAAK,yBACLC,YACE,gLACFC,WACAC,QACAC,UAAWD,IACXE,KAAM,aACNC,SAAU,GACV8B,SAAU,CAAEC,aAAc,+BAC1B9B,MAAO,YAGM,4BACb,kBAACrB,EAAD,CACEU,MAAOG,EAAYH,MACnBU,SAAUP,EAAYO,SACtBL,YAAaF,EAAYE,YACzBI,KAAMN,EAAYM,KAClBH,OAAQH,EAAYG,OACpBF,IAAKD,EAAYC,IACjBG,IAAKJ,EAAYI,IACjBC,UAAWK,wBAA0BV,EAAYI,IACjDI,MAAOR,EAAYQ,MACnB+B,kBAAkB,oL,qBCxXtB5B,EAAOC,QAAU,IAA0B,0E,qBCA3CD,EAAOC,QAAU,IAA0B,0D,uBCA3CD,EAAOC,QAAU,IAA0B,4D,qBCA3CD,EAAOC,QAAU,IAA0B,gE,qBCA3CD,EAAOC,QAAU,IAA0B,8D,kCCA3C,sKAUMM,EAAYC,IAAOC,IAAV,6FAAGD,CAAH,oJAiBT+C,EAAiB/C,IAAOC,IAAV,kGAAGD,CAAH,0JA0BdhC,EAAUC,aApBA,WACd,OACE,kBAAC8B,EAAD,KACE,yFAEA,uBAAGxB,UAAU,aACX,kBAACwE,EAAD,KACE,kBAAC,IAAD,CAAYxE,UAAU,eAAeF,IAAK,CAAE2E,KAAMC,SAItD,uBAAG1E,UAAU,QAAb,gKAEsE,IACpE,uBAAGL,KAAK,+BAAR,6BAQKW,EAAc,CACzBH,MAAO,+BACPI,IAAK,qCACLC,YAAa,2CACbC,WACAC,QACAE,KAAM,aACNC,SAAU,kBACVC,MAAO,WAGM,4BACb,kBAACrB,EAAD,CACEU,MAAOG,EAAYH,MACnBU,SAAUP,EAAYO,SACtBL,YAAaF,EAAYE,YACzBI,KAAMN,EAAYM,KAClBH,OAAQH,EAAYG,OACpBF,IAAKD,EAAYC,IACjBG,IAAKJ,EAAYI,IACjBI,MAAOR,EAAYQ,MACnBH,UAAWK,wBAA0BV,EAAYI,IACjDmC,kBAAmBvC,EAAYuC,mBAAqBvC,EAAYE,gB,qBC7EpES,EAAOC,QAAU,IAA0B,mD,qBCA3CD,EAAOC,QAAU,IAA0B,4D,qBCA3C,IAAIkI,EAAc,EAAQ,QACtBuH,EAAc,EAAQ,QACtBC,EAAW,EAAQ,QACnBC,EAAiB,EAAQ,QA+BzBhG,EAAS+F,GAAS,SAAS5G,EAAYC,GACzC,GAAkB,MAAdD,EACF,MAAO,GAET,IAAI3I,EAAS4I,EAAU5I,OAMvB,OALIA,EAAS,GAAKwP,EAAe7G,EAAYC,EAAU,GAAIA,EAAU,IACnEA,EAAY,GACH5I,EAAS,GAAKwP,EAAe5G,EAAU,GAAIA,EAAU,GAAIA,EAAU,MAC5EA,EAAY,CAACA,EAAU,KAElB0G,EAAY3G,EAAYZ,EAAYa,EAAW,GAAI,OAG5DhJ,EAAOC,QAAU2J,G,qBC/CjB5J,EAAOC,QAAU,IAA0B,qD,qBCA3CD,EAAOC,QAAU,IAA0B,qD,qBCA3CD,EAAOC,QAAU,IAA0B,4D,qBCA3CD,EAAOC,QAAU,IAA0B,wD,qBCA3C,IAAI4P,EAAW,EAAQ,QAwCvB7P,EAAOC,QA9BP,SAA0BK,EAAOoG,GAC/B,GAAIpG,IAAUoG,EAAO,CACnB,IAAIoJ,OAAyBvN,IAAVjC,EACfyP,EAAsB,OAAVzP,EACZ0P,EAAiB1P,GAAUA,EAC3B2P,EAAcJ,EAASvP,GAEvB4P,OAAyB3N,IAAVmE,EACfyJ,EAAsB,OAAVzJ,EACZ0J,EAAiB1J,GAAUA,EAC3B2J,EAAcR,EAASnJ,GAE3B,IAAMyJ,IAAcE,IAAgBJ,GAAe3P,EAAQoG,GACtDuJ,GAAeC,GAAgBE,IAAmBD,IAAcE,GAChEN,GAAaG,GAAgBE,IAC5BN,GAAgBM,IACjBJ,EACH,OAAO,EAET,IAAMD,IAAcE,IAAgBI,GAAe/P,EAAQoG,GACtD2J,GAAeP,GAAgBE,IAAmBD,IAAcE,GAChEE,GAAaL,GAAgBE,IAC5BE,GAAgBF,IACjBI,EACH,OAAQ,EAGZ,OAAO,I,qBCrCTpQ,EAAOC,QAAU,IAA0B,4D,kCCA3C,8OAyPMzB,EAAUC,aA9OA,WACd,OACE,kBAAC,IAAD,KACE,+WAIyE,KAEzE,41BAU4B,KAE5B,+LAE6E,KAE7E,4EACA,sTAIgB,KAEhB,4BACE,2NAKA,yNAKA,mMAIA,0OAGyB,KAEzB,4MAIA,+PAGmD,MAGrD,yBACEI,IAAKC,IACLE,IAAI,YACJD,UAAU,6CACVE,QAAQ,OACRC,MAAM,sBAER,0EACA,0YAKa,KAEb,iEACA,mHACA,4BACE,6GACA,qFAEF,6aAKuC,KAEvC,+HAEY,KAEZ,2BACE,kPAMF,yBACEL,IAAKM,IACLH,IAAI,sBACJD,UAAU,6CACVE,QAAQ,OACRC,MAAM,2CAER,+EACA,2BACG,IADH,wUAOA,gTAIW,KAEX,sDACA,oOAGqB,KAErB,yBACEL,IAAKO,IACLJ,IAAI,+CACJD,UAAU,6CACVE,QAAQ,OACRC,MAAM,iDAER,oFACA,4QAG8D,KAE9D,yBACEL,IAAK8D,IACL3D,IAAI,kBACJD,UAAU,6CACVE,QAAQ,OACRC,MAAM,qDAER,4EACA,2XAIqF,KAErF,kLAE0D,KAE1D,yEACA,iVAIyC,KAEzC,mDACA,yXAIiF,KAEjF,iEACA,4mBAOmD,KAEnD,4EACA,uSAKA,+DACA,yMAEmF,KAEnF,yBACEL,IAAK+D,IACL5D,IAAI,WACJD,UAAU,6CACVE,QAAQ,OACRC,MAAM,oCAER,sEACA,obAKyC,KAEzC,8DACA,qTAMA,oEACA,0dAKmF,KAEnF,2BACG,IADH,sjBAQ4B,SAQrBG,EAAc,CACzBH,MAAO,qEACP2I,UAAW,+CACXvI,IAAK,oDACLC,YAAY,yKACZC,WACAC,QACAC,UAAWD,IACXE,KAAM,aACNC,SAAU,GACVC,MAAO,SACPC,WAAY,GAGC,4BACb,kBAACtB,EAAD,CACEU,MAAOG,EAAYH,MACnB2I,UAAWxI,EAAYwI,UACvBjI,SAAUP,EAAYO,SACtBL,YAAaF,EAAYE,YACzBI,KAAMN,EAAYM,KAClBH,OAAQH,EAAYG,OACpBF,IAAKD,EAAYC,IACjBG,IAAKJ,EAAYI,IACjBC,UAAWK,wBAA0BV,EAAYI,IACjDI,MAAOR,EAAYQ,MACnBC,WAAYT,EAAYS,e,qBCrR5BE,EAAOC,QAAU,IAA0B,wD,qBCA3CD,EAAOC,QAAU,IAA0B","file":"0c87b27fd85412f9b89e44cb121bf5cda13421f8-35ef8069b12e8af5d83e.js","sourcesContent":["import React from 'react';\n\nimport BlogArticle from 'components/blog/blogArticle';\nimport { authorRevanth as author } from 'data/authors';\nimport img from 'img/blog/covers/remote-ux.png';\nimport img1 from 'img/blog/5-tips-best-ux/aha-moment.png';\nimport img2 from 'img/blog/5-tips-best-ux/workshop.png';\nimport img3 from 'img/blog/5-tips-best-ux/tools.png';\nimport { Post } from 'components/blog/content/styled';\n\nconst Content = () => {\n return (\n \n Living in the fast-changing world, the COVID-19 pandemic has added many changes in the\n business world. Many companies have shifted their focus to work from home (the new normal),\n which has its own merits and demerits.{' '}\n \n User Onboarding & training, providing the best end-user experience, ensuring user\n productivity are common challenges that many companies are facing right now. Remote working\n can be very effective if you can engage and provide an effective end-user experience.\n \n End-user experience is about the feelings and observations a user has while using your\n product. User Experience (UX) is all about how a user interacts with your product or\n application & what experiences they take. In other words, UX evolves from the end-users\n perceptions as they interact with your product to perform a specific task. Interesting\n research by{' '}\n \n forrester\n {' '}\n says that every{' '}\n \n 1 dollar invested in UX results in a return of 100 dollars\n \n .\n \n Things like How pleasing your product is, how the information is being delivered, how\n structured your user onboarding is, what kind of user engagement techniques you have and how\n easy to perform a task, all these will determine your end-user experience and engagement.\n Since the users are working remotely, companies must-have ideas to deliver the best UX.{' '}\n \n Following are the effective tips that you can follow to provide the best remote end-user\n experience:\n \n In remote work culture, building the end-user relationship is highly important. Bonding with\n End-user will increase trust and improve their engagement level which in-turn increases\n productivity. Since the team is geographically dispersed, it is important for companies to\n find innovative ways to stay engaged. The remote workforce mostly gets on a call to discuss\n tasks and projects but building relationship activities are often left behind.\n \n End-users often feel they are left alone. This affects your end-user experience and{' '}\n \n remote team productivity\n \n . Companies must bring-in some innovative ideas (especially HR’s, Managers, Team Leaders) to\n keep your remote team engaged and stay on track.\n \n What should be done?\n Few things that will ensure trust and relationship between you and remote user: \n Under your end-users capability and assign the tasks. Make sure your under-performing users\n get proper coaching to bring them back on track. Loads must be distributed equally, and the\n task owner must be accountable for the completion of his/her tasks.\n \n Transparency is a must. Especially, in remote working users are wired to trust others. Users\n must be transparent and loyal, as there is no one behind them to watch what they are doing.\n Being transparent ensures trust and helps in team productivity.\n \n To keep your workforce stress-free and engaged, you should encourage having some fun\n sessions or activities. For example, you can have a meeting where everyone shares what they\n do in their free time, weekend plans, or favorite recipes. This\n \n enriches team collaboration\n \n .{' '}\n \n User onboarding plays a vital role in user experience and user retention. Your user\n onboarding flow is a significant aspect of your enterprise product. User onboarding flow is\n the first interaction that any end-user will have with your product. You must deliver the\n best end-user experience else your new users will end up in churn. To create an effective\n conversion funnel, have a killer end-user onboarding experience.\n \n The Aha moment is the point where your end-user accomplishes the core functionality of your\n product and understands how it works. The ultimate aim is to make your end-users realize the\n Aha moment as quickly as possible.\n \n What should be done?\n \n Finding out the reason why a user left, will help to understand what a new user will be\n looking for and where are the possible places for UX friction to occur. Further analyzing it\n will help you to have an effective{' '}\n \n UX design\n {' '}\n and minimize churn.\n \n Not every user is the same. Segmenting and targeting users will increase the chance of\n realizing the aha moment. Segment your users based on their preferences and try providing a\n personalized user onboarding experience for better outcomes.\n \n Analytics allows you to get clear insights on your end-users aha moment. For example, where\n did many users get stuck, and which task took much time to complete. Try and identify a\n certain pattern to get the best from your analytics.\n \n Due to the current pandemic, not only your end-users are working from home but also your\n client base. To ensure business continuity and growth, organize workshops with both your\n end-users and clients. This can help your end-users and clients to adapt to the new normal\n and boosts your remote workforce to deliver the best work they possibly can.\n \n You must clearly define the goals and expectations of the workshop to keep all your remote\n working end-users on track and to provide a better end-user experience. To utilize the\n workshop effectively, think about what kind of activities can be done, how to engage all\n participants well before the workshop.{' '}\n \n What should be done?\n \n Everyone might not be comfortable with the tools that you use for the workshop. To avoid\n such cases, give your participants homework to access the tool in advance and ensure they\n are very much comfortable and interested to attend the workshop.\n \n The primary focus of workshops is to build interaction, which is challenging. Ensure the\n presence of all remote workers and provide a chance for every individual to speak. Try\n addressing the participants who are less vocal and make them feel comfortable.\n \n Though you planned everything in detail, sometimes things might not go as you have planned.\n What if the technology fails, or participants are not willing to join, or activities are\n boring, and so on. Therefore, it is good to have a plan B.\n \n Metrics must be there to ensure what is happening and how things can be improved. User\n performance metrics are the key to monitor how well your end-users are performing. Different\n performance metrics like work quality & quantity metrics, efficiency metrics, and\n organizational performance metrics. Various factors fall under each metric and each should\n be taken care of.\n \n Based on your industry, performance metrics vary. Many companies ask managers, HR’s, and\n leaders to have a birds-eye view on framing the evaluation metrics.{' '}\n \n What should be done?\n \n Set a timeframe for every task your end-user performs. It is highly essential to keep your\n remote workforce stay productive and keep your business running. Deadlines not only help\n your remote working team to complete the tasks on time but also keep them engaged.\n \n Longer-working user is not necessarily the most productive ones. Some users might sit in\n front of a computer for 7-8 hours and do nothing, while another user can breeze through\n his/her tasks in a couple of hours. Focus on results, not the time being spent on the\n application.\n \n Evaluate your end-user performance based on the outcome. Set measurable & achievable\n benchmarks so that you get the desired outcomes. It is best to let your users know what you\n expect from them, which pushes them towards the final goal.\n \n Remote work demands leveraging many tools for onboarding, training, performance measuring,\n and more. Also, it is significant to have the right tools to collaborate and communicate\n with a remote working team. Select tools that provide a smooth end-user experience and make\n them productive right from day 1.{' '}\n \n Digital Adoption Platform\n {' '}\n is one versatile tool that helps to address all the above-sited challenges. Leverage the\n right tools to provide the best end-user experience for your remote users. Right people\n combined with the right tools ensures high productivity and faster Return on Investment\n (RoI).\n \n What should be done?\n \n Tools with in-application learning allow your end-users to learn within your product itself\n rather than leaving the application. This makes them learn by doing it action and not by\n watching hours of training videos or lectures.{' '}\n \n Understand the pain points of end-users and provide the right tool to address the challenge.\n End-user satisfaction is highly important, provide the right technology that satisfies their\n needs and wants.\n \n Implementing a tool is important but managing the same plays an equal role significantly.\n Collect end-user feedback and do the necessary improvements in the tool. Provide a\n customized feeling and a personal touch to your remote workforce with the right tool.\n \n Every part of marketing is tightly dependent upon how engaged the target audience is. In\n every marketing avenue, there is no such thing as “user depreciation”. More so in digital\n marketing. Digital Marketing may seem like a completely different beast when it comes to\n comparing it to usual market practices since most of the methods of digital marketing can\n not be respectively applied to other marketing departments and vice versa.\n \n The most marked element of digital marketing is engagement and user facilitation. It is more\n important for marketers that find themselves in digital entourage to consistently and\n constantly overhaul and revamp their strategy to properly tune it to a never-ending change\n of pace and setting of a digital image. Therefore, many digital marketers find themselves in\n a hamster wheel of perpetual need to cater to their whimsical “digital audience”.\n \n Although, all in all, it’s not a bad thing. Since making revisions and amendments, fiddling\n with different strategies, and honing already established approaches is what defines a\n healthy marketing strategy from the stale and crusty rind of an unsuccessful marketing\n breadwinning.\n Now, let’s take a deeper dive into what digital marketing is bringing to the table. \n Today we can see with our own eyes how marketing starts to rapidly mold into only digital\n output. Many companies become increasingly reluctant to do any unnecessary marketing move\n and, instead, recourse most of their “power” into digital marketing.{' '}\n \n {' '}\n We have examined the most apparent reasons why digital marketing is poised in a domineering\n state today. From this, we can also extract the briefly mentioned earlier fact of digital\n marketing strategies having a quite different approach than your standard schemes and\n strategies.{' '}\n \n In order to succeed in digital marketing, there is no other way but to ensure the most\n eye-catching UX design experience. In digital marketing, the value of cleverly put together\n UX is even more so important than in standard marketing practices. Why so?{' '}\n \n First, let’s take a brief overview of{' '}\n \n what UX is\n \n . In simple terms, UX is the experience that users get out of the actual or anticipated use\n of the product, service, or system. It’s the feeling the user is subjected to when the given\n product is presented before his or her eyes.\n \n Let’s consider a Starbucks app here. The company has implemented smart personalization based\n on users’ order history. Users do not have to scroll through the whole menu every time to\n order a regular cappuccino with skimmed milk. Such a feature is handy, user-oriented, and\n makes a great addition to a good user experience.{' '}\n \n There is a tendency to mix up two similar but different terms:{' '}\n \n usability\n {' '}\n and{' '}\n \n user experience\n \n . The usability is strictly focused on the functional capacity of a given item or its\n practical use. UX encompasses a far broader spectrum of user’s impressions of the product or\n service.\n So, why should UX be the top priority for digital marketers to consider? \n On the internet, people are far more likely to click on the ad that has checked all of the\n boxes of clever and appropriate UX design. Thanks to Peter Morville, we know exactly what\n factors influence UX design.\n \n Usefulness and applicability. A product or service you are advertising should fill the\n void that needs filling. Although there is a popular trope on the internet that goes\n like “every product has its crowd”, this is only partially true. Since, yes, you may\n attract a small circle of individuals who, let’s say, share your vision of the new,\n bleeding-edge, WiFi-connected juicer that spews juice with a finger tap on your\n smartphone. But, is it really useful and practically applicable to the majority of sane\n people? The answer is - probably not.\n \n Let us take a look at a crowd-sourced platform of reviews-Yelp. They are expanding their\n range of services by adding extra options such as delivery orders, making an appointment\n at a chosen business, etc., as a useful addition to tips and reviews they provide, thus\n making the resource more useful and applicable for already existing customers as well as\n attracting potential ones.\n \n Finding. UX design should not be a strain for users’ mental prowess. If your navigation\n menu or navigation bar is too clunky, lacking visually detectable elements, or is,\n objectively, off-putting, it definitely will have a detrimental outcome on the users’\n perception of your service. On the same wavelength is also the user’s ability to\n actually be able to find your product or website on the internet. Since, if there is no\n one to experience it - it doesn’t exist.{' '}\n \n A great example here is the user experience design implemented by ZOOM. Nowadays, it is\n hard to find a person who hasn't heard about this platform, mostly due to the\n pandemic and the forced need to move meetings and lectures online. Zoom has made the\n experience as easy as possible by thoroughly filtering everything that is on its home\n screen. There are no redundant options - all the required features are easy to find and\n kept to a minimum.\n \n Accessibility. How accessible your product or service is will dictate its ultimate\n success. For this reason, it is imperative to: ensure the widest possible range of\n available locations and/or languages; make sure that your service can be accessed\n through different devices, means to provide maximum coverage; and provide full access to\n your service/product for people with disabilities. Accessibility is essential in\n finalizing and expanding the volume of your audience and creating new ways to reach a\n wider range of users.{' '}\n \n Even though it took some time for Netflix to realize the importance of providing equal\n access to content for all its users, now all the content comes with closed captions.\n Such an approach will widen the audience and improve their experience.\n \n These 4 points of proper UX have been widely adhered to because they represent the\n essentials of how users perceive and interact with the service or product. It shows what UX\n designers should be aiming at creating an easily digestible and free-flowing experience for\n their user base. The crux of UX is to facilitate the most understandable, intuitive, and\n simple navigation and interaction. This of course applies to the product itself, but also to\n any administration areas like\n \n {' '}\n user management and signup flows\n {' '}\n or settings where the importance of UX can sometimes be overlooked.\n \n {' '}\n More and more companies have been keeping UX at a much closer distance than ever before.\n They realized the importance of user experience and the overall impact qualitative UX design\n has on the end success of the product or service. It does mean, however, that users are\n becoming increasingly fastidious and picky when it comes to practicality and ease of use.\n Which, in turn, puts a considerable strain on everyone involved in UX designing.{' '}\n \n With digital marketing seeing such an upsurge in the last decade, it doesn’t seem plausible\n that UX is disappearing any time soon from the radar. “It is reasonable to assume UX to be\n an alternative to physical and tad bit obsolete CX (customer experience). Unlike CX, UX\n requires immediate attention and reaction from the user. In UX it is mostly about the first\n impression that strikes home. And it is certainly harder to adapt to the caprices of\n incessantly changing trends and demands,” mentioned Ben Grant, Head of Data Research and\n Content Marketing at{' '}\n \n LinksManagement\n \n .\n \n The UX is, no matter what, a great professional career to pursue as a digital marketer. It\n can be an invariably important complementary tool that deepens a marketer’s understanding of\n his/her user base. Especially today, picking up the{' '}\n \n basics\n {' '}\n of UX and UX design should not pose much of a problem as the abundance of resources is\n exuberant. So, don’t hesitate to dive into UX and expand your marketing horizons because UX\n is bathing in the spotlight right now!\n \n \n We are happy to announce that we’ve been recognized as G2 High Performer in Session\n Replays for the second time in a row.\n \n \n G2 is one of the most prestigious software review websites. We’ve been awarded the High\n Performer badge again, based on our performance and favorable customer reviews. For example,\n LiveSession has been rated 10/10 when it comes to the ease of use.\n \n We are honored to have been recognized again. Thank you for all your reviews and valuable\n feedback! We’re glad that LiveSession meets your needs and we’re doing our best to make it\n even better.\n \n Would you like to share your favorite apps with the public? Maybe you’d like to show your\n customers that you’re using GDPR-compliant tools?\n \n If you enjoy using LiveSession, now you have a chance to express it and get 5,000 sessions\n for free!\n \n \n Add our badge on your website to get extra sessions. Just paste a piece of code in the\n footer and let us know via email – it’s that simple!\n \n \n Read more about badges\n {' '}\n and claim your sessions today.\n \n \n Session replay is a playback of a user’s journey on a website or within a web application\n \n . It shows what is happening on your site or app. The reconstruction consists of mouse and\n keyboard movements, scrolls, taps, and clicks. Gathered together, they show users’ paths on\n a site or app and let you feel as you were watching them live.{' '}\n \n Session replays are created by the use of session replay tools. Unlike most of the web\n analytics tools, they let you gather qualitative data that is crucial to understand how\n users experience a web or app interface.{' '}\n \n Having such insights, you can easily notice trends in the users’ behavior as well as find\n bugs and obstacles that impair customer experience.\n \n \n You already know what a session replay is, but you’re probably not sure whether you need it.\n Let me help you with that.{' '}\n \n You may know your app backwards and forwards. However, such knowledge won't tell you\n how users interact with its interface and what influences their online behavior.{' '}\n \n The success of your product or website depends not only on the fancy design, catchy texts or\n plethora of features, but also on the experience it delivers.\n And that’s where the complications begin. \n You can’t sit next to every client who uses your app or site to check how they behave,\n unless you have some time machine and the invisibility cloak, but let’s come down to Earth.{' '}\n \n The first doable option that allows learning how users interact with the interface is to{' '}\n conduct user research. Simply, hire a professional who would sit with your\n clients, talk with them, observe what kind of actions they take, write everything down and\n analyze findings.\n \n Such research is very helpful and worth doing, but{' '}\n it might be very expensive and time-consuming.\n \n Additionally, user interviews are conducted with a designated group of people, meaning you\n must assume that the conclusion based on a definite group of users will correspond to the\n rest of your clients.\n This may not always be true.\n \n You also have a second, less pricey and labor-intensive option; to use an above-mentioned\n session replay tool.\n \n Session replay solutions are useful for whole teams that work on a product; designers,\n developers, sales specialists or customer service agents.{' '}\n \n Like user research, they enable you to gather data about users but{' '}\n much cheaper and easier. You can use the gathered information to plan more\n accurate developments that bring visible changes and optimize the app or site experience.\n Finally, you can do it constantly, from iteration to iteration. With manual\n user research it wouldn’t be possible.\n \n To start recording data about users action on your website, first, you need to subscribe to\n a session replay tool. Of course, as a maker of LiveSession, I recommend our tool, but I\n hope you won’t blame me for that.\n \n Then you need to add a JavaScript tracking code to the \n Thanks to the JavaScript code added to your website,{' '}\n the tool can monitor events in the user web browser. These are small\n actions that are taken by users on your site or app and involve the data transfer, like\n movements of the mouse. After data is collected, the tool sends it via AJAX requests to the\n server. Then, it’s indexed so that you get ready information about specific aspects right in\n your dashboard.\n \n A session replay tool can work as your full-time UI researcher` who is capable to{' '}\n put all the findings into measurable data. Gathered knowledge can help you\n improve a lot of processes related to your site or app performance. As a result, you can\n cheaply and easily cover the following tasks:\n \n Even if your frontend developers tried hard to avoid mistakes while coding your app or site,{' '}\n errors and bugs will happen and spoil users’ experience.\n \n What’s more, people who access your site may be using various devices or resolutions. Others\n may have a weak internet connection and might not be able to load your pages fast.{' '}\n \n The number of cases in which your website may break down delivering poor experience is\n infinite\n \n .\n \n In this case, a session replay tool comes in handy.{' '}\n \n Engineers can use it to find bugs much faster without spending ages on searching for\n sources of problems\n \n . Seeing the whole customer journey, they will know where the errors happen and easily\n define why they appear.{' '}\n \n In effect, your team will know what needs to be fixed to improve the customer experience,\n onboarding or the purchasing process. And most importantly, you will save a lot of money\n that would normally be spent on customer research and interviews.{' '}\n Resolving technical issues were never such easy to do.\n \n Session replays are a great aid for UX designer. They allow capturing so-called{' '}\n error clicks that happen when a user can’t complete a specific task (load\n the page, move on to the next stage, finish onboarding, log in) and{' '}\n rage clicks that happen when a user furiously clicks a particular app\n element multiple times.\n \n Finding which elements or steps in the process annoy your visitors will help to improve its\n design and introduce solutions that{' '}\n boost retention, prevent cart abandonment or churn.\n \n Knowing where and when the mistake happens is only half the battle, the second half is\n fixing it at the right time.\n \n By using a session replay tool, you can detect issues in real time. Find out who experiences\n a problem and immediately{' '}\n \n reach out to a troubled customer via chat, email or phone, and offer assistance\n \n .{' '}\n \n In a SaaS business, proactive customer service is a big asset. Modern customers can choose\n from plenty of solutions and brands delivering similar offers.{' '}\n Most of them expect a fast and smooth experience. And when they encounter\n problems, they get nervous. The part of them may try to contact you, but many of them will\n just look for another, easier, error-free app.\n \n Whereas thanks to session replays you don't have to passively wait for requests sent by\n frustrated customers. Your sales or customer success managers could use real time data reach\n out to users right when mistakes occur.{' '}\n \n What’s more, from a customer’s point of view your service will be smoother as they won’t\n need to send you screens or detailed explanations.{' '}\n \n You will know exactly what causes their problem and be able to deliver immediate help\n boosting clients satisfaction\n \n . This solution is possible thanks to{' '}\n \n user identification in session replays\n {' '}\n and integrations with live chats.\n \n Wouldn't it be great to get feedback from your users without even asking a question?\n \n Session replay tools let you do so. Product managers and marketers can use\n them to check which of app features, texts or interface elements attract users and support\n conversion. Knowing which sections enjoy the biggest popularity will help you find out which\n course to follow.\n \n By recording your visitors’ paths on your website you can also group them based on specific\n characteristics, like source that they came from, the type of services they use, browsers,\n elements they clicked on or even parameters defined by you.\n \n Being aware of what your customers’ profiles are, you can optimize the experience to their\n needs and preferences.\n \n You can find out whether any of your site’s versions or mobile apps provide a disparate\n experience than expected and needs improvement.\n \n Probably you use some web analytics tool (like Google Analytics) and gather data from your\n checkout pages. Thanks to it, you know what your conversion rate is. But it wouldn’t hurt if\n your sales went up a bit, right?\n \n A session replay tool may also help you sell more. Using it you can check\n whether there are any elements that confuse users or obstacles that prevent them from\n completing particular tasks. You may learn whether your onboarding process is clear or your\n Call-To-Actions are created properly.{' '}\n \n By watching user playbacks you can check whether introduced solutions work as assumed. You\n can base your decisions on data, not assumptions and focus on changing only the elements\n that actually need improving.\n The more you know about your customers, the better experience you can deliver. \n By integrating a session replay tool, which provides qualitative data, with solutions that\n collects quantitative data, you can get a much broader view on your customers and their\n behavior.\n \n Example of such integration:{' '}\n \n the integration between LiveSession and Google Analytics\n {' '}\n allows you to send links to session playbacks from to the GA tracker. In effect, you can\n open recordings of a specific user directly from the GA dashboard and obtain information\n that would be hard to discover without integrating the tools.{' '}\n \n As you can see, session replays not only allow you to reproduce users’ behavior but also\n uncover tons of qualitative data about your site and app. Together with information gathered\n via other web analytics tools, they let you get the broad spectrum of knowledge that helps\n to get rid of bugs, provide better customer service and optimize user experience. And the\n best part is that{' '}\n \n you can complete all these tasks without hiring teams of specialists who wouldn’t be able\n to capture such data anyway\n \n .{' '}\n \n Filters are the core features of LiveSession. To make your work easier, we’ve just\n introduced a range of new features:\n \n \n By your request, you can now filter recordings by pages count. For\n instance, you can only choose to see sessions where the user has visited more than three\n pages on your website.\n \n \n Pages count is not the only request we’ve answered! Also by popular demand, you can now{' '}\n duplicate the filter in just one click. Adding multiple variables is now\n much faster.\n \n What’s more, you can also use the toggle to temporarily disable the filter\n and compare results. You don’t have to delete it completely anymore.\n \n What’s more, using event filters is now much easier! \n LiveSession will now suggest relevant values. We autocomplete the filters with top results,\n like in the screenshot above.\n \n If you have any other ideas for improvement, we’d love to hear from you! Please get in touch\n via live chat or send us an email to{' '}\n hello@livesession.io\n {desc || 'Test all LiveSession features for 14 days, no credit card required.'}\n
\n\n Build trust and get the user’s heart
\n\n Accountability
\n Transparency
\n Fun activities
\n \n\n
Provide the Aha! moment
\n\n Learn from churned users
\n Segment your new users
\n Use Analytics for improvement
\n \n
Schedule and organize workshops
\n Ensure the comfortability of participants
\n Engage all participants
\n Always have a plan B
\n Have metrics to measure your success
\n Set suitable deadlines
\n Be Results-Oriented
\n Outcome-based evaluation
\n \n
Leverage the right tool
\n In-app learning
\n Support your users technology needs
\n Deploy and Manage Technology
\n Digital Marketing and Why It Is So Important
\n \n
\n UX As A Way To A Successful Business Conduct
\n What Makes UX So Crucial In The Eyes Of Digital Marketers?
\n \n
\n \n
\n UX Is Very Unlikely To Falter Any Time Soon
\n \n
Why do you need session replay software?
\n\n \n\n
The first option: manual user research
\n\n Second option: use a session replay tool
\n\n How does a session replay tool work?
\n\n {''}
section of\n your site’s code. The rest is done by the app itself. As you see,{' '}\n it’s easy-peasy even for non-technical users.{' '}\n How can you benefit from using a session replay tool?
\n\n 1. Debug your website or app
\n\n \n \n source: www.commitstrip.com\n \n
2. Find out what frustrates your customers
\n\n \n
3. Proactively help your customers
\n\n 4. Find out what interests your users
\n\n 5. Segmentize your customers
\n\n \n
6. Boost conversion rates
\n\n 7. Extend the context of other analytical tools
\n\n New filter: pages count
\n \n
Update: Duplicate and disable filters
\n \n
Update: Autocomplete for event filters
\n \n
{title || `Improve usability testing with LiveSession`}
\n From now, LiveSession gives an ability to suppress sensitive data. By adding a{' '}\n data-ls-disabled attribute to HTML element, the tracking code will\n anonymize element content.\n
\nWe're happy to announce a Beta version of LiveSession's REST API!
\n\n From now, you'll be able to retrieve information about your data programmatically. You\n can, for example, use the API for a deeper analysis of the data collected by LiveSession.\n
\n\n To get started, go to Settings > API Tokens and then click the "Create Token"\n button.\n
\n\n If you need more technical details, take a look at{' '}\n \n LiveSession Developers\n \n .\n
\n\n When it comes to customers shopping online, they want a similar feel to a physical brick and\n mortar store. Now, whether they’re looking for a particular item, or want to buy anything at\n all, only they have the buying power. Therefore, their buying experience should be as\n seamlessly as possible.{' '}\n
\n\n First, keep in mind what your website needs, if you’re looking to sell products or services\n on there:\n
\n\n But with that said, competition can be very fierce in the online marketing realm. And, with\n fierce competition comes the ever-growing lists of expectations from who you’re selling to.\n In other words, if a customer isn’t able to easily find what they need on your website, then\n they’ll be more than happy to go to your competitors.\n
\n\n When it comes to eCommerce stores, UX design is often ignored or not worked on enough. While\n companies are too busy working on creating paid ads, doing product research, etc. they might\n forget about optimizing their website to fit UX design standards.\n
\n\n And, that’s the problem, without a good user experience, it affects not only your visitors\n and customers, but also your business in terms of gaining traffic and revenue. In fact,\n SmallBizGenius suggests that{' '}\n \n 88% of online shoppers\n {' '}\n won’t return to a website after experiencing poor UX. So, it’s no wonder shoppers might be\n leaving, if it's just for the poor UX design alone.\n
\n\n So, what are the UX design standards? According to UX Planet, the following are considered{' '}\n \n standards for good UX\n \n :{' '}\n
\n\n It’s important to provide a compelling user experience (UX) – or, in this case, excellent\n eCommerce UX – for your website visitors. In other words, customers want to feel great\n whenever they:\n
\n\n When customers engage with your website, then you’ve succeeded in creating the user\n experience. More satisfied customers mean more conversions and boosted KPIs.{' '}\n
\n\n Here are 4 tips to improve your website with the customer in mind, and create a\n user-friendly shopping experience that fuels your brand:\n
\n\n “Nowadays, most shoppers make their purchases online to whatever they set their minds to,”\n says Peter Miller, a tech writer at{' '}\n \n Brit student\n {' '}\n and{' '}\n \n Write my X\n \n . “And with mobile devices continuing to be on the rise, online shopping will just get\n bigger and bigger, if it hasn’t gotten big already. With experts saying that revenue from\n mobile purchases is projected to increase in the coming years, now is the time to ensure\n that your website is mobile-friendly to appeal to said audience.”\n
\nSo, why have a “mobile first” mentality?
\n\n Well, since most people –{' '}\n \n over 40%\n {' '}\n – are on their mobile devices, and they come across your webpage, that’s where first\n impression can do well or turn sour. If you don’t optimize your website for smaller devices,\n it can be tricky for visitors to navigate with too-small buttons and / or unstable layout.\n So, do some usability testing – a research method that lets you observe and understand how\n people interact with interfaces – to ensure that designs are user-friendly on different\n platforms, thus making your eCommerce UX “mobile-first”.\n
\n\n Take, for example,{' '}\n \n Paypal\n \n , which strives to make its services more mobile-friendly. How? By making their app easier\n to navigate and visually engaging as much as their desktop site. The most notable difference\n is that Paypal’s mobile landing page lets users use 2 buttons (Personal or Business), rather\n than have them scroll. Eliminating scrolling to only a few buttons also allows easy log-ins\n and better menu navigating.\n
\n\n On average, a customer will only take about 0.05 seconds to look at your website, and decide\n if they want to proceed further with your site, or if they’ll abandon your site, or\n “bounce.”\n
\nConsider the following when designing a great homepage:
\n\n Be sure to emphasize any elements that make a significant impact on your website. Such\n elements may include:\n
\n\n \n The Sill\n \n , for example, has a simple but straightforward homepage. The website’s homepage is\n well-organized, and isn’t cluttered in the slightest, with categories filtered by features,\n variety, and size. In addition, the page features clear photos of their products (which, in\n this case, are house plants).\n
\n\n {' '}\n “When helping your customers find things and complete their purchase, you must have a clear\n call-to-action,” says George Crosby, a UX blogger at{' '}\n \n 1 Day 2 write\n {' '}\n and{' '}\n \n PhD Kingdom\n \n . “CTAs like ‘Add to Cart,’ ‘Check Out,’ and ‘Cancel’ should be visible and clear to your\n shoppers.”\n
\nSuccessful CTAs on your website is dependent on the following factors:
\n\n \n OptinMonster\n {' '}\n uses a unique button on their homepage called “Get OptinMonster Now” as their primary CTA.\n In addition, the website creates a sense of urgency along with their CTA. How? By posting a\n line graph that shows the so-called “OptinMonster Effect,” of which websites will see a\n boost in leads and revenue when they use Optinmonster. With this type of CTA, users have the\n quick option of signing up for the service.\n
\n\n Finally, people want to be safe when shopping online. Therefore, an excellent eCommerce UX\n should be simple and transparent. By keeping checkouts short and sweet, customers are more\n comfortable completing their payment process.\n
\nConsider these shopping options:
\n\n Remember: Transparency.\n
\n\n Similar to having a CTA, eCommerce sites must provide a fast and effective checkout process,\n so that customers are taken through the sales funnel from beginning to end. Having a\n complicated checkout can cause customers to abandon their carts and leave the site. For\n example, if a customer has to re-entering their information to buy something, then they’ll\n most likely abandon their cart. Such information may include re-entering:\n
\n\n \n Amazon\n {' '}\n is an excellent example of making the checkout process easier for consumers. Now, when you\n go to buy something on Amazon, you’re presented with two different buying options: “Add to\n Cart” or “Buy Now” (formerly known as “One-Click Ordering”). The “Buy Now” enables you to\n buy the product right away without having to enter your credentials (i.e. payment method),\n and send it to the address that’s provided (Now, that’s if you already have an account with\n Amazon, and you’ve already saved your credentials on the site). This option saves consumers\n time, and ensures a faster checkout.\n
\n\n As you can see, how customers navigate your site is extremely important, since they\n ultimately decide whether they buy your products and services or not. That means that good\n UX relies on more than just eye-catching visuals.\n
\n\n The 4 methods discussed today are there to ensure that you create a well-functioning UX that\n not looks good, but also does its job in helping users navigate through your website with\n ease. Let’s recap what we’ve learned from these methods:\n
\n\n Although there’s no one-size-fits-all method in optimizing an online store, and that no\n website is perfect, site runners must determine what’s best for their webpages.\n
\n\n Building a website is much more complicated than thinking about the pages to add and what\n their purpose will be. It is a complex process that requires several stages of serious\n planning and strategizing. And one of the most important elements of building a website is\n building the UI. You need to think about the way you'll display the page elements and\n the way your users will find it most convenient to use them. All of this will reflect on\n your UX.\n
\n\n So, yes, UI and UX go hand in hand, and one supports the other. Still,\n there are some UI principles and tips that could help you improve your UX writing and\n improve your website written content. We’ll break them down together in the list of 10 best\n UI tips for improving UX writing that you’ll find below.\n
\nLet’s take a closer look.
\n\n Source:{' '}\n \n Pexels\n \n
\n\n Before we dive deeper into the tips, let’s make it clear to everyone what exactly is UX\n writing. According to the definition, UX writing is:\n
\n\n It’s like building a bridge between the product and its users. That means that UX writers\n create content that helps users understand how to use a product and supports their{' '}\n \n user experience\n \n .\n
\nNow let’s take a look at the actual tips that will help you improve your UX writing.
\n\n {' '}\n The first rule of building an amazing UI is to know your target audience. That means that\n you have to understand why they’re on your website and how they plan on using it.\n
\nThis principle can easily be transferred to UX writing.
\nBy knowing your target website visitors, you’ll know their:
\n\n And just as a designer will be able to use this knowledge to create an interface that works\n best for the potential users, so can you write the content they’ll be interested in reading.\n
\n \n Get to know your target audience and make sure you’re writing for them.\n \nWhen it comes to building a highly-functional and effective website, clarity is key.
\n\n UI designers lean on clarity more than you can imagine. This is because they know that the\n simpler the presentation, the better the response and engagement they’ll have.\n
\n\n This is why, in your UX writing, you need to remove redundancy. Here’s what we have in mind:\n
\nLet’s compare:
\n\n The second copy provides too many redundant facts that say almost the same thing as the\n first one. Keep it clear and simple to achieve the maximally positive effect.\n
\n\n Online users don’t like to waste their time. They have so many options and websites to check\n out that they won’t stick with yours unless you provide the best possible UX.\n
\n\n UI designers figured out a way to keep as many visitors interested in their website- they’re\n making it scannable.\n
\nThat means that the visitor only needs to take a quick look at the website and:
\n\n You need to do the same thing with your UX writing. Present the text in a way that allows\n scanning and a quick search for important information.\n
\nHere’s what we suggest:
\n\n Separate different information and classify them to allow the website visitors to find\n exactly what they’re looking for- quickly and without any trouble.\n
\n\n When you have an audience with a limited attention span and a very narrow window to hook\n them to your webpage, you’ve got to open strongly.\n
\n\n UI designers make sure that the most important elements are dominating the visual aspect of\n the interface.\n
\nYou need to do the same with your written copy. Make sure you open strongly:
\n\n So, make sure you hook them first and then get into greater detail about the things you are\n discussing.{' '}\n
\n\n The visual presentation is important. UI designers know that an image can speak a thousand\n words and that the visual aspect of a website is the primary reason why someone would decide\n to stay on it.\n
\n\n UX writers need to use this information for their own benefit. This is why, whenever it’s\n possible, you should use numbers.\n
\nYour users will associate numbers with:
\nThat’s why you should grab their attention using numerals, like in the example below:
\n\n Numbers work great for both UI and UX, so make sure you incorporate them in your website\n copy.\n
\n\n Consistency is another key element in the process of building a powerful website. Every UI\n designer knows that there needs to be a consistent pattern in the way they organize each\n page of a website.\n
\n\n The visitors need to understand how the interface is working and adopt those rules early in\n the process of searching the website.\n
\nWell, consistency is crucial for UX writing as well.
\nThere needs to be coherence in:
\n\n So, if you’re using the term “shopping cart” on one page and “\n shopping bag” on the other, it will confuse and even frustrate your users.\n
\n\n Make sure you develop a writing style and stick to consistent terminology to make your users\n happy.\n
\n\n Everything that you place on your website needs to provide some kind of value to the website\n visitors. If it doesn't, it's just taking up space or making them think less of\n you and your website.\n
\n\n Just like the UI designers add or remove interface elements depending on their purpose and\n value, so should UX writers do with their written copy.\n
\nAdding value means:
\n\n So, unless your written content is providing true value to the visitors, don’t make it a\n part of your UX copy.\n
\n\n When you're building your website, you're doing it to engage the visitors and have\n them perform certain desired actions. That means that you have to provide the conditions for\n a quality dialogue with them.\n
\n\n UI designers use different buttons, bars, icons, and message boxes to communicate with the\n users and have them actively engage in different processes on the website.\n
\n\n UX writers need to do the same thing. And, the best way to build a dialogue as a UX writer\n is to:\n
\nLet’s compare:
\nThey lost you at “selection” in the second example.
\n\n Natural language means your visitors will feel more relaxed, safe, and will trust you to be\n on their side.\n
\n\n The people who are on your website are there to find information, look at a product,\n consider hiring you for your services, or simply check out your brand.\n
\n\n But, it's your job to motivate them to perform the actions you'd\n like them to perform.\n
\nThis is why you need to activate them.
\n\n Now, a UI designer will use different interface elements such as CTA buttons to get them\n going. You, on the other hand, need to use the right uplifting vocabulary. Here’s what we\n suggest:\n
\nLet’s compare:
\n\n The second one is affirmative, clear, and inviting. It would get more people to click the\n link.\n
\n\n A UI designer will go through several stages of pre-planning, drafting, designing, and\n editing. Before they place any element in the web design, they’ll check and reconsider their\n decision several times.\n
\n\n You need to do the same with your written content. Make sure to double-check your accuracy\n before you publish anything.\n
\nHere’s what that implies:
\n\n As you can see, there are so many useful UI tips and tricks that you can easily apply to UX\n writing. All you need is the right guidance and determination to make a better UX copy.{' '}\n
\n\n Use the tips we’ve shared above to improve your UX writing and provide an upgraded\n experience for all the website visitors reading your copy.\n
\n\n It’s not enough to have a website that gets ample traffic. Ultimately, you want your\n visitors to buy your products and keep coming back.\n
\n\nSo what can you do to get visitors to convert?
\n\n\n Getting more traffic might be your first thought. But if your website is poorly optimized or\n there are too many barriers to conversion, more traffic won’t do you any good.{' '}\n
\n\n\n This article will cover the top marketing strategies that you can implement to increase your\n conversions. Get these strategies right, and you can generate more sales with the same\n amount of traffic you already have.{' '}\n
\n\nLet’s get into it.
\n\n\n Even a short minute-long video can better explain a product and break down its features than\n a page with large blocks of text.\n
\n\n\n \n 69%\n {' '}\n of consumers indicated that they’d prefer to watch a short video to learn more about a\n product or service. 84% were convinced to purchase after watching a video.\n
\nHere are some types of videos you can add to pages:
\n\n The use of videos when setting up{' '}\n \n workflow automation\n {' '}\n will prove to be better for conversion rates. Videos can help to optimize your workflows to\n convert more leads by explaining your product or service in an engaging and understandable\n way.{' '}\n
\n\n Source:{' '}\n \n frevvo\n \n
\n\n\n Visitors on this page can watch the video to learn more about digitizing their forms and\n automating workflows. They can also see exactly how the software works.\n
\n\n\n Similarly, using videos on your pages can help visitors make a purchasing decision. Be sure\n to keep videos short and cover your value proposition.{' '}\n
\n\n\n Live chat offers a convenient option for visitors to get in touch with your business as they\n browse the site. Instead of having to pick up the phone or wait for a response via email,\n visitors can chat in real-time with a customer service rep.\n
\n\n\n One study found that{' '}\n \n 46%\n {' '}\n of consumers prefer live chat over other communication channels like email and social media.\n
\n\n Source:{' '}\n \n SuperOffice\n \n
\n\n\n Visitors are less likely to convert if they have questions that go unanswered. Adding live\n chat to your site can help you avoid losing potential sales. Sales agents can then interact\n with visitors and remove any objections they might have on the spot.\n
\n\n\n Another benefit of live chat is that it allows your sales agents to manage multiple\n conversations simultaneously — something they can’t do on the phone.\n
\n\n\n Live chat is a valuable tool that can drive more sales. But keep response times to a\n minimum, as visitors who are left waiting will simply give up and move on.{' '}\n
\n\n\n If you’re handling many requests, take a proactive approach and use a welcome message to let\n visitors know when they can expect to connect with someone.\n
\n\n Another way to drive more traffic to your site and increase conversions is through content\n curation — collecting useful content and sharing it with your audience.{' '}\n
\n\n\n Moz offers one of the best{' '}\n \n content curation examples\n {' '}\n with its Moz Top 10 — a newsletter that contains a list of the 10 most valuable articles on\n SEO and online marketing.{' '}\n
\nHere are a few ways you can incorporate content curation into your marketing:
\n\n The key here is that you’re not just aggregating random pieces of content. To incorporate\n this marketing strategy, you’ll need to find resources that are useful to your audience.\n
\n\nHere are some tips to getting started:
\n\n When done correctly, you can provide a valuable resource to readers and generate more\n conversations from the traffic you drive. But, of course, you shouldn’t rely only on content\n curation, as you also need to create and publish your own unique content.\n
\n“Friction” refers to anything that stops visitors from completing an action.
\n\n\n Have you ever abandoned a shopping cart because it didn’t offer a guest checkout option? Or\n closed a website because it wasn’t optimized for your device?\n
\n\n\n Those are examples of friction, and they’re conversion killers. They stop visitors from\n filling out your lead forms or buying products.\n
\n\n\n This is why you should remove as many distractions as possible on your landing pages. If\n your pages are difficult to navigate or filled with unnecessary gimmicks, visitors are\n likely to bounce.\n
\n\n\n Similarly, if you work with partners in your industry, make it as easy as possible for\n visitors to transfer over. For example, visitors that click on any of the listed{' '}\n \n credit repair companies\n {' '}\n on this website are automatically redirected to the registration page.\n
\n\n Source:{' '}\n \n SimplyMoneyLyfe\n \n
\n\n Connecting visitors to the right page eliminates the risk of losing conversions to\n navigation issues within the partner pages.\n
\n\n A goal for one of your landing pages might be to collect leads. That means you’ll need to\n design a form that asks visitors to fill out and submit their personal information.\n
\n\n\n But if your forms require too many fields, you’ll likely scare away your visitors and hurt\n your conversions. The reason is simple — online users don’t like to share more personal\n information than they need to. Most will bounce and check out a competing option instead.\n
\n\n\n Keep the number of form fields to a minimum and only ask for the information you need. To\n avoid overwhelming your visitors, you can also break up your forms into multiple sections.\n
\n\n\n For example, this page for finding{' '}\n \n PEO companies\n {' '}\n (Professional Employer Organizations) starts by asking visitors to enter just one piece of\n information before moving onto the next section.\n
\n\n The form also displays a progress bar, so visitors can see how far along they are. The\n company can collect lead data for customer profiling and build its email subscription list.{' '}\n
\n\n\n It also provides customers with recommendations for PEO companies based on their specific\n needs and location, making the user more likely to convert.{' '}\n
\n\n Ask anyone what they think of pop-ups, and you’ll likely get a negative response. But, even\n if you find them personally annoying, pop-ups remain an effective way to increase\n conversions.\n
\n\n\n Pop-ups typically include offers designed to get visitors to act right away. Perhaps the\n most common are those that feature discounts, like this one from Converse.\n
\n\n Source:{' '}\n \n Converse\n \n
\n\n\n Visitors can get 15% off their order and receive free shipping when they subscribe to\n Converse’s mailing list.{' '}\n
\nYou can also use pop-ups to promote:
\nHere are some tips to get started with pop-ups:
\n\n Finally, you’ll want to run A/B tests to understand what works and what doesn’t. This\n entails showing different variations of a pop-up to your visitors and comparing the results.{' '}\n
\n\n Just building a website and getting traffic isn’t enough. The hard part is turning visitors\n into customers — not an easy feat, especially in more competitive markets.\n
\n\n\n Implement the strategies outlined above to improve your conversion rates. These include\n adding videos to landing pages, setting up live chat on your website, and removing friction\n from the conversion process.\n
\n\n Sign-up forms are like medicines - you may hate them, but you know you have to take them to\n feel better. On websites, they play the role of “a ticket” to what is behind the main page -\n a product, a service or a special offer.\n
\n\n Sign-up forms are a gate that your users need to cross to access your services. However, if\n that gate is off-putting and does not quite click, it can result in a high bounce rate and\n fewer conversions that you’d desire.\n
\n\n The best sign-up form examples do not stand out with extraordinary features - rather than\n that, they combine the right practices in a customer-oriented form. Where to get some\n sign-up form inspiration and how to create a compelling form that will convert like crazy?\n Read this post to find out.\n
\n \n\n\n According to{' '}\n \n The Manifest\n \n , 81% of people have abandoned a form after beginning to fill it out. 27% blame its length\n for this, but there are also many other reasons why sign-up forms do not convert. Before we\n start identifying what some sign-up form best practices are, let’s briefly explain what all\n the fuss is about.\n
\n\n Long story short: a sign-up form is a form requiring some information from a user who wants\n to take a particular action, such as a registration. For brands, a well-functioning form is\n needed to generate more leads and convert them into deals.\n
\n\n There are quite a few methods you can use to improve your forms. Some of them can be\n included in a series of quick fixes, while implementing others can take a bit more time.\n Browse some sign-up form best practices along with top examples and get inspired.\n
\n\n The most important thing about preparing a sign-up form is… not to overdo it. It’s\n understandable that you want to know a lot about your potential client, but the very first\n sign-up form they need to fill in is not the best time and place to do so.\n
\n\n How willing would you be to fill in the sign-up form below?\n
\n\n \n
\n The length of the form is one thing - another is the amount of information and action it\n requires from the user. All of the fields are obligatory. In this case, the user needs to\n fill in eight fields if they want to download a single piece of content. That’s quite a lot\n of effort, isn’t it?\n
\n\n Remember about the goal of your sign-up form - this is one of the very first touchpoints\n between your potential clients and your product.. There will be a better time and place to\n get to know your user better. At this point, the goal is to encourage them to register.\n
\n\n Have you ever heard the term via negativa? It stands for “\n addition by subtraction”: in order to improve usability and deliver more added\n value, you actually remove existing elements instead of adding new ones.\n
\n\n Take a look at this Basecamp example - they ask for a name and e-mail address. Would it hurt\n to ask for an e-mail only?\n
\n\n \n
\n The answer is: no. And Netflix knows about it, so they only for an e-mail address after\n describing their biggest asset: unlimited & more, anytime, anywhere\n .They do not need to know a user’s name (yet) to serve them well, and the user can access\n the site in seconds. Doesn’t it sound like a great start?\n
\n\n \n
\n As long as you should keep your sign-up forms concise and straight to the point, you also\n should think about implementing some incentives for those who may still be hesitant to\n sign-up. Adding some authority quotes and social proof (such as reviews from software review\n sites like Capterra, G2 or Trustpilot), as well as a brief list of benefits (sometimes a\n short sentence will do) can result in increased conversion rates.\n
\nTake a look at a few examples.
\nOh, and we’re no different:
\n\n Let’s face it: your users don’t feel comfortable with providing too much data from the very\n beginning, especially nowadays. However, spending too much time on filling out the form is\n not something they’re keen on. Looking for the sign-up form forever isn’t their favorite\n activity either….\n
\n\n You should let your potential clients sign up in seconds, and access the form from anywhere.\n The form itself is crucial, but if your users need to look for it for too long then they may\n give up and turn to your competitors. If you scroll Kontentino’s website (below), you’ll\n notice that a “sign up” button is scrollable and stays in the same place (top right). It\n doesn’t matter if you scroll the website up and down, so you can always sign up instantly,\n without seeking the magic button.\n
\n\n \n
\n Your sign-up form itself should be short and easy to implement. This way, you can attach it\n to blog posts or embed it in a pop-up without unnecessary hassle.\n
\n\n Always give your potential customers one opportunity:{' '}\n to be a click away from signing up. You should also give them a chance to\n do it either by providing an email address or by logging in to Facebook or Google to shorten\n the customer journey. In other words, give them a choice.\n
\n\n \n
\n On top of all of that, your sign-up form just has to be user-friendly and intuitive. Easier\n said than done? For sure, but it’s worth following sign-up form best practices to get\n inspired.\n
\n\n Check out this example from{' '}\n \n Typeform\n \n . Minimalistic sign-up forms while presenting their USPs in a few words is not going to\n distract potential users.\n
\n\n \n
\n Finding the golden mean between great design,{' '}\n \n customer experience\n {' '}\n and conversion is not the easiest task. This is why you should consider running some{' '}\n \n A/B tests on your website\n {' '}\n to see which solution works best in your case.\n
\n\n You can also get a little creative and introduce a bit of humor. Writing something funny\n about passwords (for example: “It’ll be our secret” or “No worries, we won’t tell anyone”)\n can make you more memorable. Of course, the reception of these little jokes depends on your\n audience – why not test different approaches and see what works best in your case?\n
\n\n There are a few common mistakes that people often make with sign-up forms. Luckily, many are\n easily avoidable if you’re aware of them. Let us just list a few of the most popular ones:\n
\n\n A sign-up form may seem like nothing but just a few fields that need to be filled – but it’s\n much more than that. It’s a chance to grab the user’s attention, make a great first\n impression and persuade them to make a commitment.\n
\n\n Working on your sign-up form conversion can be tough and daunting but if you do it right, it\n leads to tremendous growth. Your clients are happy because they can register without too\n much effort, you are happy because you get more of them and your conversion rates skyrocket.\n A win-win situation, isn’t it?\n
\n\n We've implemented the method that lets you identify users and add custom properties to\n his sessions (you can learn more{' '}\n \n here\n \n ). Thanks to this, you can easily check how're your users doing and provide better\n support. Use emails and names in filters to get session replays of specific users.\n
\n\n To make your job easier we've added autocompletion of search value. It was easy before\n to make a typo and hard to browse collected data. That's why we've implemented\n this feature. It lists all of you values with a number of occurrences per property. You can\n see it on screenshot above.\n
\nThanks for your attention and stay tuned.
\n\n UX design is at the center of all the tricks and measures that a website employs to engage\n users. Quite naturally, UX design determines the audience engagement, traction and business\n conversion of a website more than any other factor. It is the UX design that shapes the\n usability, accessibility and utility of a website.\n
\n\n While great UX design enjoys so much importance in web projects, it is more than just\n eye-catchy design layout, smooth user flow and quick loading time. A great web user\n experience is the neat outcome of an array of factors leading to ease of use, smooth\n engagement and user interactions, more web traffic and more business conversions. In short,{' '}\n \n better user experience helps a brand to convert more visitors\n {' '}\n into business leads and buyers.\n
\n\n Let us provide here some of the tried and tested ways to enhance the user experience that\n any{' '}\n \n web development company\n {' '}\n will find helpful.\n
\n\n Call to Action (CTA) are the actionable buttons that allow users to take actions or make\n meaningful interactions. These CTA buttons helps convert leads or actual business through\n successive steps. For example, a common CTA button such as “Start a trial” can\n allow users to opt for a free trial for a limited period before deciding to make the actual\n purchase.\n
\n\n Depending upon the website niche, objective and user journey, there can a wide variety of\n CTAs such as “\n \n \n sign up for update\n \n \n ”, “\n \n ask for a quote\n \n ”, “\n \n free demo\n \n ”, “\n \n download the app\n \n ”, “\n \n book a consultation\n \n ”, “\n \n get an appointment\n \n ”, “\n \n get newsletter\n \n ”, “\n \n save in wish list\n \n ” etc.\n
\n\n The CTA button must be highly contextual or fully related to the context of the page. It\n should clearly convey the message about the action and should easily attract the attention\n of the user. Most websites enjoying consistently higher rate of conversion use attractive,\n engaging and meaningful CTAs.\n
\nHere are some effective tips in designing website CTA buttons.
\n\n Though this fault has already been an old and repeated one, glitches in page loading and\n errors in navigation can lead to serious loss of website traffic. While browsing, instead of\n coming to your intended page if you land on a 404 error page, you are likely to leave and go\n to another website.\n
\n\n Similarly, if your website page takes more than three or four seconds to load, today's\n users will go to some other website. According to most recent web statistics,{' '}\n \n 53% of visitors leave a site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load\n \n . Slow loading time leads to the loss of the highest number of web traffic. But fortunately,\n you can repair both of these fault lines and can ensure a fast loading website with no error\n page.\n
\nHere below we provide some effective tips.
\n\n Let us remind you that most users these days hate to read long text content and instead they\n like to quickly scan a text content. This is why contents helping at a glance scanning with\n the use of small paragraphs, bullet points, multiple heads and subheads, infographics and\n images enjoy better engagement, readability and traction than content lacking these\n elements.\n
\n\n Images are increasingly playing an important role in website content. They not only can give\n a facelift to the web content they can actually create a unique flair if used with a clear\n impact in mind. But while using images, it is always advisable to use authentic photographs\n instead of stock photos.\n
\nHere are some useful tips.
\n\n How many times while filling out a web form at the time of an online purchase the form\n seemed to be too lengthy? Yes, this happened to too many of us and many times we simply\n dashed out of the website in disgust. Well, this is one of the worst ways to lose business\n and traffic.\n
\n\n According to Google the structure, length and format of web forms are likely to have a\n serious impact on the completion and submission of forms by the users. So, if you are\n serious about boosting business conversion by{' '}\n \n improving your website's user experience\n \n , this is one area that deserves maximum attention.\n
\nHere are some effective tips regarding form fields.
\n\n Finally, you need to track all major metrics and parameters of your website performance and\n user engagement to detect the shortcomings and fault lines and to take steps accordingly.\n Google Analytics report can be used to set and create goals for business conversion.\n
\n\n In the admin menu of Google Analytics you can set goals for specific duration. Once your\n conversion goal is set you can keep track of this from time to time right from the menu\n itself. The best thing about this tool is that you can apply goal setting to almost anything\n in your website. For example, you can set a clear goal of the number of form submissions on\n your landing page.\n
\n\n Finally, all the tips and advice that we offered so far ultimately leads to A/B testing, the\n only effective way to judge whether your design decisions are right or not. Either you can\n incorporate design changes based on data driven insights furnished by website analytics or\n test these changes and evaluate their impact. A/B testing refers to the second approach\n where every design decision is presented with two options and based upon the impact you\n choose one.\n
\n\n Source:{' '}\n \n Optimizely\n \n
\n\n \n A/B testing\n {' '}\n is the process to evaluate each and every of your UX design decisions starting from the CTA\n to images to elements for high speed page loading to web forms.\n
\n\n Let's have a quick look at all the on-page design elements that can be subjected to A/B\n testing for a detailed evaluation.\n
\n\n Lastly, it doesn't need much brainstorming to understand that superior web User\n Experience is not only about getting quality content and relevant information. However\n useful content and relevant information a website provides, without a pleasing and engaging\n presentation, they won't lead to anywhere. Catching user attention and keeping them\n onboard with a captivating user experience is the key to great web user experience. Most of\n the leading brand websites offer clear examples of this principle.\n
\n\n This is why it is important to go through meticulous considerations and efforts while\n building a website. On the other hand, coming with a great website design is not a one-time\n job. It involves continuous efforts and frequent updates to fine-tune and shape things to\n perfection.\n
\n\n We’re taking our integration with LiveChat to the next level.{' '}\n
\n\n\n From now on, it’ll be easier to connect LiveSession to a market-leading live chat solution\n and add context to each conversation you are having.\n
\n\n\n With just a couple of clicks, you can add more context to every conversation you are having.\n Our LiveChat integration will add a link to the user’s session to each chat so that you can\n access it easily.\n
\n\n\n Get to know what the user you are talking to was doing on your website and enchant your\n visitors with excellent support:\n
\n\n\n Integrating LiveChat with LiveSession makes it easier to provide customer support and debug\n technical issues.\n
\n\n\n Start using our LiveChat integration now,{' '}\n visit LiveChat in Integrations Marketplace.\n
\nYou can now see which of your users in the chosen segment are most active.
\n\n The information about users is visible in a segment on the top of the sessions list.\n
\n\n This number is clickable and it opens a detailed list of ten most active (by the number of\n sessions) users. You can load up to 50 users.\n
\n\n To get most of this list, you should start to identify your users. Using LiveSession\n Tracking API you can provide a user name and email which will appear on this list. More info\n can be found\n \n here\n \n .\n
\n\n On the profile page, you can change your name and password, and thanks to the information\n about your role in the organization, we can develop the product according to your needs.\n
\n\n\n We hope you like it! Other new improvements are coming soon. If you think something needs\n improvement, or do you have an idea for functionality? Write to us:{' '}\n hello@livesession.io\n
\n\n You can now manage your website to disable the session recording temporarily. We have also\n released a domain validation for better security and to avoid recording sessions on the test\n environments.\n
\nThis options can be found in Settings > Websites.
\n\n On the dashboard, we have added information about interactions and frustration signals -{' '}\n Clicks, Rage clicks, and Error clicks.\n
\n\n\n Also, you can easily and quickly filter out recordings in which specific interactions were\n recorded from the above three types of interactions.\n
\n We hope you like it! Other new improvements are coming soon. If you think something needs\n improvement, or do you have an idea for functionality? Write to us:{' '}\n hello@livesession.io\n
\n\n You can't always sit next to your users and see what exactly they're doing on your\n website.\n
\nYou don't have to, though!
\n\n\n Click tracking is an easy and accurate way to collect information on user\n behaviour. If you'd like to:\n
\n\n\n the best thing to start with is a click tracking tool.{' '}\n
\n\n\n In this blog post, we'll walk you through all the secrets of effective click tracking.\n Let's dive in!\n
\n\n\n Long story short, click tracking is a feature used to{' '}\n record clicks (on desktop) or taps (on mobile devices).\n Technically, when someone clicks or taps something on your website, your click tracking app\n receives a signal and documents it. As you can see, it's a very simple process.\n
\n\n\n Sounds good, but who needs that anyway? To name just a few examples, click tracking tools\n can be used by:\n
\n\n\n Quite a wide range of applications for such a simple tool, isn't it? Here's\n what's in it for your business:\n
\n\n\n Click tracking can be a truly quick win. You don't need any\n questionnaires, focus groups and other time-consuming market research tools. All you need to\n do is set up tracking and wait for the data to collect itself. What's more, the final\n findings are not based on declarations (which are not always entirely true). It all comes\n from actual user behaviour.{' '}\n
\n\n\n In many ways, click tracking is like stepping in your visitor's shoes. You can see what\n exactly grabbed their attention and encouraged them to take action. This is the qualitative\n advantage of using click tracking tools, but there's much, much more to them!\n
\n\n\n Statistically, the more data you have, the closer you are to figuring out the truth. Same\n rule applies to click tracking.\n
\n\n\n If you keep tracking clicks for long enough, you're sure to see some patterns emerging.\n Of course, most websites (e.g.{' '}\n \n e-commerce stores\n \n ) have a lot in common but still, every audience is different. Often\n it's the little differences that you can learn from and take action.\n
\n\n\n On the other hand, sometimes you can find room for improvement after watching just a couple\n of user sessions. Your click tracking tool can be a source of highly valuable data – be\n ready to take advantage of it!\n
\n\n\n Once you start tracking clicks, you'll soon find out what are the most popular features\n on your website. Knowing this, you can stick to the stuff that works and optimise other\n elements of your site accordingly.{' '}\n
\n\n\n What's even more important is what doesn't work. Some click\n tracking tools, including LiveSession, allow you to spot the pain points automatically.{' '}\n Rage clicks are one of the most prominent signs of frustration. Ever found\n yourself clicking on a button furiously when something wasn't working? This is what we\n call a rage click.{' '}\n
\n\n\n LiveSession is able to spot rage clicks automatically. This handy feature makes it much\n easier to find visitors who were particularly unhappy with the service.\n
\n\n\n There are three main types of click tracking used by marketing specialists, analysts and UX\n professionals. These include:\n
\n\n\n Highly valued by UX researchers and design teams, website click tracking is\n one of the best ways to see how users interact with your product. With website click\n tracking tools, such as LiveSession, you can record all mouse strokes, scroll and, of\n course, clicks and taps.\n
\n\n\n As mentioned before, watching{' '}\n \n session recordings\n {' '}\n is like sitting next to your user. You can see everything in real-time; every moment of\n hesitation, every movement and every action taken.{' '}\n
\n\n\n Every session can be replayed to analyse all the clicks, taps and other kinds of user\n behaviour.\n
\n\nThis is a true goldmine of data.
\n\n\n It helps you understand what are the exact problems your users are facing. You might have\n the numbers on how many clicks were there, but qualitative data gives you a\n much deeper insight. With the right analytics, session recordings may become a great\n inspiration for improving your product.\n
\n\n\n It's not enough to send a good email – the core of good email marketing is tracking\n what happens after.{' '}\n
\n\n\n Many email service providers are integrated with click tracking tools. These allow you to\n see who opened the email and which links were clicked.\n
\n\n\n Did you know that email open rates can be tracked with a single pixel? If the recipient\n downloads the pixel, the email is recorded as opened. This trick is used by the most popular{' '}\n \n email tracking tools\n \n , such as{' '}\n \n Mailtrack\n {' '}\n and email marketing tools, such as{' '}\n \n Woodpecker\n {' '}\n and{' '}\n \n Sender\n \n .\n
\n\n\n Of course, there is much more to email analytics than just open rates. For example,{' '}\n email click-through rates can be tracked with a unique URL. For this\n purpose, you can use one of the dedicated link tracking tools we're describing below.{' '}\n
\n\n\n Tracking links is one of the fundamentals of data-driven online marketing. Once you know\n what gets most clicks, targeting your ads becomes much easier.{' '}\n
\n\n\n All the most popular link tracking tools allow you to record the number of clicks, shorten\n and customise your URLs. These are the basic functionalities, but there's a whole range\n of clever ways to track links and use the information for growing your business!\n
\n\n\n Link tracking allows you to collect a lot of data about your audience. If a user has clicked\n on your link already, it means they're interested in your product and more likely to\n interact with it.{' '}\n \n Rocketlink\n {' '}\n is a link tracking tool that knows exactly how to take advantage of this fact.{' '}\n
\n\n\n This handy app can be used to create a list of users who have clicked on your link. The list\n can be later converted into custom audience for paid ads. It's a smart way to use your\n online marketing budget, as you're targeting visitors who have already interacted with\n your brand.\n
\n\nSo, how can you track clicks on your very own website?
\n\n\n With LiveSession setting up click tracking is a piece of cake. Once you\n create your account, the app will walk you through the whole process. All you need to do is\n copy a ready-made piece of code and paste it into the head section of your website:\n
\n\n\n We've also created tutorials for the most popular platforms (including Wordpress, Wix,\n Shopify and more){' '}\n \n here\n \n .\n
\n\n\n That's pretty much it! Once the code is embedded correctly, all the clicks on your\n website are recorded and can be rewatched as many times as you need.{' '}\n
\n\n\n If you have any more questions regarding setting up click tracking with LiveSession, you can\n find a step-by-step tutorial{' '}\n \n here\n \n . Need any further assistance? Feel free to get in touch via our live chat in the bottom\n right corner of the website .\n
\n\n\n You've got all the right tools to track clicks on your website, in\n your emails and different channels. We're happy to share some expert tips on click\n tracking to get you started:\n
\n\n\n Even when you think you came up with the perfect solution for your users, don't get too\n attached to one version. It's always good to set up two different solutions, or compare\n the previous one and the new one.{' '}\n
\n\n\n A/B testing is about showing different versions of a website/email/etc. to\n different groups of users. This approach is used to evaluate various solutions and\n eventually implement the one that performs best. It can be used for UX design, email subject\n lines, landing pages – virtually all kinds of content your users interact with!\n
\n\nHere's the golden equation for qualitative user research:
\n\n\n click tracking + website recordings + real-time user interviews\n
\n\n\n If you'd like to get the most out of your user interviews, it's best to join\n different forces. With click tracking and recordings you can easily come back and analyse\n the user's behaviour once again. Combined with their comments and recorded facial\n expressions, this is a well-documented and actionable source of knowledge.\n
\n\nIf your website is rather big, it's not hard to get overwhelmed with data.
\n\n\n With advanced filtering it's easy to avoid this and focus on\n what's important instead. LiveSession allows you to filter user sessions by different\n parameters, such traffic source, location and more.\n
\n\nWhat's our single most important takeaway for a successful click tracking?
\n\n\n We'd say the key is to stay curious.\n
\n\n\n Keep collecting data about your visitors – all the information you need is already there.\n You just need to record it and take some time to analyse it properly.\n
\n\n\n We hope that after reading this article you're ready to harness the power of click\n tracking. Now it's time to put the knowledge into action!\n
\nFrom now, LiveSession playback will display touch events colected on mobile devices.
\n\n We’ve just launched a long-awaited feature: Funnels. With LiveSession Funnels, you can track\n sets of actions your users take while visiting your website. See which parts of your\n customers’ purchase path could be improved or increase conversion rates on your subscription\n forms.\n
\n\n\n To create your first funnel, simply open the{' '}\n \n Funnels tab\n \n :\n
\n\n From here, you can view, edit, duplicate and analyze funnels you already created. When\n creating a funnel, you can use any of the LiveSession filters.{' '}\n
\n\n\n Learn more about managing LiveSession Funnels{' '}\n here.\n
\nWe’ve just improved sharing session recordings in LiveSession! Here’s what’s new:
\nYou can choose to share the recording with anyone, or with your teammates only:
\n\n You can set the recording to start at a particular moment. This is especially helpful\n when you’d like to point to a specific moment:\n
\n\n If you have any other ideas for improvement, we’re happy to hear from you! Feel free to get\n in touch via live chat or send us an email to{' '}\n hello@livesession.io\n
\n\n Both sales and marketing teams are working towards the same goal: to make a company grow and\n to generate more profit. Unfortunately, the reality of many companies is that these two\n teams work separately, and the communication between them is questionable.\n
\n\n The lack of collaboration between these two teams has always been harmful to both clients\n and the company itself, but now it becomes more problematic than ever. Basically, customers\n lots of touch points before deciding to purchase. On average, we’re talking about between{' '}\n \n 6 and 8 points\n {' '}\n of contact with a brand - and some of them related to sales, whereas others belong to the\n marketing.\n
\n\n When you think about it: Customers visit a company’s website, follow the brand on various\n social media channels, see outdoor ads, subscribe to newsletters, read opinions about the\n product, ask their friends’ opinions on social media, contact a salesperson… And the list\n goes on. Luckily, most of these touchpoints can be used for{' '}\n \n lead generation\n \n .\n
\n\n Lead is usually a person that has already expressed some interest in your product by sharing\n his or her contact information. There’s a distinction, though: Cold leads are people who are\n only interested in an offer (for example an ebook) and have no intention to buy a product.\n Hot leads, on the other hand, are almost ready to buy as they follow the brand on social\n media, subscribe to the newsletter, regularly visit the website. All of them can be nurtured\n and encouraged to finalize the transaction.\n
\n\n A lead generation goes far beyond having people signed up for newsletters and sending them\n emails: marketers can use landing pages, webinars, podcasts, blogs, video marketing, social\n media, events, just to name a few.\n
\n\n Lead generation is not rocket science but at the same time,{' '}\n \n 65% of businesses\n {' '}\n say that generating traffic and leads is their biggest marketing challenge. Using all the\n touchpoints to meet customers seems to require a plethora of work and resources. On the\n other hand, almost every company has some of the touchpoints ready - usually a website and a\n few social media profiles that they maintain. Optimizing them for lead generation can bring\n your business much more benefits than you might think. Provided that you do it right, that\n is.\n
\n\n The majority of B2B companies claim that{' '}\n \n content marketing generates more leads\n {' '}\n than other marketing strategies. Having engaging and persuasive content on the website\n should be a starting point for lead generation and the website should work as the hub for\n all content marketing efforts. It’s a good and common practice to include a link to the\n website in all the marketing materials, both online and printed. What is more,\n third-parties, such as review sites, social media,{' '}\n \n video hosting\n {' '}\n sites, can also link to the website and bring leads. Therefore, it’s crucial to have a site\n that is rich in informative, valuable content and that is easy to navigate.\n
\n\n Image by{' '}\n \n rawpixel.com\n \n
\n\n\n Once you have such content, you can easily use it for lead generation. Of course, you can\n publish a long and informative ebook or whitepaper for free and let everyone download it\n within 2 clicks. But you can also ask for a piece of contact information instead. The most\n popular way is to ask for a name and email, and then send an ebook directly to someone’s\n mailbox. There’s also another: ask consumers to ‘pay’ for your content by sharing it with\n their network. It requires less effort than filling the form (and let’s be frank, everybody\n hates online forms) and makes everyone an advocate of your brand.\n
\n\n Speaking of optimising your website - it needs to be user-friendly in order to convert leads\n into customers. In other words: When prospects land on the website, their experience has to\n be seamless. If they have to wait for images to load and struggle to navigate or find\n relevant information within a few clicks, they’re very likely to go somewhere else. Make\n sure that your visitors don’t get stuck when browsing your website and they’re “landing”\n exactly where you need them to be. Record how a user interacts with your website, analyze\n their behaviour and draw conclusions from it to improve the experience. You can easily do so\n with{' '}\n \n convert leads into customers\n \n . In other words: When prospects land on the website, their experience has to be seamless.\n If they have to wait for images to load and struggle to navigate or find relevant\n information within a few clicks, they’re very likely to go somewhere else. Make sure that\n your visitors don’t get stuck when browsing your website and they’re “landing” exactly where\n you need them to be. Record how a user interacts with your website, analyze their behaviour\n and draw conclusions from it to improve the experience. You can easily do so with{' '}\n \n LiveSession\n \n .\n
\n\n Studies show that people are 71% more likely to purchase something{' '}\n \n based on a social media referral\n \n . However, to generate leads using social media, you need to be where your audience is. And\n it’s unlikely to be one platform since, on average, internet users have{' '}\n \n 7.6 social media accounts\n \n . Managing so many profiles at work is not a piece of cake, but{' '}\n \n the right tools\n {' '}\n come to the rescue. A good example is{' '}\n \n Kontentino\n \n , a{' '}\n \n social media management tool\n \n . It’s more than a simple calendar that allows you to schedule posts but also a{' '}\n \n project management software\n {' '}\n to facilitate the work of a social media team. Omnichannel presence also requires\n omnichannel content. You can’t prepare one copy and share it on every platform - not only\n because Twitter has a character limit but because every channel has its specifics.\n
\n\n Image by{' '}\n \n rawpixel.com\n \n
\n\n\n It’s a common practice to boost social media marketing with paid campaigns as organic\n results are always limited, especially if you’ve started only recently. Social media ads can\n bring good results even with small budgets, and there are many options to choose from:\n boosting posts, promoting events or content, creating ads dedicated to lead generation, and\n more. If you use a service like{' '}\n \n RocketLink\n \n , you’ll be able to target social media campaigns to people who have clicked a specific\n link. In short, you will create your own custom audience.\n
\n\n Social media and content marketing, especially if published on a quality website, are\n inseparable and perfect for engaging an audience that later can turn into clients. At the\n same time, marketers constantly look for new ways of engaging the audience and to boost\n traffic. There is nothing wrong with that, quite the contrary, but let’s not forget and\n ignore what we already have: Every new brand starts with a website and at least 2 or 3\n social media profiles anyway. With the right optimization and engaging content, both can\n play a crucial role in lead generation and boosting sales.{' '}\n
\n\n The clue is to keep this engagement, build the trust towards the brand, and offer\n outstanding user experience. Only then visitors become leads and leads become paying\n clients.{' '}\n
\n\n Get valuable insights on how visitors interact with your website and improve conversions.{' '}\n \n \n Try LiveSession now.\n \n \n
\n\n For everyone who need longer sessions data storage, there is an option now. We've\n released 3 month retention. This can be changed in subscription settings.\n
\n\n Remember that retention value is set during the moment of session creation. It's best\n to buy more data history from the start.\n
\n\n \n Websites have multiple purposes. If you own a business, however, most likely you will\n design yours to educate visitors about your offer and eventually turn them into paying\n customers. Luckily, there are ways to speed up this process. Here’s how to improve\n conversion for your{' '}\n \n SaaS company\n {' '}\n with the right set of tools.\n \n
\n\n\n When trying to improve conversion, business owners usually use a combination of techniques -\n including content marketing, paid advertising, or email drip campaigns. They often forget\n about turning their own website into a powerful lead generation & nurturing tool, though.\n
\n\nWhy is it relevant?
\n\n\n Simply because catching the attention of your target audience is only the first step in the\n process of turning them into loyal customers. What happens next is what increasing\n conversion is all about.\n
\n\n\n A “conversion” is when your website visitor completes a desired action, such as filling in\n the contact form, requesting a quote, or making a purchase. Basically, once a potential\n customer lands on your website, it should be clear what action you want them to take next.\n This might be affected by a number of factors, including page design, its layout, and\n content.\n
\n\n\n It can take some time, but optimising your website and improving conversion are definitely\n worth the effort. Especially since the following tools can help you increase conversion\n rates throughout your entire website:\n
\n\n\n It may not seem like it at first, but displaying any kind of social proof on your website\n can work wonders for conversion rates. Given that{' '}\n \n positive online reviews\n {' '}\n are likely to influence buying decisions, featuring them on your website can easily increase\n trust and help you sell more. It’s mostly because your customers’ recommendations usually\n mean much more to other buyers than that pretty much anything you say about your business\n yourself.{' '}\n
\n\n\n If you want to engage and convert your visitors with social proof, try{' '}\n \n {' '}\n crowdy.ai\n \n . It will allow you to share any user activity on your site. No matter if you choose to\n display star ratings or testimonials - the opinions of your customers will help you increase\n trust and convert more visitors in the long run.\n
\n\n\n When designing a website, don’t just assume that your intentions will be obvious for\n everyone who lands on it. In fact, a SaaS website (or a landing page, which we will discuss\n later on) should be created in a way that leaves your visitors no choice but to act how you\n want them to.\n
\n\n\n In order to check whether that’s the case, use{' '}\n \n LiveSession\n {' '}\n to see how your visitors actually interact with your website. Once you figure this out, you\n can easily improve the design of your site to make it more conversion-friendly.\n
\n\n\n Many businesses tend to invest a lot of time, effort and money into paid campaigns, only to\n redirect potential customers to a generic landing page that doesn’t really convert. Instead,\n it might be worth to create several landing pages for different campaigns and purposes. This\n is sure to increase the chance of turning your visitors into leads.\n
\n\n\n As a matter of fact, proper landing pages can definitely take your conversion rates to the\n next level. By proper, we mean relevant and aimed at solving a specific problem. Luckily,\n there are many tools that can help you design multiple landing pages, without any\n programming skills. Take{' '}\n \n Landingi\n {' '}\n as an example. You can easily create and optimise your own custom landing pages, and convert\n traffic from your campaigns into customers.\n
\n\n\n Speaking of optimisation: if you truly want to understand what your customers want (which is\n a secret to increasing conversion), try A/B testing as well. This way, you’ll be able to\n test out two different design options and see which one works best for your customer. Once\n again – you can easily do so with Landingi, and most landing page creators.{' '}\n
\n\n\n As it turns out,{' '}\n \n many customers prefer a live chat\n {' '}\n over other communication methods. The ability to chat live with your customer & sales\n support can help you build trust among your website visitors, especially since many buyers\n might need help with completing a transaction. You can also use it to start the conversation\n yourself and encourage your visitors to take the desired action.{' '}\n
\n\n\n If that sounds like something that might interest you - give{' '}\n \n LiveChat\n \n . a try. It offers plenty of features to engage your visitors and track your performance, so\n you can keep improving conversions. It even offers a dedicated “Sales Tracker” - a piece of\n code that takes into account all chats that end with sales. This data eventually shows you\n which conversations, agents and products have the biggest impact on your revenue.\n
\n\n\n Wouldn't it be great to add a chatbox to any link you share as well? Now you can -\n simply embed it with{' '}\n \n RocketLink\n \n . Basically, this tool allows you to shorten links and add custom elements to them. Later\n on, you can also create custom audiences from people who clicked on those links and retarget\n them with dedicated campaigns. If you'd like to optimize your campaigns to get the most\n of them, we can recommend{' '}\n \n Adzooma\n {' '}\n for that purpose.\n
\n\n\n The result? You can keep in touch with potential customers even after they click on external\n links, and redirect them to your website - or simply display a custom CTA as an overlay to\n drive traffic wherever you want to. Neat, isn't it?\n
\n\n\n While on the subject of popups, it’s worth to mention that there are{' '}\n \n increasingly more studies\n {' '}\n that show their impact on increasing conversion. You might find them annoying at times, but\n there are cases in which popups work perfectly - when{' '}\n \n growing an email list\n \n , encouraging blog subscriptions, promoting content, and driving lead generation, just to\n name a few.\n
\n\n\n Fortunately,{' '}\n \n Sumo\n {' '}\n offers a suite of tools to help you capture more leads and increase your site conversions.\n You can choose from popup CTAs, scroll-triggered boxes, and 'Contact Us' forms, to\n name just a few. Plus, when paired with Google Analytics, it can provide you with powerful\n on-page insights.{' '}\n
\n\n\n In order to improve conversion, you should make good use of what you already have on your\n website, and optimise it constantly. It will be much easier if start drawing conclusions\n from the available data on your visitors and potential customers. This will help you\n encourage them to take action. Remember that capturing the attention of your target audience\n is one thing - maintaining their interest and collecting their contact information is a\n completely different story.{' '}\n
\n\n\n High conversion rates are something to strive for, as they directly help you grow your\n business. Sadly, there’s no single best tool that would give you every possible insight you\n ever looked for. On the other hand, combining the right software can easily bring you\n similar results, improving conversions in the long run. Use the above-mentioned tools to\n convert your website visitors into actual leads and customers. Good luck!\n
\n\n From now on, you can get more information about the user by clicking on the name or ID on\n the sessions' list. It is an easier way to find other user's sessions or to get\n aggregated information about the numer of sessions and duration.\n
\n\n You can also apply this user as a filter by clicking "Show All" or "Show\n matching filters".\n
\n\n We're excited to announce that we've released new feature called{' '}\n Custom Events. This feature allows you to track custom actions that your\n users perform along with custom event properties.\n
\n\n From now on Timeline is enriched with your\n events tailored for your business needs.\n
\n\n If you need more information take a look{' '}\n here.\n
\n\n We've added an ability to control session playback by keyboard. Down below you can see\n available shortcuts.\n
\n\n New filters have been released. From now on, you can filter by device group(mobile, tablet\n or desktop) or easily find sessions based on the device's screen size.\n
\n\n A landing page is a standalone website dedicated to a specific purpose, such as a particular\n marketing campaign or a product page. Once customers click on your Google or social media\n ads, they “land” on landing pages. This is an excellent opportunity to attract them to your\n products and close the deal. Because of that,\n landing page optimization is crucial for improving the performance of your\n marketing campaigns. Check out our tips and revamp your landing pages with no fuss!\n
\n\n First of all, every landing page should have a clear purpose. For sure, it has to be\n aesthetic and compliant with your branding, but it’s not all about stunning design. First of\n all, make sure that your landing page is useful and intuitive. Drop videos or pictures that\n may slow-down your website, and use images that will enable speed loading instead.\n
\n\n\n To identify your visitors’ pain points, you can use tools like LiveSession. They enable\n session recording, so you can learn how users interact with your website, both on desktop\n and mobile. It is a valuable opportunity to see visitors’ clicks, mouse movement, scrolling\n and keystrokes. Once you analyze recordings and get to know how your customers behave on\n your website, you can adapt your product to their needs. The system evaluates recordings\n based on the level of user involvement in a given session. That way, you can focus on the\n most valuable sessions and come to fruitful conclusions.\n
\n\n And there is more! Thanks to session recordings you can identify bugs or errors, and fix\n them faster{' '}\n \n 😉\n \n
\n\n There should be one main call-to-action present on every landing page. This way, you can\n inform visitors what kind of action you to expect them to take. A few strong CTAs can be\n confusing and distracting for a potential customer. This is also why it’s a good practice is\n to leave a white space around a button to increase its visibility. A powerful CTA should\n include up to five words and action verbs, such as “join”, “sign-up”, “buy now”, “order”\n etc. If you need to share more details for clarification, you can use additional text below\n the actual CTA button. As a result, visitors can be sure what action they are about to take.\n
\n\n CTA, as well as other crucial elements of a landing page, should be placed above the fold.\n Therefore, the users can notice them without scrolling your website. This little trick can\n help you increase conversion rates! Creating a sense of urgency can also be beneficial.\n Sometimes customers interested in your offer might postpone their decision. In this case,\n you can help them make a choice by highlighting that your special deal is temporary.\n
\n\n If you’d like to learn more about the subject, this{' '}\n \n guide to creating successful CTAs\n {' '}\n is sure to come in handy!\n
\n\n Highlight the unique things or qualities about your company, products or services to\n convince your visitors why they should choose your offer over your competitors. A{' '}\n unique value proposition should inform your customers\n which of their problems your company solves and what actual benefits they can\n get. Additionally, it should emphasize how your offer differs from the others available on\n the market. Use the language of your customers so that they can easily understand what you\n want to say.\n
\n\n There is no single recipe for the perfect value proposition. It can include an appealing\n headline, two or three sentences of specification, bullet points describing the benefits and\n an appealing image.\n
\n\n On the product pages, you should definitely highlight your e-commerce advantages, like{' '}\n \n last mile delivery\n \n , free-shipping or next-day delivery. Of course, you need to expose best qualities of a\n given product. Instead of describing technical specification, come up with a value\n proposition. For example, explain the extraordinary features, like waterproof material. If\n your company act responsibly, supports fair trade, or contributes to charity – don’t forget\n to mention it!\n
\n\n A landing page is visited by users that are initially interested in your offer. Use that\n opportunity to maximize your chances of closing the deal! Building trust is\n one of the most helpful approaches when it comes to triggering shopping impulses.\n
\nHow exactly can you show your potential customer that your company is reliable?
\n\n Customer trust is especially significant when it comes to e-commerce websites. Be sure to\n add information about payment methods and third-party providers. Assure\n your customers that your platform is fully secured. Another essential aspect of online\n shopping is safe and fast delivery– don’t forget to inform visitors which\n delivery companies will take care of their order. Product rating expressed through numbers\n or stars can be helpful as well. By providing this information to your customers, you can\n count on a better conversion rate. Make sure these details are easy to read and understand.\n
\n\n No matter how many guides and tips on landing page optimization you will read, you still\n have to find out what works best for your audience. Landing pages are an\n excellent opportunity for A/B testing. This method is about changing only one element, for\n example the CTA button, title, image or color pallette. This is how you can find out which\n version of your website performs best. You can learn what are your target group preferences\n and use this knowledge for your further improvements and projects.\n
\n\n For example, you can notice how conversion differs depending on how you inform about the\n current discount – in percentage or the exact amount. Run A/B tests to find out which is\n more convincing for your customers and use the winning version your future campaigns.{' '}\n
\n\n Here’s an extra tip: landing pages, like other types of websites, can also be entered via\n Google search results. Even though social media campaigns and Google Ads might generate most\n of the traffic, you can still benefit from search engine optimization. Star\n from the basics – use the right keywords and headlines to fit users’ search phrases. You can\n also link to useful blog posts and other subpages.\n
\n\n The clue of{' '}\n \n creating the most effective landing page\n {' '}\n is to understand that it has to be as useful as possible for the visitors.\n Think about its purpose and highlight the most crucial benefits and features of your\n products. Include appealing CTAs, testimonials and contact details. Nevertheless, keep it\n simple. Direct customer’s attention to the one goal of your landing page to maximize its\n performance.{' '}\n
\n\n {' '}\n The “abandoned cart” is an issue for many online businesses. For those who don’t know, the\n abandoned cart occurs when a potential customer goes through the process of logging onto a\n business’s website, choosing a product, adding it to their purchase basket, but doesn’t end\n up finishing the checkout purchase.{' '}\n
\n\n\n This can be particularly frustrating for businesses as it means at least part of their\n marketing campaign is working, and many don’t know how to fix their abandoned cart issues.{' '}\n
\n\n\n Over the years, many marketers and business owners have noticed that the best way to deal\n with their abandoned cart problems is by creating a sense of urgency. Over the remainder of\n this article, we will go over some effective ways online shopping platforms can increase\n urgency.\n
\n\n One thing that researchers found was that long shipping periods are likely to have customers\n clicking off or thinking twice about making a purchase. “Choosing shipping and payment\n options is usually the last step in the buying process. When a potential customer gets to\n that step and sees they are going to have to wait 10 - 15 business days for shipping, many\n begin to think twice about their purchase”, writes Jame Keen, a conversion expert at{' '}\n \n Liahelp\n {' '}\n and{' '}\n \n Bigassignments\n \n .\n
\n\n\n Although not always possible depending on the product or location, one of the best ways to\n combat this is by offering fast shipping options. An even more effective method would be to\n offer free fast shipping over a certain price. An example of this and how successful it can\n be is Amazon. Now of course, not every business is able to offer the type of free shipping\n that Amazon does, but it is a good case study.\n
\n\n\n Depending on the country or region, Amazon offers free three-day shipping for all purchases\n over a certain amount. Not only does this prompt users to checkout, but in many cases it\n also makes them look for another item to add to their cart if they find themselves under the\n free shipping amount.\n
\n\n\n The appearance of scarcity is another great way to stop customers from having second\n thoughts. Marketers and psychologists have found that consumers are much more likely to\n purchase something if they think they are getting a limited-time deal, especially if it is\n close to expiring. In this case, the buyer doesn’t want to feel like they have missed out\n and end up going through with their purchase before they have any time for second doubts.\n
\n\n\n One important aspect to consider when doing this is the placing of the sale reminder. Many\n sites are successful in making the customer aware that there is a limited-time sale going on\n but they don’t remind them once they are actually at the checkout phase. This is a major\n mistake and one that highly reduces the effectiveness of this technique.\n
\n\n\n When running sales, it is important to inform the customer that the sale is on for a limited\n time at every step of the checkout process.\n
\n\n Another way businesses can take advantage of scarcity is by displaying low stock levels on\n their website. An industry that is known for doing this is the airline ticket sales\n industry, which will often have “only two tickets left at this price” at the top of the most\n desired search results. “When dealing with scarcity it is important to operate with some\n ethics. Many business owners feel it is bad practice to lie outright, and most people would\n agree with this. However, when a certain item's stock does become low, there is nothing\n wrong with informing would-be buyers of this fact”, writes Susan Veril, a tech writer at{' '}\n \n Eliteassignmenthelp\n {' '}\n and{' '}\n \n Essayroo\n \n .\n
\n\n\n One thing to keep in mind is if a website lists products as always low in stock, repeat\n customers, or those thinking about making another purchase, will see right through this ploy\n and may make people hesitant to make another purchase. Because of this, it makes good\n business sense to be honest and only say a product is low in stock when it is.\n
\n\n {' '}\n Another excellent tactic to increase urgency is by offering a small discount upon or close\n to check out. Typically, this works by having a pop-up or banner come across the screen\n advertising a further discount for those who act fast. Most of the time, the discount offers\n a further 5 - 10 percent off the current price but only for a limited amount of time.\n
\n\n\n This method has proven to be quick effective, especially when combined with fast shipping\n options. How much of a discount to give will depend on the business and product, but it\n doesn’t have to be much. Some studies have shown that a limited time discount of even just\n 5% is enough to persuade many would-be buyers who might have second thoughts about\n completing their purchase.\n
\n\n {' '}\n Sometimes scarcity can be pushed by letting a potential buyer know that other people are\n interested in the same product, especially if that product has limited stock. Using the\n airline ticket industry as an example again, when searching for tickets, these booking\n agencies will usually inform people how many other people are searching for the same ticket\n with the same dates.{' '}\n
\n\n\n When combined with limited stock or a minor sale, this tactic can be very effective as it\n creates a sense of urgency by letting the individual know there are other people interested\n and if they don’t move quickly they may lose their opportunity.\n
\n\n A cross-sell is when another related item is bundled with the current item and the customer\n is offered a slight discount. Amazon is really good at this. For example, if a customer is\n searching for a book in particular series, right before checkout Amazon will offer them a\n bundle of another book in the same series for slightly less than what it would cost to buy\n the two individually.{' '}\n
\n\n\n When this is done, it gets the individual thinking about whether the deal is worth it or not\n and takes them away from having second doubts about their purchase. Even if the customer\n doesn’t decide on purchasing the bundle, they may still feel like they have been responsible\n and saved some money by not making the larger purchase, a belief which ends up justifying\n their initial purchase even more.\n
\n\n {' '}\n Flash sales are quick, seemingly random, sales that take a decent chunk off of a\n product's price. These types of sales may not be realistic for all types of products\n but can work very well in high-volume businesses. A great example of this is Shein, a large\n clothing retailer out of China. Anyone who has gone to their site knows that they have flash\n sales all the time, which can cut an extra 15-35% off the price of an item.\n
\n\n\n It should be understood that flash sales are not random, and are usually programmed to occur\n with stock the business is trying to get rid of. The trigger for a flash sale is the amount\n of time spent on the website with items in their checkout basket. If the individual has\n spent a significant amount of time on the site without checking out, they are a good target\n for a flash sale.\n
\n\n {' '}\n The idea of scarcity, and the urgency it rates, can be tapped into by offering a presale on\n a new product for which there will be a limited initial supply.\n
\n\n\n This only works for products that are in high demand and a good example of this are\n Playstation or Xbox consoles. Every few years, a new iteration in the line of video game\n consoles is released. The initial release supply is limited and customers are able to\n pre-order their products, often at a slight increase in price. This works because the\n products are so heavily sought people are willing to pay a little extra upfront to have it\n when it's released.\n
\n\n Mailing lists are very useful for marketing purposes, it allows a business to stay in\n communication for customers and inform them of new products and promotions. A great way to\n make use of this mailing list is by offering a time-sensitive sign-up bonus. For example, an\n offer can read “Sign up for our mailing list and receive 10% off your first purchase valid\n for 24 hours”.\n
\n\n\n These types of deals are really enticing for people because not only does it create a sense\n of urgency, but it also positively reinforces their desire to make a purchase.\n
\n\n When there is a sale, displaying a countdown timer at the top of the screen is a good way to\n instill a sense of urgency in customers. This works particularly well for flash sales.\n
\nWe’ve just added two new filters to help you with form analytics!
\n\n The form submit filter will help you find sessions where the users\n submitted a particular form. You can search for it with the CSS selector.\n
\n\n With the form value filter, you’re able to search for particular values\n submitted in the forms. Depending on your needs, you can choose to filter either by value or\n the CSS selector.\n
\n\n Need more help? Check out our{' '}\n \n form analytics tutorial\n \n !\n
\n\n Now, in addition to your user’s country, you will find out which city it is from. You can\n also filter recordings from a specific city.\n
\n We hope you like it! Other new improvements are coming soon. If you think something needs\n improvement, or do you have an idea for functionality? Write to us:{' '}\n hello@livesession.io\n
\n\n In an increasingly fast-paced digital world, we are constantly bombarded with new content.\n 24-hour news cycles have created a platform for a constant stream of content and continuous\n access to social channels through mobile devices means that content is always in our pocket.\n For brands, it can become a full-time job trying to keep up with the endless consumption of\n content that customers seemingly demand. Trying to figure out what to post on social\n channels to grab customers’ attention is a task of Herculean proportions.\n
\n\n\n Whilst it’s true that fresh content is an essential element of digital marketing and\n customer engagement, many businesses are too caught up in this whirlwind of content to pause\n and take note. With a constant emphasis on new content, quality sometimes gets lost in the\n drive to create, and analytics - the question of how your content is being received - often\n goes out the window altogether.\n
\n\n\n This means that businesses are missing valuable opportunities to learn about their audience\n and the content they appreciate. Sometimes, a high-performing piece of content will engage\n your audience better the second time around, and your most engaging content might be\n something your audience will appreciate time and again.{' '}\n
\n\n Working hard or working smart? You could exhaust your creative juices coming up with fresh\n content every day - or you could rediscover your top performing content from the past. Let’s\n take a look at how you do that.\n
\n\n Taking advantage of the analytic tools that are out there can revolutionize your content.\n Sometimes engaging with social media can feel like shouting into the void - and it’s so\n frustrating when you post some hard-earned content, only for it to seemingly slip under the\n radar. Analytics provides you with the context for how your audience is engaging with your\n post - remember, knowledge is power.\n
\n\n\n Google Analytics is one of the best tools out there for exploring the performance of your\n content. You’ll be able to see, out of all your content, what was the most viewed and the\n most shared. Google’s Analytic tools are far from the only option out there too, so if you\n want more specificity in how you approach your data, explore some other options.\n
\n\n Most social media platforms have their own analytics that you can access somewhere in the\n backdrop of your account. Instagram, for example, offers businesses the ability to see how\n many shares their post has had, as well as how many profile views came as a direct result\n from your post.\n
\n\n\n “Tracking your most-shared content is an essential way of identifying your top-performing\n posts,” says Jennifer Erwin, a content expert at{' '}\n \n Boomessays\n \n . “When posts get shared that gives your engagement existential growth - the holy grail of\n content marketing.” Utilize social platforms’ own internal analytics to identify which posts\n are resonating with your audience and getting the best reach - this will give you an archive\n of great content to draw upon in the future.\n
\n\n {' '}\n Having identified your top-performing content of yore, you have the opportunity to re-engage\n your audience with it and expand the reach of your social media. Sometimes simply reposting\n your content with a simple introduction such as “One from the archives…” might be enough to\n merit a share. But to get the most life out of your content you can reanimate it for new\n audiences. Let’s see the best ways to bring your content back to life. In addition, you can\n always hire a freelancer to create custom animations, graphic designs or extra copy to give\n your content the boost it needs, provided it’s{' '}\n \n within your budget\n \n .\n
\n\n There are so many ways you can{' '}\n \n share content from text to video\n \n ,{' '}\n \n images to infographics\n \n . And different platforms encourage information to be shared in different ways. For example,\n a text post that you have identified as performing well on Facebook could be repurposed into\n a series of slides for an information Instagram post.\n
\n\n Get creative with how you repurpose your best-performing content and you’ll give it a second\n lease of life. Even platforms that predominantly encourage sharing in one form - such as\n Instagram and images - are ripe for subverting with alternative content. See how\n microblogging on Instagram has taken off. Your content can take so many forms!\n
\n\n Influencers are a big deal across multiple social platforms and they’ve curated a unique,\n authentic, and highly engaged audience that’s just waiting for your content. You can\n approach influencers by direct message to see if they’re interested in working for you or,\n take a more organic approach by engaging with them on their own accounts first.\n
\n\n\n By getting the attention of those with big followings you increase the chance of getting\n them to share your content with their audience. If they like your posts, this can happen\n entirely organically. This is a great strategy for bloggers too who have their own curated\n audience.\n
\n\n It feels like new social platforms are created every day so it’s likely there’ll be one or\n two out there that you haven’t gotten onto yet. Even if the majority of these platforms\n never compete with the likes of Facebook or Instagram you never know which will be the next\n big thing.\n
\n\n\n What’s more, each platform will have its own demographic as an audience. From Tik Tok to\n LinkedIn, there’s always a new audience for your content.\n
\n\n Whatever your industry, there will be some major discrepancies in your target market. Take\n your old content and tweak it in a way that appeals to specific subsets of the demographics\n you’re trying to reach. Personalize content to create tailored posts that maximize\n engagement.\n
\n\n Lastly, it’s essential to measure the engagement your content gets. This will guide your\n strategy in the future.\n
\n\n Whilst it’s great if people are double-tapping to like the content you’ve posted on\n Instagram or if your Facebook posts are bringing the thumbs, but comments take precedence\n over likes in the engagement hierarchy. If people have been interested enough in your post\n to leave a comment then you know they’re engaged - scan your blog posts and social media to\n see what people are commenting on, and where.\n
\n\n Chances are, your most engaging content is being widely shared. A shared post reaches the\n audience of whoever has shared it, so it’s not only your followers who are seeing your\n content but an ever-increasing audience. Incentivizing your followers to share your posts\n through offers and giveaways can take your engagement to another level.\n
\n\n For blog posts, pageviews are an important metric in how successful your content has been.\n For a good sense of how your content is performing you should know a rough average of how\n many views your blogs get - you can then gauge if a specific content is exceeding\n expectations. And it’s equally important to know where these views are coming from.\n
\n\n “Tracking your traffic and identifying how much of it is organic is important to\n understanding the performance of your post,” says Elizabeth Jenkins, a copywriter at{' '}\n \n State Of Writing\n \n . Organic traffic, as opposed to paid traffic resulting from ads, will indicate that your\n content is being shared far and wide.\n
\n\n LiveSession is a fantastic tool that lets you record and replay the way your customers have\n interacted with your content on social channels. LiveSession gives you the ability to see\n through your customers eyes and can provide great insight into how customers engage with\n your content. For example, you can assess where customers' attention is being directed\n - if you have highly informative content with a mixture of infographics and text, this\n analytic tool can make it clear if people are engaging with the whole post or just certain\n elements. You’ll be able to recycle popular graphics in your content cycle once you have\n this data.\n
\n \n Record and replay sessions on your website now. Try LiveSession for free.\n \n\n Does the engagement on your content have a strong overlap with the accounts you’re most\n interested in reaching? If you’ve identified niche target markets you can gauge the\n performance of your content both in terms of absolute numbers as well as in how these\n demographics are engaging with your content. Ideally, everyone who likes, comments and\n shares your posts is a potential customer - once you’ve maximized engagement with an\n audience that is tailored to the demands of your products, your business is ready to grow.\n
\n\n The drive for fresh content can sometimes be fallacious - old content can be brought back to\n life with these strategies. By finding new platforms, new audiences and by tweaking old\n content into new forms you can find next level engagement with the content you’re already\n sitting on. Don’t forget the value of analytics to discover your top content, as well as to\n continually measure your content’s performance and adjust your strategies accordingly. Don’t\n exhaust yourself with constant new content - recycle your content for a green strategy.\n
\n\n \n We are proud to have been honored by G2 Crowd. It is one of the largest and award-winning\n portals gathering reviews of products and services from various industries.\n \n
\n\n This time{' '}\n \n G2\n {' '}\n prepared a report in the Session Replay tool category, where out of 53 companies, ten were\n awarded in this category. We were awarded the High Performer badge. This\n award is given to products that are appreciated by customers and has been on the market for\n a short time compared to other products in this category. LiveSession has been recognized as\n a product with a very high potential, which at an early stage of its existence on the market\n (since 2019), is placed among the leaders.\n
\n\n\n LiveSession received a satisfaction rating of between{' '}\n \n 90% and 100% in terms of ease of set-up, ease of use, ease of administration, and\n supported quality\n \n . 100% of users rated us 4 or 5 stars, 91% felt we were heading in the right direction, and\n users said they would probably recommend LiveSession at 94%.\n
\n\n\n We want to thank those who have shared their views. It is thanks to our customers that we\n have the strength and motivation to continue to grow and improve our product so that it can\n help many online businesses grow.{' '}\n
\n\n New filter operator is now available. For Name, Email,{' '}\n URLs and Custom params you can filter sessions using a{' '}\n substring value.\n
\n\n LiveSession Wins Premium Usability Honor for Marketing Software from Platform for Software\n Reviews.\n
\n\n LiveSession, helping many businesses accelerate their business growth through better\n knowledge of customer behavior, has recently been conferred with the Premium Usability honor\n for 2019.\n
\n\n {' '}\n
\n LiveSession received the award from{' '}\n \n FinancesOnline\n \n , a popular software review platform, in recognition of its intuitive set of features for\n analyzing essential customer data. Among the functionalities commended by the FinancesOnline\n review team include “total visibility and transparency” on customer interactions,\n identification of the type of content that positively or negatively impacted customer\n interactions with your website, and data segmentation, among others. And with our\n Straightforward{' '}\n \n LiveSession pricing\n {' '}\n options, you can get every single feature that we offer across all plans.{' '}\n
\n\n\n As stated by FinancesOnline, our customer analytics tool is able to document “all sorts of\n data” and “thoroughly” analyze and evaluate these information to produce “highly actionable\n insights.” All in all, this can help businesses provide a more delightful customer journey\n while improving their conversions, stated the review team. And as a testimony on the\n reliability of LiveSession, FinancesOnline certified us with the Rising Star award for 2019\n while being recognized as among the{' '}\n \n leading marketing alternatives\n \n . Furthermore, we also ranked among their top list of{' '}\n \n marketing software\n {' '}\n and garnered a 97% customer satisfaction score based on their unique algorithm.{' '}\n
\n\n\n We would like to thank our sincere appreciation to FinancesOnline and all our customers for\n the positive feedback. Stay tuned for better experiences to come as we have a lot of new\n features and quality of life improvements in the pipeline for 2019.{' '}\n
\nWe’ve added segments notifications to LiveSession!
\n\n From now, you can get notified about the changes in a chosen segments on email.\n Notifications can be sent on a daily or weekly basis.\n
\nTo get started, simply click the “Add to summary” button while the segment is selected.
\n\n Next day, you'll receive a summarized list of the segments you’re following with the\n number of sessions from the past day or week (depending on your settings).\n
\nYou can change Segments summary settings: “Settings > Notifications”:
\nAlso, you can add or remove segments that you want to be included in the summary.
\n2019 was quite a ride.
\nThank you for being with us throughout the year!
\n\n We’ve been working hard to develop a session recording app to meet your needs. And we’re not\n stopping there!\n
\n\n Our mission is to create a product that allows you to get valuable insights as fast as\n possible. We’re not just working on a qualitative analytics app. The goal is to create an\n app that makes analyzing session recordings faster and more effective.\n
\n\n Ultimately, you won’t have to spend long hours watching all the session replays. Instead,\n you can select your filters in a few clicks and get actionable insights right away.\n
\nEnough talking, what about action? Here’s what we’ve been up to in 2019:
\n\n We’ve introduced dozens of new features in 2019. Some of the most important ones included:\n
\n\n \n
\n Filtering made easier: you can use filters and{' '}\n \n track different segments\n {' '}\n right on the dashboard.\n
\n\n \n
\n Share segments with your colleagues and make qualitative analytics more effective.{' '}\n \n Segment sharing\n {' '}\n will facilitate teamwork in your company.\n
\n\n \n
\n A feature that makes us especially proud.{' '}\n \n Engagement score\n {' '}\n will save you lots of time! Each recording gets a score based on different indicators on\n user activity. You don’t have to watch hours of boring material to find what you’re looking\n for. With LiveSession’s engagement score, you’re able to find the most interesting sessions\n right away.\n
\n\n We make it easier to track how people interact with particular elements on your website. You\n find the right recordings very quickly with{' '}\n \n inspect mode\n \n .\n
\n\n We’re extremely happy to see that LiveSession is gaining recognition in the SaaS industry.\n In 2019, we’ve received the High Performer badge from G2 – twice!{' '}\n \n G2\n {' '}\n is a software review website, which means that the recognition is based on insights from\n real LiveSession clients. Thank you for your valuable feedback!\n
\n\n \n
\n \n Leave us a G2 review\n \n
\n\n What’s more, we’ve received the Premium Usability Honor from{' '}\n \n FinancesOnline\n \n , another prominent software review platform. LiveSession was praised for “total visibility\n and transparency”, as well as the ability to come up with “highly actionable insights”.\n
\n\n We’ve also been named a Rising Star on the session replay market. This makes us motivated to\n work even harder!\n
\n\n \n
\n Creating world-class session replay software is one thing. We’re also striving to become a\n knowledge hub for user experience research, conversion rate optimization and all things\n related to session replays.\n
\n\n In 2019, our posts were featured in acclaimed UX publications, including{' '}\n \n UX Collective\n {' '}\n (uxdesign.cc), a popular UX magazine, and the{' '}\n \n Balsamiq\n {' '}\n blog:\n
\n\n \n
Our top 3 blog posts in 2019 were:
\n\n \n
\n An introduction to psychology for user experience professionals. Learn how to use\n psychological principles to improve the quality of your work.\n
\n\n \n
\n New in the product management business? Read actionable tips from real product managers. We\n talked to professionals from{' '}\n \n Tagvenue\n \n ,{' '}\n \n DataFeedWatch\n \n ,{' '}\n \n Mapp Digital\n {' '}\n and{' '}\n \n OnPage Champ\n \n .\n
\n\n \n
\n Learn how to improve your A/B tests and get more relevant insights. We’re listing some of\n our best tips in this blog post.\n
\n\n 2019 was a year of rapid growth – and LiveSession is just getting started. We receive plenty\n of suggestions from our clients and we do our best to meet the demand.\n
\n\n Here’s what’s included in our 2020 roadmap:\n
\n\n \n
\n Soon LiveSession will be able to send a summary of segment activities directly to your\n email. You won’t even have to log in to the app. Instead, you’ll receive a clear,\n automatically generated report– a huge time saver, isn’t it?\n
\n\n \n
\n You’ll be able to watch all the sessions from one segment in one go. When one playback ends,\n the next session will start automatically.\n
\n\n We’re currently working on extended{' '}\n integrations for Intercom, Segment and Sentry– to name just a few! If\n you’ve got an idea for an integration, don’t hesitate to let us know via Intercom. All you\n need to do is click the blue icon in the bottom right corner and send us a message. We’re\n more than happy to hear your thoughts.\n
\nThank you for an exciting 2019 and here’s to an even better 2020!
\n\n \n
\n And if you’re not with us yet, you can{' '}\n \n sign up\n {' '}\n for for a free LiveSession trial right away. No credit card is required!\n
\n\n We have launched our new Zendesk integration! You can install it straight from the{' '}\n \n Zendesk Marketplace\n \n . It adds links to your identified user’s latest sessions in the ticket view:\n
\n\n {' '}\n To use LiveSession’s Zendesk integration, you will need to{' '}\n \n create a personal access token\n {' '}\n and provide it on the integration’s settings page on Zendesk.com.\n
\n\n\n To ensure the integration will work as expected, remember to{' '}\n \n set up user identification\n {' '}\n and provide the user’s email address.{' '}\n
\n\n At the risk of sounding like a crotchety old-timer, kids these days ain’t got no patience.\n Thanks to high-speed WiFi, 4G data plans across the globe and Amazon’s ubiquitizing of next\n day delivery, in 2020 one thing is clear: people don’t want to wait. With superfast\n broadband at home and data in our pockets, the web is becoming faster and more dynamic than\n ever.\n
\n\n\n In a world where everything is speeding up, the challenge becomes keeping up - and as\n attention spans drop and patience thins, website loading speeds can become a huge barrier to\n reaching your customers. Websites need to be fast - let’s see why that’s so important and\n how you can find your need for speed.\n
\n\n\n Source:{' '}\n \n Pixabay\n \n
\n\n\n There are two main reasons why website speed can have a huge impact on your reach across the\n web and, ultimately, your revenue. The first is user experience, or UX, which is to do with\n how users directly experience your site. The second is search engine optimization (SEO), or\n how users find your site in the first place. We’ll see how the speed of your site can have a\n huge impact on important website metrics, and then we’ll get you up to speed on website\n speed.\n
\n\n\n If anyone knows what web users want, it’s Google - and their research has shown that website\n speed has a{' '}\n \n direct impact on user’s happiness, productivity and the time they spend on your site\n \n . Elsewhere, research has shown that{' '}\n \n one in ten internet users will abandon your site within two seconds\n \n , which gives you an incredibly narrow window to wow your visitors.\n
\n\n\n And the way mobile technology has changed browsing habits means more people are visiting\n your site from phones and tablets -{' '}\n \n over half of mobile browsers won’t wait three seconds for a site to load\n \n . You can’t afford to ignore the growing mobile market, so speeds need to be optimized for\n mobile browsers as well as desktop.\n
\n\n\n SEO is essential for businesses invested in any way in the online world. Getting your page\n higher on the search engine ranking means more people finding your site, visiting your store\n or purchasing your products and services. Because most web users ditch after just a few\n seconds, a laggy site will impact a number of important website metrics such as bounce rate\n and dwell time - impacting your SEO.\n
\n\n\n What’s more, since 2018{' '}\n \n Google has been using mobile page speed as a ranking factor\n {' '}\n - meaning slow loading pages get buried under snappy sites. Google incorporates page speed\n as a website metric because they know how important loading times are to user experience. UX\n drives SEO metrics, and SEO metrics drive traffic to your site. Website speed thus plays a\n critical role in this process at every step of the way.\n
\n\n If you’re still not sure your website needs a speed injection then there are plenty of tools\n you can use to diagnose every aspect of page loading times. As part of their broader\n analytics package, Google offers{' '}\n \n PageSpeed Insights\n {' '}\n which gives you a clear summary of how your site performs. Further down the page,\n opportunities and diagnostics are identified to help you solve site speed issues.\n
\n\n Another online tool to check out is{' '}\n \n Pingdom\n \n . Pingdom is easy to use for anyone without a background in data or analytics and by\n tracking historical performance you can see how your site is improving through the measures\n you’ve taken.\n
\n\n\n “No site is operating at a perfect speed,” says Dorothy Schneider, a content writer at\n Writinity. “As a website metric speed is more important than ever so optimizing your site to\n operate faster should be a huge goal from both a UX, SEO and revenue perspective.” Let’s\n find out how to speed your site up.\n
\n\n {' '}\n Before you go to any crazy lengths to speed up your site, you need to check your server is\n up to scratch. This is one of the simplest solutions to a slow website. Site speed can vary\n dramatically depending on how it’s hosted and often we start out taking cheap options -\n ending up sharing bandwidth and choking out speed.\n
\n\n\n Web hosting can be shared, dedicated, or VPS and it’s important to understand\n the difference. Shared hosting means that you’re not the only site on your server - the cost\n is spread amongst a number of sites, so it’s cheaper. Dedicated hosting gives you your own\n server - a real, physical thing that’s dedicated to you. This gives you maximum speed, but\n it’s extremely expensive and probably overkills. Moving your hosting plan from shared to VPS\n (a virtual private server) can have a huge difference, however - your hosting is distributed\n over a multitude of servers, giving you upgraded speeds.\n
\n\n On average,{' '}\n \n around 60% of a website’s bulk is made up of images\n {' '}\n so if you can trim the fat off your images you’ll be downsizing your website and speeding it\n up in the process. Of course, stripping your site back to a wall of text isn’t going to do\n user experience or website metrics any favors - images are an important part of the vitality\n of your site - so cropping and compression are the name of the game here.\n
\n\n\n You can use PhotoShop or{' '}\n \n a free tool like GIMP\n {' '}\n to resize your images before you upload them. To make life even easier, if you’re running a\n WordPress site there are a variety of plugins that will remove any unnecessary information\n in your pics - Smush, for example, automatically does this as you upload them, ensuring your\n website is lean and speedy.\n
\nSource: University of Michigan Library
\n\n One of the reasons that sites can be slow to load is because of the number of requests being\n made each time it loads. These requests are made by HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and\n each request represents a journey to the server and back, each time returning with a piece\n of your site. Identifying how many HTTP requests your site makes will enable you to identify\n issues with loading time - you can use Pingdom to analyze requests and sort them by the time\n they took. Reducing requests any way you can speed up your site so any slow request you can\n eliminate will speed your site up.\n
\n\n {' '}\n Caching is a mechanism that allows web users to bypass a proportion of the requests a\n browser makes by HTTP when it visits a site - it does so by saving elements of the site from\n previous visits, so repeat requests are eliminated. “Caching only works for users who have\n visited your site before, and been able to cache its elements,” warns Andrew Merkson, a\n marketing blogger at Draft beyond, “but for returning visitors, it can speed up loading time\n significantly.”\n
\n\n\n For all caches there’s an expiry date that can be adjusted so they remain for longer - jor\n jpg files the default is one week. Adjusting the “expires header” will ensure caches will\n remain for longer and people{' '}\n \n get increased loading speeds\n {' '}\n on your site. WordPress plugins such as{' '}\n \n W3 Total Cache\n {' '}\n or{' '}\n \n WP Super Cache\n {' '}\n can optimize the caching process for WordPress sites, and for non-WordPress sites, you can\n explore{' '}\n \n intelligent content caching\n {' '}\n as a way of bringing your site up to speed.\n
\n\n {' '}\n If you’re running a WordPress site -{' '}\n \n and over a third of website owners are\n {' '}\n - then you’ll likely be packing your site with plugins to provide analytics,{' '}\n \n manage email lists\n {' '}\n or track website metrics. However, a multitude of plugins will slow your loading times down,\n and old plugins that aren’t kept up to date will have the biggest impact.\n
\n\n\n Outdated plugins are a security risk to your site as well as a drain on your loading speeds.\n Spring clean your plugins two to three times a year to make sure your plugins aren’t holding\n you back.\n
\n\n\n For non-WordPress sites, external scripts can function in the same way, bloating your page\n and choking loading speed. Those extra features, such as external fonts and Facebook “like”\n boxes, written in JavaScript, add up to slow your site down. Pingdom will inform you which\n of your scripts are slowest to load so you can take action.\n
\n\n In much the same way that images can be compressed to reduce the size - and loading speed of\n your page - your site’s files can be compressed. By applying minification and gzipping to\n your JavaScript and CSS files you can slim your site down without removing any content that\n your users love.\n
\n\n\n Minification - for which there are a few great{' '}\n \n WordPress Plugins\n {' '}\n - will shrink your code by removing semicolons, comments, and whitespace giving your\n streamlined CSS. Gzipping compresses your files on the server level.\n
\n\n A slow website suppresses important website metrics, chokes your SEO, and puts up a barrier\n between you and your users. Use these tips to get your website up to speed and run\n diagnostics on a regular basis. Website speed isn’t a one-time fix - you’ll need to keep on\n top of external scripts, image size, and plugins. Now you have the tools to do so.\n
\n\n I am happy to announce that from now on, filters and segments can be applied to{' '}\n dashboard insights!\n
\n\n You can easily check what are the top Referrers, Countries, UTMs, Screen resolutions,\n Browsers, and Devices in chosen segment.\n
\nWe are also working on more useful insights on dashboard. Stay tuned!
\n\n Running an eCommerce can be exciting. However, you’ll need to pay attention to every detail\n – from the core of your business, to the most tedious details – that includes the user\n experience (UX). The UX design determines whether or not customers will want to visit and\n buy from you again.{' '}\n
\n\n That’s where email marketing comes in. Building a great email list is important, but so is\n ensuring that it doesn’t hurt your UX design. Here are 7 ways you can integrate good email\n marketing with your UX design:\n
\n\n “An opt-in form is the most basic form in eCommerce email marketing,” says Richard Wells, a\n marketing manager at{' '}\n \n UK Writings\n {' '}\n and{' '}\n \n OX Essays\n \n . “This form helps you keep your UX design smooth and clean by sticking on either the right\n side of a page, or in the bottom footer. And, if desired, you can hide the form with a\n sticky tab, so that it doesn’t interfere with your UX. However, you should still make it to\n where customers can still see the form.”\n
\n\n While popups may get a bad rap for being irritating, there are ways to make them integrate\n perfectly with UX without frustrating users. Here are a few different popups to know:{' '}\n
\nSo, to ensure that you’re enabling popups properly, check out these pro tips:
\n\n Sign-up forms should make people smile, not bored. Therefore, an interactive sign-up form\n can help make the experience more fun for your customers. People like playing games; so, an\n interactive sign-up form is a fun way to entice users to take action. Best of all, gamified\n sign-up forms makes your UX design stand out more, since you can customize how the forms\n will look once they’re live. (These forms are especially ideal if you’re holding a giveaway\n or offering special discounts.)\n
\n\n “Integrating a landing page into your email marketing strategy is helpful, if you’re doing\n events like a contest or sale,” says Michael Turner, a business writer at{' '}\n \n Revieweal\n {' '}\n and{' '}\n \n State of writing\n \n .{' '}\n
\n\n “While landing pages won’t work well for your entire site, they’re still good for showing\n off special events happening in your brand without disrupting the UX design. All you have to\n do is keep landing pages streamlined, and not have them distracting to your customers.”\n
\n\n When it comes to any kind of marketing, the trick to success is getting people through the\n funnel with the minimal number of clicks. The more clicks to be had and the more hoops your\n readers have to go through, the more reluctant they will be to continue. Linking landing\n pages in this way is a great way to cut the distance and get people engaged in your mission.\n
\n\n {' '}\n When it comes to email marketing, and content marketing in general, there’s no doubt that\n there are some hard and fast rules that you must remember to ensure you’re producing\n high-quality content, but these are rules that are easy to forget when you’re focusing on\n all the other important things you need to do.\n
\n\n For example, you should make sure the subject lines of your emails are short, eye-catching,\n and accurate (not clickbait-y), and that any calls to action within your emails are clear\n and concise, as well as not having more than one CTA per email.\n
\n\n UX stands for ‘user experience’, and all these aspects and elements of your emails come\n together to create the overall user experience. Have a misleading subject line in your email\n and it’s going to bring your experience down. Some important considerations to then think\n about include:\n
\n\n Nowadays, people expect emails to be personalized in the sense that you’re using their names\n in the headers, and only sending them emails that are relevant to them. Imagine if you’re a\n 40-year-old male and you’re receiving email content from an eCommerce store about\n soon-to-be-mothers’ clothes. It doesn’t work and this kind of mass emailing is only going to\n put people off opening your emails in the future.\n
\n\n Instead, you need to think about gathering data about your email subscribers and then\n segmenting your email list by certain demographics, such as age, gender, income, sales and\n purchase history, geographical location, and so on.\n
\n\n This way, you’ll be able to create effective, targeted emails that are relevant to the\n people opening them and have a personalized touch that’s going to make them want to continue\n opening your emails in the future.\n
\nAnd, at the end of the day, it’s always nice opening a friendly email.
\n\n Whether or not you agree that the customer is always right, the customer will tend to know\n whether they’re enjoying the reading of an email or not, which is why it’s always a good\n idea to get feedback.\n
\n\n There are multiple ways you can do this. You could add a link at the bottom of your email\n asking people to fill out a survey or leaving a comment on a page if they had any thoughts\n they had to share. You could be more proactive and run a survey on your entire business,\n offering discounts on the chance to win a prize once people have filled out their answers.\n
\n\n If you are taking this approach, then you need to make sure you’re precise with your\n information and the way you go about getting it. For example, most people are only ever\n going to leave a review for the following reasons:\n
\n\n This can make your results a little biased if you’re passively collecting data, because\n you’re only ever going to see the opposite ends of the spectrum, but this should be obvious\n when looking through your results. The best idea is to step back and get a glimpse at the\n big picture of how people feel about your emails.\n
\n\n You can also use statistics and analytics to judge your email content. For example, if you\n have a really high open rate, then you know your subject lines are working, but if people\n are jumping out of your emails again within a few seconds, then you need to make your emails\n more attractive, especially with the opening sentences.\n
\nThis leads us nicely onto our bonus tip!
\n\n Heat maps are also beneficial for allowing to see user behavior on your page, along with\n your website’s performance. Heatmapping consists of click maps, among other types of maps.\n
\n\n Click maps show you where visitors are clicking their mouse on desktop devices, or where\n they’re tapping on mobile devices (also known as touch heatmaps). In that case, these types\n of maps are color-coded (normally red, orange, and yellow) to show where users are clicking\n and tapping the most. And, in terms of{' '}\n \n email marketing\n \n , you’ll need to see where people are clicking and or tapping, so that you can integrate an\n email list into your UX design.\n
\n\n So, there you have it! These 4 ways (including the bonus tip) can ensure that your email\n marketing strategies can be incorporated seamlessly with your UX design. As you can see,\n both email marketing and UX design can go hand-in-hand, as you run an eCommerce store.\n
\n\n While this process can take time, it’s still important to play your cards right. As you keep\n these techniques in mind, you’ll create a great experience for your customers, and keep them\n happy from beginning to end, thus helping you build an amazing customer base.\n
\nBest of luck!
\n\n Sources of traffic to a website are the channels through which visitors come to a website.\n As you know, it is the number of visitors that is one of the main indicators of the success\n of the project. The more of them, the higher the likelihood of achieving your conversion\n goal. Of course, not every site can be proud of a steady flow of users. Knowledge of where\n to effectively attract customers, as well as high-quality analysis of traffic sources, will\n help to increase the traffic indicator.{' '}\n
\n\n Before talking directly about the analysis, it is necessary to decide which traffic sources\n are distinguished by experts on different channels.\n
\n\n A search engine - visitors clicked on the site through natural results for\n a keyword. This type is the most valuable and desirable for many marketers, as it is the\n result of difficult work - search engine promotion of the resource among thousands of\n competitors. How do you get it? Increase the rating of your portal, achieve a high ranking\n by its search robots. It's not easy, in every sense expensive, but worth it. Good{' '}\n \n quality SEO\n {' '}\n is a must-have for every brand or business.\n
\n\n {' '}\n Link - a click on links from other resources. For example, from those where\n you left banner ads or comments with a link to your resource, or if you are registered in\n any database, you can go on and on.\n
\n\n\n The target traffic source - visits from regular readers who subscribed to\n your blog updates or bookmarked the resource. Of course, such leads will not appear\n immediately, newcomers simply cannot have them.{' '}\n
\n\n\n Social - is one of the most relevant, and as you might have guessed, it\n comes from social networks. By posting announcements and other links to your own Facebook or\n any other platform, you{' '}\n \n attract new visitors\n {' '}\n to the site.{' '}\n
\n\n\n Advertising - generates leads by placing advertisements of various kinds.\n This can be a display type of advertising, contextual links, a teaser. Here you can also\n conditionally add leads from affiliate programs, which are very relevant as sources of\n traffic for an online store.\n
\n\n\n Let's dwell on affiliate programs in more detail, with the help of them you can\n significantly increase the traffic of the web resource. This is the interaction between the\n advertiser and the publisher through specially created networks.\n
\n\n\n Today, the most profitable format for working with affiliate programs is CPA (Cost per\n Action), payment for the action of an attracted user on the advertiser's\n (customer's){' '}\n \n website\n \n . CPA is considered to be the most effective in attracting interested customers when viewed\n in terms of the advertiser's benefit because it pays the webmaster only for specific\n user actions.\n
\n\n There are also free traffic sources for CPA, as the paid option is not available to all\n businessmen. The most common channels are:\n
\n\n {' '}\n With social networks, everything is clear. Create a page, promote it. Of course, the topic\n of such a public should correspond to the activities of your brand, so that the promotion of\n offers there looks natural.\n
\n\n Working with Q&A sites is similar to forums. The specialist selects a certain suitable\n topic, advertises there unobtrusively, providing links to users. Note that these free\n traffic sources are the oldest.\n
\n\n\n Forums/blogs are more complicated. You need to look for a related topic, create discussions\n there. In the absence of such - to form this topic yourself. Let's be honest,\n advertising is always masked here.{' '}\n
\n\n\n With a blog, things are the same - create your own magazine, start promoting it, but keep in\n mind that you can place ads more freely on paid blogging platforms, which is very important\n for the CPA method.\n
\n\n\n The analysis of traffic sources will help to understand which channel of receiving visitors\n is lagging behind. As a rule, it is carried out using web analytics systems.\n
\n\n For better analysis, there are additional tools, for example, dividing reports into several\n categories. So, the{' '}\n \n report on Google Analytics\n {' '}\n channels is divided into several groups:\n
\n\n {' '}\n Information is usually presented in a diagram or graph, table. You can see which visitors\n are staying on the resource and where they came from. To do this, you need to select a\n report by sources. Then you can see exactly where the leads came from.{' '}\n
\n\n\n If you are looking for how to determine the source of traffic based on the keywords that\n users use to find your property, then the All Traffic report can help you. However, do not\n be surprised if some will be closed, Google is actively fighting for the rights of users and\n their anonymity.\n
\n\nUsing the following report for all transitions, you can:
\n\n Separately, it is worth noting that the Analytics developers have added reports on social\n functions. This group offers the same overview, where you can see the social networks from\n where users visit your site, the same information as a percentage, and the URLs of those\n pages to which users come more often. A very useful function to conduct a qualitative\n analysis of traffic sources.\n
\n\n\n Don’t ignore sources of mobile traffic, as the number of mobile users is growing\n exponentially, and of course, keeping in mind the social functions, this is very important.\n These reports can also be viewed in Google Analytics.\n
\n\n\n The problem is that these statistics do not allow the analysis of every ad, link or banner.\n For example, in the report "Conversions from social networks" you can see the\n \n number of conversions\n {' '}\n from Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and other well-known sites, but you will not know where\n exactly - from a post in some group, advertising announcements, link in the profile - the\n transition is made.\n
\n\n\n Let's say you are advertising a site on Facebook by buying advertising posts in groups\n and simultaneously testing several targeted ads. In analytics systems, all of them will be\n marked as transitions from Facebook. Considering that in addition to paid advertising, you\n may also have organic referrals from Facebook, this confuses the cards even more.\n
\nHow then to deal with all this chaos?
\n\n UTM tags are the easiest and most effective way to track traffic sources. SMMs and those who\n set up ads in Google are familiar with them. But this tool has a much wider range of uses -\n banner ads, forum posts, links in your own accounts and groups, offline flyers, etc.\n
\n\n\n UTM tags can also be useful for analysing the effectiveness of free traffic channels. For\n example, if you post links in some blog and want to know if they are clicked at all, whether\n the links at the bottom of the article are effective, etc. Or, for example, you have a{' '}\n \n Facebook group\n {' '}\n and people can go to the site using the links in the group menu or posts on the wall\n (including those fixed). Statistics will help you determine if they are useful in your case\n and which formats work more efficiently.\n
\n\n\n In general, UTM tags provide a convenient and useful toolkit, and for what purposes it is up\n to you to use it.\n
\n\n Be sure to define goals and objectives for analytics. Select the required slicers for data\n analysis. Design your campaigns to meet the above requirements. Consider the UTM markup\n based on this. But to create UTM-tags in analytic tools, it is not enough just to know the\n principles of their filling. Many companies have built omnichannel communication with their\n customers. This means that it is necessary to combine data from dozens of sources. And even\n if now you use only 2-3 sources, after a while there will be more of them - and it will\n become more difficult to keep track of everything.\n
\n\n It is even more difficult to control the situation when different agencies/teams are engaged\n in marketing, and they change quite often. Each has its own nuances of work and options,\n which is more correct. To avoid mistakes and confusion in the markup, as well as to secure\n your processes when changing decision-makers or agencies, we suggest regulating the work at\n the initial stages of building UTM markup. For each channel type, create a document in which\n you detail the rules for generating the values of UTM tags. Be sure to check the\n consistency of label values between systems.\n
\n\n\n There are tasks when analytics is built for atypical business tasks. It is impossible to\n give specific recommendations for all such cases since each case must be considered\n separately. For example, in certain circumstances, you can assign the value of the UTM tag\n inappropriately in order to track an important indicator for the business. But we won't\n advise you to experiment with this on your own, it is better to contact a specialist.\n
\n\n So, in this article, we have covered the main sources of traffic and their importance. Now\n you know that UTM tags have two advantages at once. First, you get great granularity and\n results by channel, source, and campaign in one place. Secondly, you get all the information\n about how and where the traffic came to you. This is what every marketer should know.\n
\n We hope you like it! Other new improvements are coming soon. If you think something needs\n improvement, or do you have an idea for functionality? Write to us:{' '}\n hello@livesession.io\n
\nLooking for SaaS optimization solutions that actually bring results?
\n\n Session recording tools bring a lot to the table. They provide an excellent\n opportunity to:\n
\n\n We know that session replays may seem overwhelming at first. You’ve got plenty of{' '}\n \n qualitative data\n {' '}\n to process. If you were to watch all the recordings, one after the other, you’d probably\n need some extra hours in the day.\n
\nLuckily, analyzing session recordings can be more effective than that!
\n\n In this article, we’re going to show you how to use session recordings to grow your SaaS\n business. We’ll go through some of the tools, tips, and tricks you’re sure to find useful.\n Last but not least, we’re also featuring a real-life SaaS success story!\n
\nReady to get the most out of your SaaS with the help of session replays? Let’s dive in!
\n\n \n Try a new session recording tool and see what's in it for your Saas! Test LiveSession\n for free.\n \n\n\n We’ve already mentioned this advantage in the introduction. There’s a couple of different\n ways session replays can help you find bugs on your website and in your SaaS product:\n
\n\n As soon as you start watching session recordings, you’ll soon realize they’re a goldmine of\n information. Even when we watch recordings of our website, we’re often surprised by user\n behavior we couldn’t predict.\n
\n\n Session replays can help you find the mismatch between your{' '}\n \n mental models\n {' '}\n and the mental models of your users. You and the users might have very different ideas about\n how things work. For example, we often find out that visitors consider some features to be\n clickable while they’re not.\n
\n\n Aside from observations only, LiveSession detects two types of potential issues\n automatically. They’re called{' '}\n \n rage clicks and error clicks\n \n :\n
\n\n Thanks to dedicated filters, these errors are really easy to browse. See\n how it works:\n
\n\n You can apply a wide variety of session recording filters to narrow down\n your search results and find the most interesting session recordings faster.\n
\n\n Different combinations of filters can be saved as custom segments to\n analyze later. You can also share these segments with your teammates and discuss your\n findings with them.\n
\n\n LiveSession offers an extensive choice of session recording filters. You can filter\n recordings based on location, duration, system properties, and much, much more! If you’d\n like to dig deeper, we recommend our{' '}\n \n article about user segmentation\n \n .\n
\n\n In this post, we’re going to focus on the ones that can be particularly useful for SaaS\n businesses:\n
\n\n Now that you know the most important filters, it’s time to move on to the next step:\n combining these into custom segments.\n
\n\n Need inspiration for your SaaS optimization strategy? Here are some of the custom segments\n we’re using ourselves:\n
\n\n Now that we’ve mentioned A/B testing, it’s high time we moved on to the next step:\n LiveSession integrations.\n
\n\n LiveSession offers a wide array of integrations with other SaaS tools. You can browse all of\n them in our{' '}\n \n integrations marketplace\n {' '}\n – and we’re constantly adding new ones, too!\n
\nHere are some of the highlights when it comes to SaaS optimization and growth:
\n\n Working with session recordings can result in visible, quantifiable growth. You don’t have\n to take our word for it – have a look at these numbers and results from RocketLink:\n
\n\n Sounds promising? Read more in our{' '}\n \n RocketLink case study\n {' '}\n and see how a SaaS company can succeed with the help of the right session recording tool.\n
\n\n We hope this article has been a source of inspiration for you! Now that you know how to grow\n your SaaS business with session recordings, why not try them yourself?\n
\n \n Sign up free\n \n\n So you landed a new job as a product manager? Congratulations! No matter if it’s your first\n time in a role, or you just moved to work on another product, you probably already know that\n the coming days are going to be exciting and rather hectic.\n
\n\n A survey conducted by the{' '}\n \n 280 group\n {' '}\n suggests that almost half of all the companies do not have a consistent product management\n process. It is more than likely that as a new product manager you’re facing a challenge of\n getting it right and building all the processes almost from scratch.\n
\n\n How does one get started as a new product manager then? Well, is there a better way to learn\n than to ask some professionals with experience in the field?\n
\n\n We’ve asked a couple of product managers to share their{' '}\n \n best tips for new product\n {' '}\n managers. The results have exceeded our expectations. We’ve got a goldmine of information in\n return, backed by years of hands-on experience in the IT field.\n
\n\nReady to read advice from real product managers? Let’s dive in!
\n\n\n\n \n Define your work for the coming months using a well-known but customized framework, such\n as the OKRs system. When in doubt and losing focus, a good and prioritized plan (based\n on your OKRs) will help you focus on the most meaningful and important projects.\n \n
\n\n \n Agnieszka Rutkiewicz, Product Manager at{' '}\n \n Tagvenue\n \n \n
\n \n
\n When you start working in a new environment, be careful not to spread too thin. After you\n research the product, you might want to seize all the opportunities at first.\n
\n\n And here’s where you should stop, take a deep breath and think again. You’re going to spot\n plenty of interesting things, but you’ll never be able to do them all at once. Also, Rome\n wasn’t built in a day – and so won’t be your product.\n
\n\n This is why prioritization should be your priority.\n
\n\n We know it doesn’t always come easy. With clients requesting new features all the time,\n choosing the most important ones is harder than it seems. Experienced product managers are\n well aware of that. Another product manager we talked to, Mateusz Miodek, pointed out that\n it’s better not to take feature suggestions too literally. Of course, listening to\n customers’ needs and their feedback should be one of the main pillars of your work, but it\n doesn’t mean that you’ve got to be at their beck and call.\n
\n\n In order to succeed, you need to make every{' '}\n \n user story\n {' '}\n a part of a larger product development strategy. Apart from incoming requests, you also have\n a product roadmap to stick to. Unless the issue is burning, it works much better if you\n incorporate new projects into your strategy rather than jump into them right away.\n
\n\n So, how do you make it work? As Agnieszka Rutkiewicz, the product manager of{' '}\n \n Tagvenue\n \n , pointed out, you can stick to one of the widely used frameworks, such as{' '}\n \n OKRs\n \n . If you’re not yet familiar with the term, it stands for Objectives and Key Results. These\n can be set for the whole product, for a particular team, and for individual employees as\n well.\n
\n\n\n\n \n As a new product manager, you are bound to get overwhelmed easily. Don't let it pull\n you down. Focus on doing one thing right rather than doing multiple things poorly.\n \n
\n\n \n Tushar Jain, Founder and Product Manager at{' '}\n \n OnPage Champ\n \n \n
\n\n \n One of the tips that you’re going to find in every book and in every podcast on product\n management is to be assertive. You’re just one person and you can’t do\n the job of other professionals, as well as you can’t fulfil every wish of every client.\n \n
\n\n \n Aleksandra Klusinska, Technical Product Manager at{' '}\n \n Mapp Digital\n \n \n
\n \n
\n Here it comes: the feeling of responsibility. As a product manager, you should be getting\n things done, right?\n
\n\n Yes and no. You’re supposed to make sure that everything is on track and you’re the one\n responsible for the outcome, but it doesn’t mean that you need to do every single thing.\n
\n\n One of the most important qualities of a good product manager is the ability to delegate\n tasks. Not only is it going to make the process more effective, but also your team mates\n will feel that you trust them to get the job done.\n
\n\n\n\n \n It's best to start your journey by identifying the quick wins from your priority\n list and focusing your initial effort on them. That builds both your confidence and\n understanding of the product.\n \n
\n\n Tushar Jain, Founder and Product Manager at OnPage Champ\n
\n\n \n Always build the smallest thing that will allow you to test the hypothesis. You can use\n proven and tested methods, such as the Wizard of Oz prototype or fake door product\n testing.\n \n
\n\n \n Mateusz Miodek, Product Manager at{' '}\n \n DataFeedWatch\n \n \n
\n Prioritizing and planning to achieve bigger goals doesn’t mean you should skip the\n low-hanging fruit entirely. Quick wins will help you see what works and\n which directions are worth pursuing. They also have a psychological effect: when your team\n sees that what they do actually works, they will instantly become more motivated.\n
\n\n The small steps principle applies to testing as well. When you’ve got a hypothesis in mind,\n you don’t need a fully developed product to test it, cause let’s be honest, who’s got\n resources for that? Sticking to{' '}\n \n lean\n {' '}\n and{' '}\n \n agile\n {' '}\n principles instead is a more efficient way.\n
\n\n This approach will help you save so much time, energy and, eventually, money. When you test\n your ideas in a very early phase, you can decide if they’re worth pursuing at all. As\n Mateusz of DataFeedWatch mentioned in his quote, there are many methods that will help you\n implement this kind of testing in your day-to-day work.\n
\n\n You don’t even need your customers to start – and even more, you don’t even need a computer!\n For instance, the WOZ (Wizard of Oz) methodology involves creating a lo-fi\n prototype, which can even be drawn on paper. Then, the product team members use{' '}\n role playing to see how the users would interact with the product. Of\n course, it isn’t perfect, but it’s more than enough to discover main issues at a very early\n stage.\n
\n\n Another interesting approach is the fake door test. It’s a simple idea –\n you just need to enable users to choose an option that doesn’t exist yet. If you see that\n they click on it, it probably means that they would use if it was available.\n
\n\n\n\n \n If you’re not sure about something, don’t hesitate to talk to other product managers or{' '}\n customer-facing teams.\n \n
\n\n \n Aleksandra Klusinska, Technical Product Manager at{' '}\n \n Mapp Digital\n \n \n
\n\n \n We have discovered that talking to our users and validating our ideas\n at an early stage of a project helped us improve the final result. Instead of designing\n a full solution, get your customers on a call and ask them for feedback using a\n low-fidelity prototype.\n \n
\n\n Agnieszka Rutkiewicz, Product Manager at Tagvenue\n
\n It may seem obvious, but we really can’t stress this enough. Skip the guesswork and focus on\n your customers instead.\n
\n\n You can start from watching{' '}\n \n session recordings\n \n . This alone will help you see how users interact with your product, but there is much more\n you can do. If you’re lacking insight and you need it right away, try talking to your{' '}\n sales or customer service teams. They know exactly who’s using your product\n and they have tons of knowledge on the users’ habits and behavior.\n
\n\n Above all, you should do your best to interact with your users directly. There are many\n tools to make that happen, from short surveys to face-to-face user tests, where you can see\n exactly how people use your product in real-time.\n
\n\n\n\n \n The product team usually consists of UX professionals, a product manager and a couple of\n engineers. Make your team work together to solve the real customers’ issues. Although UX\n and product people focus on the 'discovery' stage of the product, and the\n engineers mostly care about the 'delivery' stage, the two groups should work as\n close as possible from the very beginning.\n \n
\n\n Agnieszka Rutkiewicz, Product Manager at Tagvenue\n
\n\n \n Always treat your developers like partners, not contractors. Be sure to involve them in\n the prototyping phase.\n \n
\n\n Mateusz Miodek, Product Manager at DataFeedWatch\n
\n Last but not least, don’t forget about your team. You’re working with talented people, and\n you’re working together. Delegating tasks is essential for optimal performance, but it is\n also essential to keep everyone in the loop.\n
\n\n What does it mean for your product team? Don’t treat your engineers as a separate entity.\n You should be aware of each other’s potential and limitations from the very beginning.\n Sometimes both parties are not even sure what the other team is doing. Closer collaboration\n is sure to prove beneficial for both developers and product people.\n
\n\n If we had to come up with a single piece of advice for new product managers, it would be to{' '}\n stay curious. The world of digital products is developing fast, with new\n technologies, methodologies and opportunities emerging all the time. The key is to never\n stop learning and read insights from other, more experienced product managers. We hope this\n article has been a source of inspiration for you!\n
\n We hope you like it! Other new improvements are coming soon. If you think something needs\n improvement, or do you have an idea for functionality? Write to us:{' '}\n hello@livesession.io\n
\n\n The number of ideas and possibilities to boost e-commerce sales might be overwhelming.\n Sometimes it’s hard to choose the best solution to stand out because you never know if your\n strategy will work. There are many factors that should be taken into consideration, but\n customer service is one that everyone should never forget about.\n
\n\n More than half of consumers claim they have higher expectations for customer service than\n they had last year – Microsoft data says (The Microsoft 2017 State of Global Customer\n Service). The survey shows that 96% of respondents see customer service as something that\n has an impact on their choices. 76% of respondents wish they could see their full history of\n shopping, data, and the level of overall satisfaction. What is the conclusion so far?\n Customer service is highly important these days. A brand should realise that fact as soon as\n possible.\n
\n\n It may seem that customer service is the main goal now, not only for the e-commerce market.\n However, there are some challenges that need to be faced while mastering your CS like a lack\n of physical interaction with clients and difficulty in building relations. What really\n matters is the offer, assortment, the team, the decor, and the atmosphere in the place. Take\n care of your customer experience, user interface, and content – they are your key to\n success. Everyone has the greatest offer, but only a few provide excellent customer service\n that stands out and stays in the customers’ minds for a long time. If you want to build\n trust, you need to remember that it won’t happen in a heartbeat! Customer service can make\n your satisfied clients come back to your shop. But if your client service doesn’t work, they\n will never come back. What’s more, they won’t leave you any feedback and spread the word\n about it to their family and friends. Sounds tough, doesn’t it? Recommendations and social\n proof are crucial when it comes to boosting sales in e-commerce. Again, it takes time to get\n satisfying feedback, but it’s worth it. Try with personalised messages to make it happen\n much faster. Discounts offered in return for a recommendation might work, too!\n
\n\n While a few years ago buying something online was caused only by seeing products offline\n with a higher price, the game has changed now. These days, online shopping is more like a\n solution to many problems people face every day. It’s simple – you get inspired scrolling\n social media, or you see something on a website you’re on, then you buy it a few seconds\n after that. It’s called a „shopping impulse”. Time is not the only aspect that has changed\n lately. So has free delivery or return. It was something new, and it had a „wow” factor a\n few years ago. Now it’s just another service we take for granted. If it’s not available,\n people will likely give up and close a tab with your shop. Right moves, quick responses, and\n flexible availability are what you should focus on if you want to take your customer service\n on the next level. One mistake and other shop’s customer service will satisfy your\n ex-potential client.\n
\nHow to make it better?
\n\n\n You may have the best customer service crew, but it’s more than likely that you’ll face some\n challenges when working with people – your clients. The most crucial thing for you is to\n know how to deal with them, and that is why we have some dos and don’ts for you:\n
\n\n …and make sure your clients are calm as well. To do that you need to have access to a\n complex database of information about them and their interactions with your business. Not\n only will you save your time and efforts, but also you’ll make your clients satisfied as\n they won’t have to repeat themselves again,] and again. It’s truly important, especially\n when emotions run really high. You may think you can do it on your own, but it’s even better\n to use some tools that can optimise your efforts.{' '}\n \n CloudTalk.io\n {' '}\n is one of the best tools for call centers. It provides personalisation what ensures an\n individual approach. What’s more, CloudTalk supports external e-commerce systems and social\n platforms, so that you can get a full overview of needed data.\n
\n\n Your goal is to make relations with your clients. How could you do that if you wouldn’t be\n where your customers are? It may costs you a lot of time and effort, but it’s truly\n important. If someone wants to make a complaint on Instagram, they want to talk to you on\n Instagram, not Facebook or LinkedIn. Once you want to redirect them between platforms, you\n may never see them at your shop again. If you’re curious how people act on your website,\n check out{' '}\n \n LiveSession\n {' '}\n tool as it analyses customers’ behavior and helps you to understand their digital\n experience. Have you ever wondered what makes your clients frustrated? Now it’s possible to\n get to know about it! Big picture insights will show you a summary of specific segments of\n users.\n
\n\n As we’ve said it before – recommendations are something you could die for in e-commerce.\n Many salespeople think that it’s too expensive and see no potential in covering their sites\n in content that actually could help customers find the answers to their questions. To be\n honest, it’s not that scary, not at all!{' '}\n
\n\n \n UseResponse\n {' '}\n helps in building a help center, customer feedback platform, and provides a knowledge base\n for self-service support. Your potential customers will thank you for publishing that native\n content. However, this kind of tool should never replace customer support completely. It\n just minimises requests, tickets, and complaints.\n
\n\n If you want to maintain and develop a successful customer service team, you need to\n implement a well-organised internal communication system.That’s why the tools are for!{' '}\n \n Stackfield\n {' '}\n will help you to manage files, exchange messages, and delegate tasks. Think about CRM as\n it’s not an option, it’s a must. Here comes{' '}\n \n Livespace\n {' '}\n – a tool that makes sales management more effective and predicts better forecasts. It helps\n you measure your results and view statistics of your operations. Their inbuilt sales process\n increases the probability of winning deals and getting sales. Totally worth trying!\n
\n\n\n In the past, the only thing that mattered was the price. Now it’s all about the emotions. A\n reasonable price and „buy now” button are not the only things that people need now. How will\n you know your customer service is good enough? Look at your brand and see undeniable\n benefits such as higher sales, higher client retention, a high-level of loyalty, and trust,\n better recognition and many more…\n
\n\n Each recording is evaluated according to the level of user involvement in a given session.\n This way, you can find out which records are worth watching.\n
\n\n\n We hope you like it! Other new improvements are coming soon. If you think something needs\n improvement, or do you have an idea for functionality? Write to us:{' '}\n hello@livesession.io\n
\nYou can now specify your custom date range for your sessions search.
\n\n {' '}\n We've also added two additional date ranges, Past week and{' '}\n Past month. Every type of predefined date has information on it right with\n exact date that will be applied.\n
\n\n Install the tracking code with our new package for React and Angular applications. Say hello\n to{' '}\n \n LiveSession SDK\n \n !\n
\n\n We’ve prepared a package that will help developers work with API and install code faster and\n more easily on a single page application.\n
\n\n Now you can add a tracking code to your React or Angular app. We made the\n installation process simple and intuitive.\n
\n\n Interested? You can read our{' '}\n \n help article\n \n , or the documentation on the{' '}\n \n LiveSession Developers\n {' '}\n page.\n
\n\n And there is more: we’ve also released a Gatsby plugin! Many of you have\n asked for this plugin, as this platform is growing rapidly.\n
\n\n To install LiveSession on your Gatsby website, read the tutorial on{' '}\n \n the official plugin’s page\n \n , or in our{' '}\n \n help center\n \n .\n
\n\n If you have any ideas for improvement, send us an email to{' '}\n hello@livesession.io. Other new integrations are\n coming soon. Stay tuned!\n
\nGreat news for Intercom users. We’ve just released a new integration!
\n\n The integration adds a LiveSession recording link to every{' '}\n Intercom conversation with an identified user:\n
\n\n Now you can open recordings of a specific user directly from Intercom. You don’t have to\n search for the right session manually anymore. This improvement will be particularly helpful\n for your tech support agents.\n
\n\n What’s more, the integration allows you to add recording URLs as an attribute or a user’s\n event in Intercom. If you’re interested in details, you can read more in our{' '}\n \n help center\n \n .\n
\nSounds like just what you needed?
\n\n \n Install now\n \n
\n\n As always, we’re happy to help if you have any questions. Please get in touch via live chat\n in the bottom right corner or send us an email to{' '}\n hello@livesession.io\n
\nWe’re happy to announce that we’ve answered one of the most common requests!
\n\n From now on, you can assign different user roles in LiveSession. Your\n teammates can use the app as:\n
\nHere’s how it looks like in the app:
\n\n \n
\n From now, you can enable to draw a movement trace during session playback. Just click on\n "Movement trace" button in controls panel to turn on this feature.\n
\n\n This feature has been requested a lot, and it’s finally here! We’ve just released{' '}\n click maps.\n
\n\n Click maps show you where the users clicked on your page. They also display{' '}\n \n rage clicks and error clicks\n \n .{' '}\n
\n\n Our click maps are constantly developing, LiveSession allows users to access the BETA\n version in the app. To gain access to this new feature, go on any session recording, and\n click the “Clickmap BETA” to request the use of it.\n
\nLiveSession click maps are:
\nSee what they look like in action:
\n\n \n
\n In the near future, you will be able to display click maps as heatmaps. Sign up for our\n newsletter to receive updates! Here’s a small preview of what you can expect:\n
\n\n \n
\n Have you noticed a sudden drop in your conversion rate or has it been low to begin with?\n Fortunately, there are ways to fix it - provided that you identify the cause first. In fact,\n there are many possible explanations for a low conversion rate - and here are the 5 most\n common issues that you’re most likely struggling with as well.\n
\n\n Before digging into the issues you might be having with your site, it’s worth keeping in\n mind that “conversion” simply describes the desired action that your website visitor\n completes. The conversion rate, on the other hand, is the percentage of users who actually\n take that desired action. Naturally, the goal is to have this rate as high as possible, as\n it means that your visitors are filling in contact forms, requesting a quote, or making a\n purchase - just to name a few. This is essentially what keeps your sales team busy, and your\n business growing.\n
\n\n A typical website conversion rate is about 2-3% on average. It might not seem like much, but\n for many sites out there is more than enough. In fact, the only issue with conversion rates\n is that they can be affected by a number of factors - including page design, its layout, and\n content. Not to mention that it can also change a lot, which means there’s no need to beat\n yourself up if you suddenly notice a lower conversion rate.\n
\n\n Instead, it might be helpful to be aware of the common reasons behind low conversion rates,\n and be prepared to reevaluate certain elements of your website. And that’s precisely why\n we’re going to cover those reasons, along with potential solutions. Let’s dive in!\n
\n\n Keyword optimisation might sound slightly old school, but it’s still extremely important for\n any website out there. Basically, well-optimized sites are able to rank higher in search\n engines, which helps them appear almost immediately when the users are in search of related\n content, products or services. This indicates that if you’re neglecting SEO, your website\n won’t show up when potential visitors need it. In turn, low traffic means fewer chances of\n conversion.\n
\n\n What can you do about it? First, check how optimized your website really is, and what\n keywords you should be ranking for. There are plenty of tools that can help you with that,\n including{' '}\n \n Senuto\n {' '}\n . With such software, you can easily identify any issues you might be dealing with in terms\n of SEO, and get to the bottom of them to rank higher in Google.\n
\n\n Let’s assume that visitors arrive at your site, though. Now, if they find your website\n confusing, or if the content doesn’t match their expectations - your conversion rate will\n still be quite low. Sadly, website owners often forget that their site is supposed to serve\n the visitors, and assume that everything is clear for them. In many cases, they couldn’t be\n more wrong.\n \n Customer experience\n {' '}\n can’t be ignored.\n
\n\n If you want to check whether the visitors behave on your site exactly as you think they do,\n you should definitely take advantage of{' '}\n \n LiveSession\n {' '}\n and analyse the user session recordings carefully. This can help you optimize your website\n in terms of UX in the long run.\n
\n\n Speaking of optimisation - it’s also worth optimising your website for mobile devices. Since\n both smartphone and mobile web usage continue to grow, the Internet has now become a truly\n “mobile-first” experience. Actually, mobile devices already account for more than half of\n the worldwide web traffic nowadays, while their users represent almost half of the\n population. Given these numbers, having at least a responsive design of your website should\n be your priority - otherwise, you might be easily missing out on mobile conversions. Also,\n don’t forget that many users go through multiple channels before they make a decision, so\n having well-designed desktop and mobile versions of your site can definitely help them\n throughout the process. Take{' '}\n \n Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test\n {' '}\n to see whether that’s the case.\n
\n\n To put it simply: the better the CTA, the higher the conversion rates. Oftentimes, the CTAs\n are generic and, frankly, quite boring (such as Buy Now or Download for free).\n In order for it to actually encourage more conversions, your CTA needs to be unique and\n relevant to the desired action.{' '}\n
\n\n At the same time, you can’t ask too much. The more CTAs you use, the fewer the chances that\n your visitors actually do something about them - especially if you use words such as{' '}\n Buy, Share, Support or Start, as they indicate that some effort\n (or money) will be involved in the process. You might want to consider Get,{' '}\n Discover, Earn or Check out instead, and also use{' '}\n \n LiveSession\n {' '}\n to see how willing are your visitors to click on such CTAs.{' '}\n
\n\n Yes, you’ve heard that one right. There are plenty of{' '}\n \n online tools you can use to make your site more conversion-friendly\n \n , but you have to make sure you use them wisely. Take popups, as an example. You can easily\n overuse them to the point that you’re ruining your conversion rate instead of improving it.\n
\n\n It’s mostly because some popups can be really intrusive, especially if you display them\n every few seconds and keep your visitors from actually learning something about your\n website. As a result, they can easily become frustrated and exit your website immediately\n rather than leaving their e-mail address and staying in touch with you, for instance.\n
\n\n How to take advantage of popups - and other solutions that aim to boost conversions like{' '}\n \n chatbots\n \n , for that matter? It might help to identify where your users drop off first, and then\n tailor all your messages and incentives to the desired user flow. Keep the number of such\n messages reasonable, though - bombarding your visitors can definitely do more harm than\n good.\n
\n\n Still not convinced that optimising your site can work wonders for your conversion rate?\n Well, take into account that{' '}\n \n 74% of business owners\n {' '}\n saw an increase in sales after improving UX. The key here is to take a closer look at your\n site and make data-driven decisions, as having enough data evidence is the best way to spot\n any issues and improve your conversion rate in the long run. Take advantage of what\n \n LiveSession\n {' '}\n has to offer, and discover the power of qualitative analytics once you’re at it.\n
\n\n We've made a couple of important changes this week. First of all,{' '}\n the session list view and player have been split. From now on, it's\n not the same screen. Why did we change this? Because it was hard to extend, there was no\n place for new features, and it started to be cluttered. You can find a preview of the new\n session list below:\n
\n\n\n The new layout has pre-defined segments, so{' '}\n you can apply ready-to-go filters with one click. There's a normal\n pagination - infinite scroll was cool, but also very problematic. You can see applied\n filters, which gives you an overview of the current state. Finally,{' '}\n \n when you click on specific session attribute you search session replays with this specific\n property\n \n .\n
\nThat's how the new player looks like:
\n\n\n Next change on the list is the dashboard. You can use it to get insights about your\n visitors. It consists of two sections right now: trafic sources and technology. The first\n one lets you referrers, UTM parameters, and countries of your visitors.{' '}\n
\n\n\n The second one tells you about screen resolutions, top browsers, and top devices used by\n your visitors.\n
\n\nCheck how it works on video:
\n\nThanks for your time! Please leave feedback below.
\nWe’ve just launched a User Journey preview in LiveSession!
\n\n This feature allows you to discover the most important actions made during the user’s\n session.\n
\n\n To open it, hover on “pages” link and click “See whole journey” :\n
\n\n Next, you will see the timeline of the user’s page visit and events like Clicks, Errors,\n Rage Clicks, Form actions, and{' '}\n Custom Events.\n
\n\n If you have any other ideas for improvement, we’re happy to hear from you! Feel free to get\n in touch via live chat or send us an email to{' '}\n hello@livesession.io\n
\nKnowledge is power – but why, exactly?
\n\n You keep hearing that tracking customer behavior is the key to success, yet barely anyone\n bothers to explain why is that so.\n
\n\n In this article, we’re going to explain why it pays off to explore how customers interact\n with your product or service. What’s more, we’ve even asked some industry experts to provide\n their points. Their answers are based on years of experience in digital marketing and\n related fields, including conversion rate optimization.\n
\nReady to read hands-on insights?
\nHere’s how tracking customer behavior can help you grow your business:
\n\n\n\n \n Some wise person once said: "Look at what people do, not what they say", and\n that rings true also (or primarily!) in case of your customers. Tracking the behavior of\n your website's visitors or users helps you to better understand their needs, and as\n a result - create a more personalized experience for them. This is crucial for reducing\n your churn rates.\n \n
\n\n Luckily, there is an abundance of tools to monitor and analyze this data.\n
\n\n \n Kas Szatylowicz, Content Manager at{' '}\n \n Digital Olympus\n \n \n
\n There are two main types of analytics that can teach you about customer behavior:{' '}\n quantitative and qualitative.\n
\n\n Quantitative tools will show youwhatis happening. The most commonly used software,{' '}\n \n Google Analytics\n \n , is always there to measure what matters. It will tell you all about:\n
\n\n In other words, you’ll get a whole lot of numbers. You’ll know exactly how your product is\n performing, but you’ll still have no idea why.\n
\n\n And here’s where qualitative analytics and customer tracking apps, particularly{' '}\n \n \n session recording tools\n \n \n , step in.\n
\n\n \n
\n Session replays can teach you a lot about the reasons behind consumer behavior. Watching\n them feels a bit like you’re sitting next to your user, yet they act completely naturally.\n That’s why this method is so powerful – you can track every mouse move, every click and get\n tons of powerful insights.\n
\n\n Combining qualitative and quantitative analytics is known amongst CRO experts as{' '}\n user behavior analytics (UBA). This method allows you to step into the\n shoes of your customer and empathize with their needs so you can answer them more\n accurately. With this knowledge, you’ll also be able to:\n
\n\n\n\n \n Tracking customer behavior in SaaS business is critical for customer retention,\n product-led growth and customer success. Basically, by identifying patterns of user\n behavior we can really wow the customers with excellent customer support by providing\n help before they even reach out for it. It’s like you catch them before the fall! This\n approach can reduce churn quite dramatically. It matters a lot, as increasing customer\n retention rates by just 5% can increase profits by 25% to 95%.\n \n
\n\n \n Emilia Korczynska, Marketing Manager at{' '}\n \n Userpilot\n \n \n
\n \n
\n Tracking consumer behavior can help you address certain issues before they even occur. Here\n are some specific examples so you can see how this might work:\n
\n\n See why your users can’t complete an action– Your customers won’t always tell you that\n they had an issue with something. Luckily, there’s a clever workaround – session\n recording tools. One of our customers,{' '}\n \n \n RocketLink\n \n \n , has found an unreported problem through session replays:\n
\n\n \n
\n Here’s a little bit of context: RocketLink is a tool that allows you to add a\n retargeting pixel to shortened links. It turned out that users didn’t know the need to\n paste the Facebook Pixel, as they were pasting the whole code snippet instead. When\n RocketLink noticed this issue in a session recording, they added an extra tip to help\n their customers. It’s a great example of how tracking customer behavior can help you\n spot problems before your visitors tell you about them. Who knows, maybe they wouldn’t\n even tell you about the issue at all?\n
\n\n Spot JavaScript errors – Sometimes, the user may not even realize that\n something doesn’t work. Qualitative analytics tools, such as LiveSession, allow you to\n detect JavaScript errors automatically. These errors indicate that a particular element\n of your website is not performing the way it should.\n
\n\n \n
\n\n\n \n In some cases, there seems to be a perception that customer behavior tracking is most\n valuable for B2C ecommerce retailers - but that couldn't be further from the truth.\n \n
\n\n \n As with any action you take in the B2B industry, it's vital that it should be based\n on solid evidence and have valid data to back it up. If you have no idea how customers\n are engaging with your product or service, how can you know that you're on the right\n path?\n \n
\n\n \n I’m working for a B2B business which offers a feed marketing service for ecommerce\n retailers. We track customer behavior not only on our website but also on our software\n platform. As a third-party ecommerce tool for many agencies, we rarely hear thoughts and\n opinions about our product from the users themselves. This is exactly customer behavior\n tracking is especially vital for us. Session recording tools have enabled us to\n understand where users are most frequently visiting and where they are bouncing or\n getting stuck.\n \n
\n\n \n Particularly when offering a quite complex software platform which requires a certain\n level of feed marketing knowledge, it’s vital to grasp exactly when our users need help\n and where they may be getting confused – and then take actions accordingly.\n \n
\n\n \n Ben Culpin, Marketing Specialist at{' '}\n \n WakeUpData\n \n \n
\n \n Forbes\n {' '}\n claims that only 14% of B2B companies are customer-centric. Terrifying, isn’t it? There’s\n even more to this statistic. While some companies track customer behavior, they sometimes\n use this data just to build an effective sales funnel.\n
\n\n Sounds promising, but that happens after that? Once the users sign up, some people consider\n their job as done, while in fact, it’s just the beginning of the journey.\n
\n \n\n\n Leaving your users on their own once they’re on board is the worst you can do. As Ben has\n mentioned, comprehensive B2B software requires a lot of attention and specialized knowledge.\n The more complex the product, the more questions and doubts may surface along the way.{' '}\n \n SaaS\n {' '}\n customers may look for assistance, get in touch via{' '}\n \n live chat\n {' '}\n and ask for help – or they might as well switch to your competitor. If you “catch them\n before the fall” (like Kat wrote in her quote), they’re much more likely to stay.\n
\n\n First and foremost, tracking consumer behavior allows you to see what your target audience\n really wants, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg.\n
\n\n Keep in mind that learning about your customers’ habits and preferences is vital not only in\n the acquisition phase. Sure, it can help you attract them to your product, but there’s much\n more you can do to keep them happy and make them stay. Once you start to study customer\n behavior, you’ll learn how to reduce churn, improve user experience and much, much more.\n
\nReady to start the journey?
\n\n \n Sign up free\n \n
\n\n \n Have you noticed that your website hasn’t been getting the most attention? Does it tend to\n push visitors away? Poor user experience can be the cause of your high page abandonment\n rates and low visitor-to-lead conversion rates. Having a good site is crucial looking at\n today’s competition. The question is why aren’t people the biggest fans of your website?\n What are you doing wrong?\n \n
\n\n\n With the current advancement of technology, having a slow website is something users will\n not tolerate. Attention spans are shorter than ever and users are becoming more impatient\n with loading websites. Studies show that{' '}\n \n 47% of consumers\n {' '}\n expect a web page to load in 2 seconds or less. It’s frustrating to deal with a page that\n takes forever to load. This can also make them angry or disappointed. It can affect your\n conversion rates and brand perception - website visitors are most likely to blame you\n instead of their mobile service providers. That’s why it’s important to optimize your site’s\n load performance - page load time is impacted by many factors that should be looked into.\n Videos, image sizes and code all contribute to how long it takes to load. Some things you\n can try to improve your page load time are compressing your images, minifying code and\n loading videos in the background.{' '}\n
\n\n\n Your website should let customers know who you are and what you do. Without this\n information, they won’t have any idea on how your brand can help them. Consumers also need\n answers - urgently. If it’s difficult to find these answers, they will most likely be\n aggravated with your website. If they find the answers they’re looking for, they’ll return\n to your site in the future and are more likely to trust your brand. Try to be as informative\n as possible with your content, but don’t be too overwhelming. Navigate users to where they\n want to click. The same thing goes for your “Contact Us” section - it tends to be similar\n and generic on most pages. When a customer wants to reach you, they want to do it\n immediately. It’s pointless to have them fill out a form and wait for a response. Make it\n known on your website that people can contact you through social media or email.{' '}\n
\n\n\n Speaking of filling out forms, avoid server errors at all costs. Any unnecessary forms and\n information that need to be filled out will only cause stress and annoyance. There’s no\n reason to be adding too many elements that will only crash and trash users’ data. Excessive\n pop-ups can also cause site issues. There can also be a plugin error, service provider\n error, hosting error, domain error or even a traffic error. Some of these issues can be\n easily resolved with a simple change to your site. Look into the issue to decide what the\n best solution is.{' '}\n
\n\n\n Customers need solutions. What is your site offering that can help them? One example can be\n adding user-friendly internal linking. This is helpful in providing relevant information and\n improves the organic ranking for important pages on your website. Pointing users to the\n right pages will leave them satisfied. Enhance the visitor's experience and include\n links that can only benefit them. Something to consider is using various tools to improve\n User Experience.{' '}\n \n LiveSession\n {' '}\n records how a user interacts with your website, analyzes their behavior and draws\n conclusions from it. It makes sure that your visitors don’t get stuck when browsing your\n site and they “land” exactly where you need them to be.{' '}\n
\n\n\n Nowadays, no one will believe you if you don’t back your claims up with statistics or proven\n facts. Providing no concrete evidence to support how good your service is will have people\n feeling unsure about your brand and can lead them to not trusting your services. If you make\n a claim, have some past reports or data that you can use to back it up. Infographics are\n always effective.{' '}\n
\n\n\n If someone sees that your website is full of paragraphs and overwhelming content, they will\n most likely leave the page. Don’t write texts packed with keywords - it’s a huge mistake. A\n few keywords are okay, but stuffing them into your content will only{' '}\n \n hurt your chances\n {' '}\n of being found in search. Getting traffic is important, but this isn’t the right way to\n achieve it. No one will want to read through all of your paragraphs without yawning. There’s\n a huge difference between search engine optimized content and over-optimized content.{' '}\n
\n\n\n The solution to your problem is to revamp your website and give it a makeover. Consider\n implementing new strategies and methods - you’d be surprised on how much they can help.\n Start making changes, forget your old ways and soon you’ll be seeing new fans of your\n website.{' '}\n
\n\n Today’s business world is competitive and is growing dynamically. To beat your competitors\n you should have an outstanding website which also would be easy to find. When we talk about\n optimization very often marketers minds go to search engine optimization, nevertheless we\n can not forget about user experience.\n
\n It is not about how it looks. UX is about how it works. Professional{' '}\n \n UX Consultants\n {' '}\n could help you run a holistic overview of your product/service. They examine business model,\n value proposition, user flows, UI screens, conduct user research to identify your target\n audience pains and needs. All the way down to improve your user experience and meet your\n business goals. Learn more about best website creation practices for greater business\n success. Find out how to do it like a pro and boost your website’s performance!\n
\n Let’s start with user experience which is crucial for your visitors. The more intuitive and\n helpful your page is, the more users can revisit it. It is especially important when it\n comes to e-commerce, but every kind of business will benefit from an optimized site.\n Improving user experience is a part of a website’s conversion optimization.\n
\n\n Responsive web design is a total must-have nowadays as most people also use mobile devices\n for browsing the Internet. Once your website is responsive it will automatically adjust\n itself to every size of a mobile device (smartphone, tablet). Pay attention to additional\n elements that appear on your website, such as web push notifications,{' '}\n \n pop-ups\n \n , chat boxes. If they can not be properly displayed on a mobile device, it is better to turn\n them off for smartphones and tablets as they can harm the mobile user experience.\n
\n\n Your website needs to load fast, both desktop and mobile version, so you will not lose\n potential customers. If your page is loading for too long, even though you drive traffic,\n your website might not convert too well.{' '}\n \n Survey shows\n {' '}\n that 53% of mobile visitors leave the site after 3 seconds of loading. It is clearly one of\n the most significant factors of a resultful page. You can test website speed loading in\n tools such as{' '}\n \n GTmetrix\n \n .\n
\n\n While designing a menu test it to find out if it is equally intuitive for other people.\n Every desired element by customers on the website should be easy to find. What matters is\n also the language. Think twice about terms that you use on your website. They should be\n clear and understandable.\n
\n\n Do not overwhelm your visitors with too many elements. Nowadays minimalism is a trend for\n website design. Add only one main call-to-action button on a subpage so that users can be\n sure what action you want them to take. Also, do not annoy visitors. It can be helpful to\n use pop-ups and web push notifications but use it wisely. Implement the right amount of\n additional elements on your website so that you will not distract your potential clients.\n
\n\n Internet users very often visit a website because they are looking for help from a certain\n company. A very good idea is to provide FAQs with the most popular issues. You should also\n enable finding your contact info easily. There can be a separate page for that but you can\n also add such information at the bottom of your website. Additionally, a trend today is a\n chatbox that automatically opens after a certain time spent on the page. it should be very\n friendly, you can invite visitors to a conversation with a question like “Hello :) I’m\n Maria. How can I help you?”. You can program a chatbot (with tools like{' '}\n \n Chatfuel\n \n ) which will answer the most common questions but remember that at some point you might need\n a real person to solve more complicated issues or discuss an offer. Nevertheless, time plays\n a huge role in customer support so using marketing automation tools can help you with\n meeting your customers' expectations.\n
\n\n User experience is an empirical field which requires surveys and research. Every company or\n organization has a different target group with different preferences. To find out how your\n visitors use your website, what are they struggling with, is it fully functional and\n intuitive, you should proceed with your own research. With online tools like{' '}\n \n LiveSession\n \n , you can record visitors’ sessions on your page, watch it and easily identify issues. You\n can also use it for improving customer support - once you get a complaint on your website\n you can better navigate your client, as you have access to his session and you can follow\n his actions on the page.\n
\n\n Search engine optimization can be seen as an aspect of user experience because it determines\n whether it is easy to actually find your website on the Internet. Here you can find a few\n main elements that you should pay attention to when it comes to SEO:\n
\n\n Website optimization can be challenging but we hope that with the aforementioned handy tips\n you can increase your page’s visibility and user experience. For the most, remember that\n optimization is not a one time action. It is a process of constant website’s performance\n analyzing and improving. Good luck!{' '}\n
\n\n Filters have got a new look and have been moved to the main window for better-using\n experience. To display filters' list, click on the search bar and chose one of the\n filters.\n
\n\n The filters' list is now displayed above the sessions list. It's easier to change\n it directly from the same view.\n
\n\n Every resource and asset you create - be it an ad, landing page or email, always consists of\n multiple elements. The design, copy, CTAs, headlines, ad placements… The list goes on. With\n so many factors influencing the performance of your creations, optimising them is definitely\n not an easy task. This is when A/B testing comes in useful - and here are your 5 tips for\n better A/B tests.\n
\n\n What are A/B tests?\n
\n\n A/B testing is a very common and effective way to optimise any digital asset you create. It\n revolves around two variants – A and B – which are both tested simultaneously to find out\n which is performing better.\n
\n\n How are the tests performed, you ask? Two variants of a landing page, email or ad, as an\n example, are shown to users at random - which means that 50% of your web visitors or email\n recipients will see the version A, whereas 50% of them will see the version B. Then, the A/B\n test will indicate which version proved more popular among your audience based on specific\n metrics of your choosing.\n
\n\n This might seem like a quick fix - but in reality, it’s not. It takes time and diligence to\n get proper results, and comparing the winning variant with a new variant on and on, to keep\n optimising your assets.\n
\n\n What are the benefits of A/B testing?\n
\n\n Essentially, A/B testing takes the guesswork out of your optimisation efforts. You can\n easily check the preferences of your users, and see how they react to your assets or any\n changes to them you might have in store.\n
\nWhat exactly can be achieved with A/B tests, then?
\nOnce you’re convinced they work - here’s how to make the most of A/B tests.
\n\n Tips for better A/B tests\n
\n\n Start A/B testing with no assumptions whatsoever.\n
\n\n When you’re creating an asset and putting it to the test, you should have no assumptions\n as to how your target audience would react to certain versions of it. Let the users tell\n you which option works better for them - and don’t try to act against their opinion.\n
\n\n The results of A/B tests might not be what you expect, and this happens more often than\n you might think. The key to making the most of them, though, is to draw data-driven\n conclusions and strive to optimise your asset accordingly.\n
\n\n Test only one thing at a time.\n
\n\n It’s true that A/B testing is all about comparing two versions of a web page, email, or\n any other digital asset. The thing to remember, however, is that these versions should\n have only one varying element. So, to give you an example - if you want to test a\n specific CTA, you should create two versions of the same page with only this specific\n CTA changed. Otherwise, it might be difficult to say what actually appeals to your users\n and what doesn’t, and attribute the results of an A/B test to particular elements.\n
\n\n But, what if you want to test multiple elements of your asset (as you probably should do\n anyway)? Write down a list of such elements and prioritise them, it’s simple as that.\n Then, run your A/B tests - one at a time, to get a clear picture from the results.\n
\n\n Put your trust in qualitative analysis.\n
\n\n The best way to test anything is to ask your audience for detailed feedback or, even\n better, to see for yourself how they use your assets. Even if you consult the designs\n with your team or friends, you’re already gaining qualitative insights. Still, when you\n hear about a certain issue from your users first-hand or actually watch someone navigate\n your site - you get a strong proof of what might not be working as well as you expected.\n
\n\n That’s precisely why user session recordings & replays work so well with A/B\n testing.\n \n Session replays\n {' '}\n are recorded visits of users actually browsing your site. Of course, since it’s\n basically an observation you’re making, it’s subject to your own biases. Nevertheless,\n recordings are a goldmine of information and a great tool for finding bottlenecks in\n your user experience.\n
\n\n Use the right tools.\n
\n\n If you want to do A/B testing the right way (especially if you want to leverage session\n replays), you’ll need a proper tool for this purpose. There are plenty of factors that\n affect such tests, which is why trying to conduct them all manually is really difficult\n (and frankly, often ineffective). Tools like{' '}\n \n LiveSession\n \n ,{' '}\n \n Omniconvert\n \n ,{' '}\n \n AB Tasty\n {' '}\n or{' '}\n \n Freshmail\n {' '}\n can easily help you create the right environment needed to run A/B tests. This, in turn,\n helps you get valid results that will make a real difference to your optimisation\n efforts.\n
\n\n Define what metrics you’re after and document all your results.\n
\n\n Before you run any test, decide how you’re going to measure its success. In fact, there\n should be one metric in particular that will help you determine the winning version of\n your asset. Such metrics can be different, depending on the actual result you’re trying\n to achieve. Pick something measurable which has an impact on your business. The{' '}\n \n conversion rate\n {' '}\n is a great example here. Other{' '}\n \n metrics that are worth tracking\n {' '}\n include bounce rates and exit rates.\n
\n\n Once you have the metrics covered, don’t forget to document all your tests and their\n results. This will not only save you some effort on repeating it but also help you see\n the improvements over time. Not to mention that these results can reveal deep insights\n about your customers and their preferences, which is definitely something worth to keep\n in mind at all times.\n
\n\n Take your digital assets to the next level with A/B tests\n
\n\n There’s no single best practice when it comes to A/B tests - you can pretty much test\n whatever elements you want to. It makes most sense to test on pages that already have some\n traffic, as this is more likely to make a difference to your company’s bottom line. The most\n important thing, however, is to stay consistent and have patience.\n
\n\n Usually, a recommended time span for an A/B test is{' '}\n \n between one to four weeks\n \n . The recommended minimum is 7-14 days. This amount of time can be flexible, though,\n depending on the amount of traffic or interest your digital assets receives. The frequency\n of tests also varies - but keep in mind that the goal is to optimise your assets constantly.\n
\n\n For best results, combine quantitative and qualitative insights to come up with even better\n solutions for your digital assets. Once you’re at it - definitely{' '}\n \n \n give session replays a try\n \n .\n {' '}\n LiveSession is here to help you out!\n
\n\n Watching session replays became smoother. We’ve just launched autoplay in\n LiveSession!\n
\n\n When one recording ends, you’ll see a progress bar. You can choose to replay the same\n session once again or cancel the autoplay. If you do nothing, you’ll be{' '}\n automatically redirected to the next session.\n
\n\n Go to your{' '}\n \n session recording list\n {' '}\n and try it yourself!\n
\n\n As usual, if you have any questions or ideas for improvement, feel free to get in touch via\n live chat or send us an email to{' '}\n hello@livesession.io\n
\n\n It is easier to manage users in your team now. Owners and admins can delete users directly\n from a list. Also, invitations are now grouped in a seperated list with options to resend or\n cancel.\n
\nFrustrating user experience can be improved faster than you think.
\n\n If you’re familiar with our guide to{' '}\n \n understanding user frustration\n \n , you’ve already read a thing or two about rage clicks and error clicks. In this blog post,\n we’re going to cover this topic in more detail. You’ll learn:\n
\nReady to say goodbye to frustration? Let’s dive in!
\nA situation like this one probably sounds familiar to you:
\n\n You’re on a website, trying to complete a goal. You finally found the button you’re looking\n for: Proceed, Buy now, Read more – you name it.\n
\nThen, you try to click on it.
\n\nNothing happens.
\nYou click again. Still, nothing happens.
\n\n\n Click, click. Click, click, click, click.\n
\nA disaster you’d rather avoid, right?
\nYou get angry and keep clicking even more, even faster.
\n\n This is what we call a rage click. It happens when a user clicks (or taps)\n on a specific section of a website repeatedly, very fast, in frustration. You could also say\n that it’s a digital parallel of pressing the elevator button a couple of times in a row when\n it’s not responding. Overall, a rage click is a very clear signal that your visitor wasn’t\n able to achieve their goal.\n
\n\n Rather than being related to an emotional reaction, error clicks are based\n on technical issues. In LiveSession, we’re talking about an error click{' '}\n when a JavaScript error occurs.\n
\n\n If you’re not particularly tech-savvy and this term doesn’t sound clear to you, here’s a\n quick explanation:\n
\n\n JavaScript (often abbreviated as JS) is one of the most popular programming languages used\n to build web pages. A popular metaphor claims that this language was made to “\n \n make pages alive\n \n ”. When a particular JS element is not working, it means you’re dealing with a JavaScript\n error.\n
\n\n In this case, the user doesn’t have to click on something many times in a row. Just one\n click is enough for the tracking tool to detect an error. What’s more, sometimes the users\n don’t even notice that something is broken within the app. Most of the time, however, error\n clicks indicate that you need to prioritize the issue.\n
\n\n LiveSession detects error clicks and rage clicks automatically. You can find all the\n sessions with these types of clicks very easily – all you need to do is select a filter from\n the drop-down menu\n
\n\n If needed, you can use more advanced filters, too. Rage clicks can be\n filtered based on the CSS selector or text, while error clicks can also be\n sorted according to a specific type of error:\n
\n\n If you would like to read more about using filters in LiveSession, our\n \n guide to user segmentation\n {' '}\n is sure to come in handy.\n
\nIn this part of the article:
\n\n Let’s dive deeper to find out how to leverage rage click and error clicks in your user\n research strategy!\n
\nSome of the most common occurrences for rage clicks include:
\n\n Rage clicks happen when a text looks like a hyperlink (e.g. it’s in a different color, in\n bold or underlined) but it’s not really clickable. Oftentimes, the user is certain that\n they’re dealing with a link and keep clicking on it, expecting to be redirected to a\n different page.\n
\n\n When a user is filling a form and they got the postcode format or their credit card number\n wrong, they might not be able to proceed. If the error message is not clear, they will keep\n clicking on the Proceed\n or Send button repeatedly, until they realize that something is wrong, or worse,\n leave the page.\n
\n\n Sometimes users are expecting certain elements to act in a certain way (in this case, to be\n clickable), yet the website behaves differently. Still, the user is trying to follow the\n expected path – a desire path, also known as goat track or bootleg trail.\n This term is best explained with one of the most popular examples in the history of UX:\n
\n\n In this case, the user doesn’t want to take the established road and chooses the shortcut\n instead, just because it’s faster and more natural.\n
\n\n Desire paths can be based on the expectations, too. For instance, if the user goes on your\n company blog and clicks on the logo of your product in the top left corner, they probably\n expect to be taken back to the main page. If the logo is not clickable, they might try to\n click on it again, and again – and here goes our rage click.\n
\n\n A rage click may also indicate that a particular element of your page takes too long to\n load. What’s more, this phenomenon may occur when the entire page is loading and the user\n keeps clicking on the loading screen to see if something will happen. Keep in mind that this\n is more likely to happen if a slow response comes with an unclear message – the user\n gets lost and keeps clicking to get any kind of feedback.\n
\n\n Most of the time you can take action to improve the page speed, yet sometimes the fault lies\n somewhere else. In that case, we’re talking about false rage clicks.\n
\n\n It might happen that a rage click is detected when it’s not related to the interface design.\n We call it a false positive rage click, which might be due to a poor\n internet connection or a lagging device. It always pays off to double-check a recording to\n see if a rage click is caused by an external reason or maybe there is something that can be\n improved on your website.\n
\n\n As mentioned above, error clicks are logged based on JavaScript errors. When the user\n notices that a particular element is broken, they might start clicking on it repeatedly.\n This is why error clicks are often registered together with rage clicks,\n like in the example below:\n
\n\n In such cases, you can see that the visitor was frustrated and you can also see what kind of\n error caused the frustration. When you have complete information handy, it’s much easier to\n start working on the bug.\n
\n\n Rage clicks and error clicks detection is a handy feature designed to help\n you spot the most urgent issues as soon as possible. You don’t have to search manually to\n find the main points of frustration. Instead, your session recording app will keep track of\n them automatically. This makes work much smoother for everyone involved, including\n developers, UX designers and customer service agents.\n
\n\n If you’re not monitoring the frustration of your users yet, it’s high time you started\n paying more attention. It’s a simple and efficient way to learn more about your visitors and\n improve their experience – and in the end, this is how you make your customers happy and\n loyal.{' '}\n
\n\n If you want your business to be successful, increasing customer loyalty is a critical piece\n of the puzzle.\n
\n\n\n In fact, customer loyalty is the missing link that will help you turn a middle-of-the-road\n business into a household name. Customer loyalty can turn one-off buyers into brand\n evangelists who keep coming back again and again when done correctly.{' '}\n
\n\n\n As it turns out, though, there are no easy ways to create customer loyalty. It comes from\n good, old-fashioned hard work.\n
\n\n\n In this post, we’ll discuss a few of the top ways you can generate customer loyalty for your\n business and how to leverage it to help your brand grow.{' '}\n
\n\nLet’s dive in.
\n\n Just to make sure we’re all on the same page, let’s take a look at what customer loyalty\n means.\n
\n\n\n Put simply: customer loyalty is what happens when a customer conducts a transaction with a\n brand on an ongoing basis.\n
\n\n\n Sounds simple, right? Sure, but there’s a lot that goes into creating it. Ultimately,\n loyalty comes in all different shapes and sizes, depending on the brand.{' '}\n
\n\n\n According to some brands, loyalty is more than just a customer’s buying behavior. These\n brands define loyalty as brand evangelism, as well. According to other companies, loyalty is\n what happens when a customer will only buy from a single brand, regardless of how much they\n share about that brand after a purchase.{' '}\n
\n\n\n No matter how you define it, brand loyalty is a critical part of a great company. Creating\n it is essential to long-term success and upward mobility.{' '}\n
\n\n\n After all, recent research suggests that it is{' '}\n \n 6-7x more expensive\n {' '}\n to acquire a new customer than to sell to an existing one.{' '}\n
\n\n\n With that in mind, it’s clear that customer loyalty matters and that it’s in your best\n interests to invest in it. Additionally, about{' '}\n 80% of a company’s future profits will come from just{' '}\n \n 20% of its customers\n \n .{' '}\n
\n\n Not convinced that customer loyalty is that important? Here are some critical{' '}\n \n statistics\n {' '}\n to chew on:\n
\n\n No matter what business you’re in, customer loyalty matters. Cultivating it will save your\n brand money and make it easier to scale your company in the long term.{' '}\n
\n\n Whether you’re a new brand or an established company, these tips can help you generate\n customer loyalty through your website.\n
\n\n What gets measured gets managed. That’s as true for a sales development process as it is\n with anything else.{' '}\n
\n\n\n To ensure your customers can move through your pipeline in a streamlined and simplified way,\n build a sales development process for your brand.{' '}\n
\n\n\n For best results,{' '}\n \n create a sales development process\n {' '}\n with the end goal in mind. Every CTA on your website (along with all your sales team’s\n interactions with customers via chatbot or other methods) should be working toward moving\n the customer to the end goal.\n
\n\n Above all else, commit yourself to{' '}\n \n good communication with customers\n \n . Good service is what makes loyal customers. Ensure your customer service team is properly\n equipped and trained for good communication. This will provide positive customer\n interactions.\n
\n\n Datacenter monitoring makes it easy for customers to get in touch with your sales team. Look\n at how this page for{' '}\n \n data center monitoring\n {' '}\n provides CTAs that stand out on the page. They encourage users to contact the sales team.{' '}\n
\n\n\n They have a process in place which has been set up as a result of continuous\n experimentation.\n
\n\n The web is becoming increasingly social. With that in mind, investing in social channels is\n a good way to cultivate customer loyalty for your company.{' '}\n
\n\n\n If you haven’t already, turn your content team into a social machine. Your team should\n create a stream of steady social media posts on-brand with your company’s mission, focus,\n and voice.{' '}\n
\n\n\n For example,{' '}\n \n VPNGuru\n {' '}\n creates a series of reviews for the top VPN services. They not only create articles to\n improve their search rankings and SEO, but they also create videos on YouTube to stay\n visible on platforms that their audience uses.\n
\n\n Source:{' '}\n \n VPNGuru\n \n
\nThe result will be an engaged following that looks forward to what you post next.
\n\n\n One great way to boost customer loyalty is to get people talking about their experiences and\n switch your brand.\n
\n\n\n Use a site like Yelp or G2 to collect customer reviews and testimonials or share\n user-generated content that focuses on telling the story of how and why people use your\n products.{' '}\n
\n\n\n When you showcase the content produced directly by your most loyal customers, you’ll get a\n head-start on boosting your customer loyalty across the board. For a brand that does it\n well, look no further than{' '}\n \n Swagbucks\n \n .\n
\n\n\n The brand is excellent at witty social commentary and interacting with customers on social\n media platforms.\n
\n\n Source:{' '}\n \n Twitter\n \n
\n\n UX (which stands for user experience) is a powerful tool for driving ongoing customer\n loyalty and engagement. While virtually every brand today has a website, not all of them\n offer a great UX.{' '}\n
\n\n\n As you establish and fine-tune your online presence, make sure you’re paying special\n attention to your UX. One of the best ways to do this is to collect website feedback as you\n grow and scale.{' '}\n
\n\n\n While you may think your site looks nice, your customers might not think it functions well.\n Heeding this feedback is a critical step in developing a functional, inviting, user-friendly\n website that makes your customers want to keep coming back.{' '}\n
\n\n While this is a time-consuming process, it pays dividends down the road. You can use a\n chatbot to take feedback from website visitors. You can even take interviews of your most\n valuable users to get honest feedback about your products and services.\n
\n\nFor an example of a brand that dominates UX, turn to Amazon.
\n\n\n Amazon has won the UX game with a streamlined interface and convenient options, like\n one-click checkout.\n
\n\n Source:{' '}\n \n Amazon\n \n
\n\n Collecting customer feedback is an essential component of customer loyalty, but it's\n something many brands are simply afraid to do.{' '}\n
\n\n\n The more you talk to and listen to your customers, though, the better off you’ll be in the\n long run. As you seek to maximize your customer acquisition efforts, it's smart to\n invest in retaining your current customers.\n
\n\n\n Remember that customer churn is very expensive, and you want to keep your existing customer\n happy enough to keep coming back. It’s also important that they recommend your brand to\n friends, loved ones, and associates.{' '}\n
\n\n With that in mind, don’t stop learning. Keep polling your current customers to find out what\n they’re happy with, what they’re not, and what they do differently. It’s an excellent way to\n improve your offerings and keep customers coming back.{' '}\n
\n\n\n If you can keep your customers happy and satisfied with your products and services, they are\n more likely to recommend you to their friends and family.{' '}\n
\n\n Build your network of in-house and outsourced team members so you have the right skills for\n the job. Building a hybrid team has advantages.{' '}\n
\n\n\n The more great people you can call on at any given moment, the better. Plus, having a large\n network of team members means you’ll have a strong culture and a network large enough to\n carry your{' '}\n \n company's mission\n {' '}\n forward.{' '}\n
\n\n\n Team building is one of the most important aspects of winning against your competitors.\n Focus on building a strong team that can take challenges head-on while staying innovative.{' '}\n
\n\n Apple-like customer loyalty doesn't happen overnight. Instead, you’ve got to build it\n through a series of focused, dedicated efforts.{' '}\n
\n\n\n When you commit yourself to your brand and growing your network, you can quickly start to\n reap the benefits of customer loyalty.{' '}\n
\n\n\n Even a few simple changes to your website can go a long way toward building your brand and\n encouraging more customers to visit your site each day.\n
\n\n We just introduced a brand new feature called inspect mode.\n
\n\n When you’re watching a recording, you can switch to the Page Insights tab. The recording\n will stop and you’ll be able to select a particular element. This will allow you to browse\n recordings in which the users have interacted with this element.\n
You can choose to browse sessions according to two different variables:
\n\n We hope you like it! Other new improvements are coming soon. If you think something needs\n improvement, or do you have an idea for functionality? Write to us:{' '}\n hello@livesession.io\n
\n\n From now, you can easily share segments with your team. What's more, you can also set\n visibility of a segment by turning on "Related to website" (it will be only\n visible for the currently selected website).\n
\n\n Wondering how you can keep using your user research methods during the pandemic times? It’s\n much easier than you think! Here’s a guide to adapting your UX methods to the remote times.\n
\n\n Before the global pandemic hit us, you had the option of conducting user experience research\n either remotely or in-person. While the participants were performing tasks in a lab, you\n could be watching how they behave and what obstacles they might encounter.\n
\n\n It seems like those times are not returning anytime soon. Nowadays, when social distancing\n is crucial and avoiding gatherings is recommended, in-person research is simply out of the\n question. Telling when (or if) it will be back is virtually impossible. No matter what’s\n your industry or company size, adapting to the new, remote world is crucial. This also\n applies to adapting your UX research methods.\n
\n\n Fortunately, remote user-search methods aren’t anything new. Companies have been conducting\n remote user research for years, even if it was on a small scale. Even companies who didn’t\n use remote UX research methods before can quickly adapt to using those methods of testing.\n Below we’re listing the main advantages to convince you:\n
\nAs a rule of thumb, we can divide UX research methods into two types:
\n\n Qualitative –{' '}\n \n Qualitative methods\n {' '}\n can tell you more about your participant and their behaviour in a given situation. This\n way, you can find out what they think and how they feel about your product or service,\n how they use your product and what kind of comments they might have. Examples of\n qualitative research methods include session recordings, questionnaires with open-ended\n questions, and interviews.{' '}\n
\n\n Quantitative – This type of research provides you with numerical data.\n It can be used to find out how many times a specific link was clicked, how many people\n have completed a particular action, or how many times a product was bought. The most\n prominent examples of quantitative research include A/B tests and questionnaires with\n close-ended questions, such as the Net Promoter Score.\n
\n\n Source:{' '}\n \n SurveyMonkey\n \n
\n\n So, which approach should you use? This depends on what kind of data you need. If you’d like\n to find out “how much” or “how many”, then the quantitative approach will be helpful. When\n you’d like to see what kind of problems your users have, or why a specific thing is\n happening, qualitative methods are what you need.\n
\n\n You can also combine qualitative methods with quantitative ones. For example, you might have\n seen a “How would you rate your experience” survey with a field to add your own comment.\n This is an example of a research method that gives you both a numerical value and an insight\n on what the customer thinks about the interaction as a whole.\n
\n\n Once you know what kind of data you need for your business, it’s time to choose the UX\n research methods that would work best in your case. Here’s an overview of some of the most\n popular ones you can easily use remotely.\n
\n\n It’s a popular usability testing method that also happens to be remote-friendly. In this\n case, your participants can either use a released product or an interactive prototype.\n They’re asked to describe their actions as they go, just like they’re thinking out loud.\n This method is sure to bring insights if your users have issues with a specific task. If you\n need to test your MVP, it will also come in handy.\n
\n\n When you think about remote user research, surveys and questionnaires are probably the first\n things that come to mind. For instance, you can ask users about the features they’d like to\n see, and use a dedicated framework to prioritize them. The MoSCoW method is\n really simple and inexpensive. You present a list of features to the user and ask them\n whether a particular solution is a must have, nice to have, could have, or if they\n don’t care about it at all (won’t have).\n
\n\n An affordable research method that doesn’t even require any involvement from the user! A/B\n testing is a type of experiment when one part of the audience sees one version of the\n website, and the second part sees another. You can then compare the results for both\n variants and see which one is more effective. It’s an easy way to track how a single\n variable impacts the user experience.\n
\n\n Want to read a bit more about A/B testing? You’ll enjoy our{' '}\n \n handy A/B testing guide\n \n .\n
\n\n IDI is a purely qualitative method. In this case, you ask a single user about their needs,\n expectations, or issues they’ve experienced while using a service or an app. It’s a great\n way to get in-depth insights and step in the user’s shoes. What’s more, it might also be a\n source of surprising findings you wouldn’t get to with quantitative methods.\n
\n\n Card sorting is about asking participants to sort topics or ideas into either already given\n categories (closed card sorting) or ones they created themselves (open card sorting). This\n makes it easier for you to understand how the users assign content into categories, and how\n you can make navigation more intuitive.\n
\n\n \n
\n\n Found a method to suit your needs? Great! Now it’s time to focus on choosing the right tools\n for your remote study. We’re well aware that the number of UX tools available on the market\n right now is quite large. If you’re not quite sure what you need, you might get easily\n confused. We’re here to help you out:\n
\n\n If you’re working remotely, it’s pretty likely you’re using a video{' '}\n \n communication tool\n {' '}\n daily. They’re essential for remote research, too. When you decide on one, make sure it\n allows you to record the session so you can analyze it later.\n
\n\n Our choice for remote UX research:{' '}\n \n Zoom\n \n
\n\n These tools are a brilliant source of qualitative data. Watching a session replay feels a\n lot like you’re sitting next to the user. Thanks to them, you can find plenty of areas for\n improvement.\n
\n\n Our choice for remote research: \n \n LiveSession\n \n
\n \n Test LiveSession now and see how easy it is. Try it for free.\n \n\n During the sessions, you’ll be taking a lot of notes. Having them on sheets on paper or\n sticky notes might be a bit troublesome – it’s not hard to lose some of them! Fortunately,\n there are tools to help you organize and then analyze your notes. With those, you can keep\n all of your data in one place and come back to it anytime.\n
\n\n Our choice for remote UX testing sessions:{' '}\n \n Reframer\n \n
\n\n Last but not least, there’s a{' '}\n \n choice of tools\n {' '}\n that make setting up A/B experiments as easy as possible. Most of them provide you with a\n ready-to-analyze statistical analysis so you can draw actionable insights right away.\n
\n\n Example:{' '}\n \n Optimizely\n \n
\n\n It looks like we won’t be returning to our usual ways anytime soon. Because of this,\n learning how to use remote UX research methods is sure to prove useful. It might seem\n challenging at first to set everything up remotely, especially if you were used to in-person\n meetings. Luckily, there’s a wide range of remote research tools to help you out. Who knows,\n maybe it will turn out that you actually prefer remote research? Why not give it a try?\n
\n\n The web can be a source of all kinds of emotions, ranging from pure happiness to sheer\n frustration. Of course, everyone wants to avoid the latter – and not without a reason.\n According to research conducted at{' '}\n \n Boston College\n \n , we tend to remember the negative things in more detail than the positive ones. Once\n something frustrating happens, it’s more likely to stick than the good things.{' '}\n \n PWC’s report\n {' '}\n reflects this dependence, as it claims that 32% of customers are likely to abandon the brand\n they loved after just one bad experience.\n
\nHow do you prevent frustration from happening? And what can you do once it arises?
\nIn this article, we’re going to cover the following topics:
\nKeep reading to improve your user experience and make your visitors happier!
\n\n According to a UX survey conducted by{' '}\n \n Clutch\n \n , unreliability is one of the main causes of frustration when using a website. The\n same survey suggests that 63% of users (which is almost two-thirds) will abandon a website\n permanently if they find it unreliable.\n
\n\n This means that if a user stumbles upon a broken link, an irrelevant CTA button or a 404\n error, they probably won’t be patient enough to stay and try again. Therefore, errors on\n your website are the burning issue that needs to be solved right away. They prevent the user\n from fulfilling their main goal – and why would they stay, if they can’t get what they want?\n
\nThe more, the better – or is it?
\n\n\n You might think that offering a bigger choice to the visitor will make them happier.\n Research by an American psychologist{' '}\n \n Barry Schwartz\n {' '}\n suggests that having too much choice leads to anxiety and, you guessed it, frustration.{' '}\n
\n\n\n This phenomenon can be explained through the main principles of cognitive psychology. No\n matter how trivial, every choice is a cognitive load. Our resources are limited and, if\n possible, we refrain from making too many decisions. If the user is faced with too many\n decisions, they’re quite likely to choose the easy way – decision avoidance. For you,\n it means they will just leave the website.{' '}\n
\n\n That’s not the only explanation, though. Schwartz also claims that no matter what we choose,{' '}\n \n we won’t be entirely happy\n {' '}\n – because what if there was a better alternative and we rejected it?\n
\n\n So, how does it apply to web design and UX?{' '}\n \n Dan Brown\n \n , an information architecture guru, came up with the principle of choices – the point\n is to give your users a certain degree of freedom, but not overwhelm them with options.\n Instead of confronting people with a lot of decisions at once, the user journey can be\n simplified or divided into smaller steps. One of the best ways to make that happen is{' '}\n search filtering, like in the case of most clothing retailers. Instead of browsing\n thousands of items, you can focus on little black dresses instead.\n
\n\n In the age of everything fast, we want to access the information right away. How fast is\n right away, though?\n
\n\n \n 40% of users\n {' '}\n will abandon your website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. And that’s not all – the\n visitors are even more demanding when it comes to mobile experiences. According to{' '}\n \n Google\n {' '}\n itself, 53% are likely to leave a website if it’s loading for more than 3 seconds on a\n mobile device.\n
\n\n So, is it alright if you manage below the magical 3-second benchmark and just leave it\n there?\n
\n\n Well, not exactly. It’s more like every little helps.\n
\n\n When it comes to companies like Amazon, even a 0.1 increase in page loading time results in\n a 1% decrease in sales. In terms of an e-commerce giant like that, we’re talking about a{' '}\n \n $1.3 billion\n {' '}\n annual loss. Even if you’re not running a huge international business, improving your\n website speed can be a quick win, too.\n
\n\n Your users won’t find what they’re looking for if they don’t know where to look for it –\n simple as that.\n
\n\n Communication can be misleading on many levels. You might be using tech jargon and not see\n any problem with it, but your visitors still won’t understand what you’re trying to say.\n Reinventing the wheel usually isn’t working either – if a certain action, or a feature, is\n commonly known as “X”, most of the time it doesn’t make much sense to rename it. Instead of\n making your users curious, you’re more likely to confuse them instead.\n
\n\n Most communication errors don’t lead to complete resignation, but they make the process\n unnecessarily complicated. When it comes to improving{' '}\n \n customer experience\n \n , it’s a huge field for improvement.\n
\n\n To find the sources of frustration, you need to see what the users are doing on your\n website. Session recording tools like{' '}\n \n LiveSession\n {' '}\n will help you get started. Certain on-screen behaviours are a clear indication that\n something is not going right. Some of the most prominent ones include error clicks{' '}\n and rage clicks.\n
\n\n Ever clicked on something that was supposed to be clickable and it wasn’t working? This is\n what we call an error click. Technically speaking, error clicks are detected when a\n JavaScript error occurs. And less technically speaking, this feature allows you to find out\n immediately when something is broken on your website.\n
\n\n Rage clicks, on the other hand, are detected when the user clicks on the same feature\n very fast, multiple times in a row. This is a very clear indicator that they’re frustrated.\n It might happen when they’re trying to move to the next step, send a form or purchase\n something and the button is not working.\n
\n\n If you would like to learn more, you might be interested in our{' '}\n \n in-depth article on error clicks and rage clicks\n \n .\n
\n\n Most of the time, when the visitor is frustrated, they won’t stick around for too long –\n hence they won’t fill any survey that pops up. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use surveys\n altogether, though! This method can be really helpful when it comes to collecting feedback\n from returning users. When someone’s loyal to your brand and they’ve been using your product\n for a long time, they’re very likely to have some interesting insights and suggestions.\n
\n\n This requires a certain level of{' '}\n \n design maturity\n {' '}\n , but it’s sure to pay off in the long run.\n
\n\n\n If you’ve been working on your product for a while now, there were probably different people\n and different methods involved. When you run a{' '}\n \n UX audit\n {' '}\n and a{' '}\n \n content audit\n {' '}\n of your website, you’ll soon notice that not all pages are designed according to the same\n rules and some elements have different names across the website.\n
\n\n Now, try looking at this state of things from the perspective of your user. Wouldn’t that\n feel confusing if one feature had different design and a different name, depending on how\n you reach it? You don’t always think about it when creating your digital product, yet your\n users are going to notice this at first glance – and they might find it incredibly\n misleading and frustrating.\n
\n\n Your bounce rates may tell you where to look, but they won’t tell you exactly why the users\n leave your website. Combining your quantitative data (e.g.{' '}\n \n Google Analytics\n \n ) with qualitative insights from LiveSession will help you understand when and why your\n users are getting frustrated.\n
\n\n The key to preventing user frustration and handling it effectively is{' '}\n in-depth research and monitoring. We highly encourage you to track user behavior and\n analyze it in order to find fields for improvement. Thanks to tools like LiveSession, you’ll\n be able to spot the most urgent issues immediately, too.{' '}\n
\nYou can now export a top lists to CSV with a single click.
\n We hope you like it! Other new improvements are coming soon. If you think something needs\n improvement, or do you have an idea for functionality? Write to us:{' '}\n hello@livesession.io\n
\n\n UX or UE is short for user experience. It describes the interaction between the user and a\n product or service. User experience takes into account utility, usability, and efficiency.\n The UX is an essential factor when designing a business. User-friendliness increases\n positive brand perception and increases profitability in the long run.{' '}\n
\n\n User experience isn’t exclusively related to websites and online ventures. The concept\n applies to most products and services, even from brick-and-mortar industries. However, the\n most common occurrence of UX notions relates to website design. Having an online platform\n that provides added value and is easy to use is vital. For instance, 14% of people visiting\n a college’s website want to know more about the institution. Now, if the website has poor\n UX, the conversion rate is lower. Meaning that because of bad UX, fewer students are going\n to consider signing up at that school. Surveys from Research in Higher Education Journal\n found that a college website was an “important” factor in deciding campus attendance.\n Participants also indicated that an “attractive and clear” website is more appealing and\n influenced them the most.{' '}\n
\n\n Although somewhat subjective, there are a few points you should take into account when\n designing a website to increase the student experience. Let’s have a look:{' '}\n
\n\n Students need tools to study and get their homework done. An excellent way to improve UX is\n to provide school-related apps on your website. It’s best if you could embed the apps\n directly on your website. But alternatively, you could create a hyperlink list of useful\n apps such as:{' '}\n
\n\n It’s always best to compare your product with the competition. Make a list of all the\n industry-leading players in your market. Examine your strengths and weaknesses related to\n your competition. See where you can get better. To win more customers, survey the most\n desirable aspects of your product. Improve your most sought-after features and expand your\n clientele.{' '}\n
\nThere are multiple ways to examine your competitors. However, two points are vital:
\n\n Starting a competition analysis entails knowing everything about your service. Then, it’s\n time to compare your service to leading competitors. The comparison is based on standard\n principles called heuristics. A heuristic evaluation measures the user interface design by\n specific criteria. More precisely, the assessment considers UI patterns, system consistency,\n searchability, error incidence, etc.{' '}\n
\n\n Daniel Newman, a Forbes contributor, puts into perspective the importance of competitor\n analysis:{' '}\n
\n\n \n “You can’t see what’s wrong with your UX if you don’t examine the data. Clients will move\n to another website if the experience isn’t flawless. There are just too many alternatives\n to stay on a sub-par website.”\n \n
\n\n {' '}\n The UX design has to be evaluated by all team members, not just the programmers. Otherwise,\n you’ll risk designing a UX interface that’s not right for every-day use. Considering context\n means analyzing real-life situations. Set up surveys and eye-tracking studies to see how do\n people effectively interact with your platform.\n
\n\n Statistical data can deliver valuable input. For instance, is the general user a frequent\n consumer or habitual? Where does he look first? Are there any stutter-points in his\n navigation? Once you know how your typical user behaves, you can start building or updating\n your UX.{' '}\n
\n\n Industry-leading companies in your field are likely to have sponsored customer behavior\n researches for their UX. Observe their layout, obtain as much information, and try to emula\n te their strategy.{' '}\n
\n\n Add geo-localization that changes the website’s language. This way, you’ll use the right\n words even for international users. There are a ton of language tools you can use. You’ll\n drastically improve UX just through this small plug-in app.{' '}\n
\n\n Loyal users will want to customize their account and in-page features. It’s best if you\n allocate some resources to making pages as customizable as possible. Think about it; you’re\n designing a website for students who’ll spend considerable time on your pages. Why not\n provide personalization options for him so that his stay is even more pleasurable?{' '}\n
\n\n You want to create a website that’s useful for the student throughout the day. Devise custom\n features so the student can make your website his home.{' '}\n
\n\n White spaces are vital in showcasing text and website elements. They provide a buffer zone\n for the human eyes to scan information. An aerated page is more efficient and attractive. By\n using white spaces, you improve the page’s color contrast. Designers can use it as a\n framework to highlight important info.{' '}\n
\n\n Very few people prefer cluttered websites. Having too many elements piled up together with\n unnecessary graphics lowers comprehension. Conversely, empty-looking pages aren’t popular\n either. The best thing is to deliver the right amount of information at the right time.\n Displaying too much is overwhelming, while too little is just – disappointing.{' '}\n
\n\n Although a simple plug-in, most websites don’t have a night-mode feature, and they’re losing\n out. Some clients will even abandon a site if it doesn’t have a dark mode. It’s especially\n true for websites where there’s a lot of reading or writing. For instance, college paper\n writing services or local digital newspapers can benefit from a visible dark-mode switch.\n Firstly, the night-mode can save up battery up to 60%. Secondly, the user’s eyes don’t hurt\n that much. Sum both factors up, and you have a user that spends much more time on your\n website. He’ll even bookmark it because of this.{' '}\n
\n\n Figure out your main calls-to-action and plan them out through the site map. It’s important\n to remind users of their options and possibilities. Examine your users’ primary navigation\n routes and implement sticky or visible buttons, especially for mobile and tablet.\n
\n\n The website’s architecture differs from PC to other devices. Run some tests for mobile and\n tablets. You’ll most likely have to use fewer call-to-actions due to less space.{' '}\n
\n\n Nobody likes a lagging website. For instance, 47% of clients expect a page loading time of\n under two seconds. More so, 39% of those users will immediately leave if the loading time is\n too long. So, you could lose almost half of the users with a slow website. Improving loading\n time is vital. Studies from Google show that loading times directly influence how much the\n user spends surfing and his happiness.{' '}\n
\n\n Google’s SEO also ranks websites based on their loading times. Since 2018, Google ranks\n mobile websites based on their page loading times. It means that slower websites are ranked\n lower than faster ones. So, if you want more visibility, optimize PC, mobile, and tablet\n webpages.\n
\n\n Privacy is essential today. Some 95% of Americans are worried about how companies are using\n their data. Every website prompt asking for data is going to stir concern from your typical\n user. Try to reassure the user through non-invasive methods such as geolocation. Also,\n create a dedicated page where you explain your data needs and how you use them. Pair up with\n leading anti-virus companies to further encourage users to stay on your website.{' '}\n
\n\n {' '}\n Improving your UX for a better student experience is a multilateral endeavor. It’s best to\n provide all the tools needed for a student directly on your website. Also, make sure you\n compare yourself with your competitors to see where you can improve. Try to allow in-page\n personalization as much as possible, as well as speeding up your loading time. Don’t forget\n to add dark mode, language geo-localization, and increase security. Finally, implement\n visible call-to-action buttons, don’t clutter text, and consider that mobile and tablets\n layout pages differently.{' '}\n